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Non-denominational winter holiday armistice

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Beginning to think we should invoke one with the Mods as a UN style peacekeeping force (maybe complete with rifles and APCs).......
*thinks about it*
Jas in uniform.... biggrin :D :D sillyhwoar:
General Mark... has quite a ring to it (a bit like anus :giggle: )
Sarge locked in a tank........(permanently)
Blue as Corporal Punishment..... kinda suits her (no sarky comment as I've heard what she does with strap-ons... :shock: :eeek: bolt worship )
Jags a Major Eyeswater....... please don't ask how... :shock: lol :lol: :lol:
Dawn as Major Looseyourtrainofthought....... with that bloody avatar (best I could think of hun sorry. Maybe I'm suffering from PM-T ;) :lol: :lol: :lol: )
Missshief would have to be an undercover operative after her dogging experiences (trying very hard to look like an empty car seat.. :lol: :lol: )
Heather in charge of field operations....... (heather...field...geddit? rolleyes :doh: )
Mal........ regimental mascot (gets out regimental coat which is rubber :shock: )
Steveg...............dunno anyone know what he does? ( :P :lol: :lol: )
Jas in uniform.... :D :D :D :phwoar: :rascal: :grin:
MrsFC as Private Parts......... The resident medic.
Jas in uniform.....

TBH I think we're all getting a little fed up with threads turning into bloody arguments and before anyone mentions "if ya don't like it, don't open the thread" I'm a nosey bastard and I have a lot of spare time. OK. :rude:
So what I'm suggesting is that between now and christmas we have a no-argumnts-or-open-acts-of-hostility-or-conflict-zone (catchy eh? :D ) within the section of cyberspace known locally as The Cafe.
And for those that don't like christmas, look at it as giving the site a christmas present without actually having to buy anything or worry whether it'll like the socks/aftershave/dressing gown/kettle you bought it. wink :mrgreen:
Merry xmas.
all we are saying is give peace a chance cool
good on you Easy I am in total agreement
and before anyone is great but open hostility is another thing
Has there been open hostility today? I wanna read it! wink
im in a very chritmassy mood today
yeah i broke open one of the selection boxs
~nibble s on a crunchie~
Quote by warwick
all we are saying is give peace a chance cool
good on you Easy I am in total agreement
and before anyone is great but open hostility is another thing

Yep. :mrgreen: :thumbup:
I used to 'debate all the time before I met Countess........
redface maybe a little too much information there. surprisedops: biggrin
Quote by Happy Cats
Has there been open hostility today? I wanna read it! wink

Nope, but there's been rumblings of a possible increase in argumenting. General Mark is considering sending Dawn in to distract the situation.
no happy cats there hasnt for a while
it would just be good to keep it that way thats all
I'm now stuck in my UN tank !!
What now??
Is an un-tank one that doesnt fire shells :shock:
Quote by warwick
Is an un-tank one that doesnt fire shells :shock:

Yep - it fires sand and sea-weed but no shells !! confused :? :? :?
Quote by Sgt Bilko
I'm now stuck in my UN tank !!
What now??

Are you securely locked inside Sarge...
*muffled "yes"*
And I'm out here with the only set of keys....(who can guess where this is going. lol )
*muffled "yes"*
*easy wanders off to find a manhole without a cover*
FFS!!It's dark in here. confused :? :?
I wonder why Easy wants me to sit in here?? Perhaps he has a surprise for me but doesn't want me to see it yet. I wonder what it will be.? He's a bloody nice chap that Easy. So much better than that Neilinleeds !! He'd have me sat in here just to make a fool of me!!! :? :? :? :? :? :? still in there?
*muffled "yes"*
I've got a nice cup of tea for you.
You're obviously busy, so I'll just leave it out here for you ( :giggle: ) make sure you get it before it goes cold though.
*wanders off again*
I agree with the message of peace being stressed here but there are a lot of one liners creeping into this thread! rolleyes
Sarge as it christmas and all here is some good will towards you.

All we need now is someone to use it.
Any offers?
Ahh! Good idea. Nice cup of tea (FFS, does he not have any coffee??) (NO!! Don't start that again!!). Right I will just drink this then I must get on with my duties. Must check that the SH Clock has been wound up and that the door to the chatroom is locked so everyone has trouble getting in.
Hiold on - I can't reach it and this hatch appears to be locked !!
Easy !!

Easy !! :shock: :shock: mad :x :x :x :x
no goddammit Easy what a stupid feckin' idea!
if the mods are like generals and sergeants and stuff, then all us poor privates are gonna have to stand to attention and just follow orders . . . . .
oh! :doh:
i get it!
nice one! biggrin
with you 100% easy! i'm quite into the odd bit of a corporal these days meself! redface
n x x x :P
No one-liners here. biggrin
I'm still stuck at Jas in uniform :crazy: :giggle:
ooooooooooh can't I be incharge if BOUNCING bombs??? lol
Either that or I can help Sarge with his gear stick :giggle:
Dawn :silly:
Jags a Major Eyeswater....... please don't ask how... icon_ icon_ icon_ icon_

WOW - this I could get to like.
:twisted: :twisted:
Quote by Dawn_Mids
I'm still stuck at Jas in uniform :crazy: :giggle:
ooooooooooh can't I be incharge if BOUNCING bombs??? lol
Dawn :silly:

dawn please stop right there! i had a nasty accident with gearsticks earlier in the week, and all vaguely suggestive thoughts of women in or out of uniform are right out for a few days! redface
I just don't know what to doooooo with myself . . . dum dum dum!
(((white stripes if you were wondering! no? never mind! )))
<<< neilinleeds . . . extremely frustrated . . . >>>
sorry that was waaaaaay TMI wasn't it? :lol2:
n x x x :P
Quote by Jags

Jags a Major Eyeswater....... please don't ask how... icon_ icon_ icon_ icon_

WOW - this I could get to like.
:twisted: :twisted:
nooooooo :shock: what have you done coming... nuts in crackers springs to I don't know about you but I've sat down awkwardly before now and that was enough go and bloody invite jags to become Major eyeswater FFS!!!!!
eeerrmm I think I spotted a post by Easy, that wasn't very complimentary and bordered on argumentative which in my humble and very freindly view goes against the spirit of goodwill that this very thread is trying to generate....can't remember where I saw it ...but see it I did so...............
where would you like us to post him too :giggle:
Quote by davej
:twisted: :twisted:

where would you like us to post him too :giggle:
HELL - c/o Major EyesWater,
End of the World as We Know it!
Quote by Jags
End of the World as We Know it!

and I feel fine.
Can this please be a non-denominational Winter Holiday armastace, instead of a C*****mas one?
i'm with you on that Vix, BAH to this Jebus stuff!
And I didn't even get a mention!! Nor did Steveg!!! Bastards!!! mad
(Where's that deactivate button?!!!!)
Mal.............................................spelt M A L !!!
Quote by mal609
And I didn't even get a mention!! Nor did Steveg!!! Bastards!!! mad
(Where's that deactivate button?!!!!)
Mal.............................................spelt M A L !!!

see jags, another fLuck up by Easy, left out two mods .....go on, take him away and do all sorts of 'evil make his eyes water' sort of things.
Can we see the video :twisted:
Quote by Vix
End of the World as We Know it!

and I feel fine.
Can this please be a non-denominational Winter Holiday armastace, instead of a C*****mas one?

bah humbug! i bloody hate xmas! with good reason! sad

Jags? i have it on good authority the end of the world isn't till 2012, so we're ok just yet! biggrin
and vix, don't you be getting all glastonbury pagan on us! but since you mentioned the M word in another thread . . . how about . . . we celebrate . . .
Mithras, The Invincible Sun, Osiris, Hercules, Adonis, Freyer, Brumalia, Saturnalia, Yule, Alban Arthuan, Winter Solstice etc etc?
surely enough to keep everyone happy there! just take yer pick? you can still have the mistletoe ((( poor Balder! ))) and the tree and stuff! :P
Elissamay? we're actually in agreement! :shock: ;) surely reason enough to go over the trenches and play footie in no mans land? dunno
now back to this armistice? what's the penalty for dissension in the ranks? and will i most likely like it?
n x x x :P
Quote by neilinleeds
Jags? i have it on good authority the end of the world isn't till 2012, so we're ok just yet! biggrin

No, you're wrong Neil - we keep on getting threatened with the site being attacked and so all the Mods have stocked up on emergency supplies. One plank said the site would be down by Wednesday morning lol and another has just told us he will cause mayhem here. Just batten down the hatches, light the beacons and get out the water bottles.
:shock: :shock:
OK edited as requested. :thumbup:
Hope everyone's happy now. rolleyes evil
Jags, those nutcrackers are only to be used if fired upon only. :jagsatwork:
Use on innocent civillians will result in a courtmartial and a summery smackbottom
Davej is not a civillian and has repeatedly been a source of trouble and confusion!
Any further breaches of the mandates set out will result in sanctions (ie removal of references to your "gangster" lifestyle and possibly even having your goldfish removed).
Quote by Jags

Jags? i have it on good authority the end of the world isn't till 2012, so we're ok just yet! biggrin

No, you're wrong Neil - we keep on getting threatened with the site being attacked and so all the Mods have stocked up on emergency supplies. One plank said the site would be down by Wednesday morning lol and another has just told us he will cause mayhem here. Just batten down the hatches, light the beacons and get out the water bottles.
:shock: :shock:
Jags ... purely a general thought ... is it wise to let Davej know about this impending doom? I have visions of the coffee table/ironing board incident last time this happened and do know that Davej's back has only just recovered, that Mrs Davej has finally recovered all her teatowels (fallout curtains) and that the family are now banned from owning tins of beans :shock: