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***North West munch IV*** - Postponed

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186 replies
18 watchers
North West munch IV is likely to be held some time in April. I know that's absolutely months away but there are so many people planning things these days that it seems necessary to put your stake in the ground as soon as possible to avoid things clashing.
The planning will again be done by myself and Vicky_uk but at the moment we're only at the stage of sorting out the date and venue. Once we've made some definite plans we'll make a post in Let's Meet Up.
Despite some recent competition the NW munch is still the BIGGEST event ever held in the Swinging Heaven social calendar and we're hoping to get as many of you together as we can. With a bit of luck we should be able to give some details shortly.
I have scribbled out everything in my diary involving next April so there can't possibly be a clash with anything! cool 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
But Steve........
Please can it NOT be the 23rd??
Because that is my birthday and I would not be able to make it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Any other day - COUNT ME IN!!!!!!!
i'll clear my calander for april then!!!!
not that ive got anythink planed for april yet!!!!
Ohh i'll come to that b/day is the 21st so any time round then.....please...
Im all excited now :bounce:
You really know how to put a smile on my face Steveg and Vicky!
G ~~~legs it to clear everything in april out of her diary and awaits the date. biggrin
Quote by givemeahug
Ohh i'll come to that b/day is the 21st so any time round then.....please...
Im all excited now :bounce:

i get paid of the 21st too, so i second this comment!!!!!!
means i can get pissed then worry if ive got enough cash to last me the month, instead of worring if i've got enought money to last untill the munch.
Its got to the stage i acctually budget for parites and munches when i get paid,
I enjoyed the 3rd NW one, so looking forward to the 4th one.
That's good to hear Steve - are we meant to be coming forward already??? If so, count me in please.
Anytime in April except the 30th is fine with us.
Don't need to check our diaries as we have no social life other than Munching. sad lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Quote by easy
Anytime in April except the 30th is fine with us.
Don't need to check our diaries as we have no social life other than Munching. sad lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

For our availability please see above....... :laughabove: :thumbup:
biggrin April?? Bugger- 'birthday month'- loads of em. Still hopefully we'll be able to do it!!
Hi, we would be interested in coming along to the NW Munch (that's if we survive the Wigan Mini-Munch)
Be nice to see how it should be done hahaha lol :lol: :lol:
We will do our best to be there. lol
Especially if there is another snog auction. wink
Roger & Charlotte.
Quote by steveg_nw
Despite some recent competition the NW munch is still the BIGGEST event ever held in the Swinging Heaven social calendar and we're hoping to get as many of you together as we can. With a bit of luck we should be able to give some details shortly.

Have we got size issues Steve dunno :lol2:
Quote by Clare_Lincs

Despite some recent competition the NW munch is still the BIGGEST event ever held in the Swinging Heaven social calendar and we're hoping to get as many of you together as we can. With a bit of luck we should be able to give some details shortly.

Have we got size issues Steve dunno :lol2:
now now size isn't everything :twisted:
Quote by Calista

Despite some recent competition the NW munch is still the BIGGEST event ever held in the Swinging Heaven social calendar and we're hoping to get as many of you together as we can. With a bit of luck we should be able to give some details shortly.

Have we got size issues Steve dunno :lol2:
now now size isn't everything :twisted:
Good job, the size of my *uh hum* could scare some ladies off ;)
Anyway - I don't know about anyone else - I'm excited there is going to be another NW Munch.
There are one or two members on here who I definitely want a snog from! wink
Quote by Alexandra
Anyway - I don't know about anyone else - I'm excited there is going to be another NW Munch.
There are one or two members on here who I definitely want a snog from! wink

Whispers - who, who? I won't tell anyone honest!
Quote by rogerthedragon
Anyway - I don't know about anyone else - I'm excited there is going to be another NW Munch.
There are one or two members on here who I definitely want a snog from! wink

Whispers - who, who? I won't tell anyone honest!
No - Walls have ears!
(So does Lion's Maid)
Quote by Alexandra
Anyway - I don't know about anyone else - I'm excited there is going to be another NW Munch.
There are one or two members on here who I definitely want a snog from! wink

Whispers - who, who? I won't tell anyone honest!
No - Walls have ears!
(So does Lion's Maid)
That's our diary cleared for April.
Extract from diary
November: Satin's party :twisted:
December: Christmas :crazy:
January: Total recovery month surpriseduch:
Feruary: Euphoria weekend :thrilled:
March: Scottish munch drinkies
April: NW Munch :cheers:
May: WTF???? we find this month empty wink :wink: :wink:
June: Notts Munch confused:
September: blue's 34th birthday rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: and Gill's 36th :cry:
Looking forward to them all and any others that we can fit in in between :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Gill & Del x
Right, we've just checked the 2005 diary :small-print: and it is completely free for April biggrin
Just in case anything crops up, we have pencilled the North West Munch IV for the 2nd of April.
And the 9th
And the 16th
And the 23rd
And the 30th
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Stuart & Tanina hump xxx
Count us in :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
aw steve you shouldn't have!
having a special birthday munch just for me and GMAH! aw bless!
bring it on! be there with knobs on! :bounce:
neil x x :P
Just incase the list starts to fill early put my name down steve.... in fact I will have 10 places please (can tout 8 nearer the date.... heehee) wink
Quote by neilinleeds
aw steve you shouldn't have!
having a special birthday munch just for me and GMAH! aw bless!
bring it on! be there with knobs on! :bounce:
neil x x :P

Hey Neil - I was first with the Birthday bit!!!!!!!
As long as we can get sitters we will be there with bells on lol
:bounce::bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce::bounce::bounce:
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce::bounce::bounce:
Dawn :silly: