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***North West munch IV*** - Postponed

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186 replies
18 watchers
worship Never doubted it for a moment Steve.
hang on - not your front room is it? wink
Hi Steve
We've just joined the site and are really interested in meeting some of you guys. Can you add our name to the list please.
I'm afraid we're going to have to postpone this until we can confirm a suitable venue. We do have a possible venue lined up but even if we get the green light we're running out of time to organise it properly. Hopefully we can sort something out for later in the year but in the meantime there are lots of other things going on around the place, even in the North West.
I'll see a lot of you at the mini-munch on Saturday hopefully. biggrin
Quote by steveg_nw
I'm afraid we're going to have to postpone this until we can confirm a suitable venue. We do have a possible venue lined up but even if we get the green light we're running out of time to organise it properly. Hopefully we can sort something out for later in the year but in the meantime there are lots of other things going on around the place, even in the North West.
I'll see a lot of you at the mini-munch on Saturday hopefully. biggrin

Well its might be good news for me ........if it will be held later on in the year! :D
But i willl not to excited yet :bounce: :bounce:
Debsxxx kiss
Ok so I'm new to this forum but not new to partying.
Can anyone advise me as to how I get to party with some of the people I've seen in the photos - especially the ones of the Blue Party.
October would be good...............:mrgreen:
Quote by Tony K
Ok so I'm new to this forum but not new to partying.
Can anyone advise me as to how I get to party with some of the people I've seen in the photos - especially the ones of the Blue Party.

You could try asking Blue dunno could be a start...
Quote by marmalaid
You could try asking Blue dunno could be a start...

Assassin! :lol2:
:laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove:
Quote by marmalaid
Ok so I'm new to this forum but not new to partying.
Can anyone advise me as to how I get to party with some of the people I've seen in the photos - especially the ones of the Blue Party.

You could try asking Blue dunno could be a start...
You guys / gals are so switched on / cool / experienced in the art of posting to forums.
Hope one day i can grow up to be just like you.
Quote by Tony K
Hope one day i can grow up to be just like you.

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
Seek therapy, before it`s too late. confused
Anyone in patricular you would like to grow up like cool 8-) 8-)
TBH, I'm quite happy with just the two of me, don't want any more...
Quote by VenusnMars

Hope one day i can grow up to be just like you.

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
Seek therapy, before it`s too late. confused
Only therapy I'm looking for is some group fun with some of you people. Just wondering how to go about trying to make this happen - not really an experienced forum type person and haven't found my way round this site yet.
Chris, I think the whole concept of trying to be you would involve anything BUT growing up! rotflmao
Quote by Tony K

Hope one day i can grow up to be just like you.

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
Seek therapy, before it`s too late. confused
Only therapy I'm looking for is some group fun with some of you people. Just wondering how to go about trying to make this happen - not really an experienced forum type person and haven't found my way round this site yet.
Just carry on as you are, post on anything which interests you. You`ll soon get known. Mingle. smile
Quote by VenusnMars
Chris, I think the whole concept of trying to be you would involve anything BUT growing up! rotflmao

Aww, that's the nicest thing anyones said to me all day... no, wait, someone else said much nicer things.... redface
Quote by marmalaid
Chris, I think the whole concept of trying to be you would involve anything BUT growing up! rotflmao

Aww, that's the nicest thing anyones said to me all day... no, wait, someone else said much nicer things.... redface
I have competition?! evil duel
Quote by Tony K
Only therapy I'm looking for is some group fun with some of you people. Just wondering how to go about trying to make this happen - not really an experienced forum type person and haven't found my way round this site yet.

To be honest, cluttering up a mods message thread with stuff like this won't help you getting started much, sit, wait, contribute to threads with wit and inteligence nd ask for invites to individual meets. That'd be where I'd start if I wanted to join in any group fun like Blue's Party (which I don't :uhoh: I'm not into THAT wierd shit!)
Quote by VenusnMars
I have competition?! evil duel

You have no competition, at least not if I'm face to face passionkiss with you... (or indeed face to groin 69position with you)
Quote by marmalaid

Only therapy I'm looking for is some group fun with some of you people. Just wondering how to go about trying to make this happen - not really an experienced forum type person and haven't found my way round this site yet.

To be honest, cluttering up a mods message thread with stuff like this won't help you getting started much, sit, wait, contribute to threads with wit and inteligence nd ask for invites to individual meets. That'd be where I'd start if I wanted to join in any group fun like Blue's Party (which I don't :uhoh: I'm not into THAT wierd shit!)
You mean we aren`t supposed to hijack thread with our personal bolloxs then?! innocent :giggle:
Quote by marmalaid
I have competition?! evil duel

You have no competition, at least not if I'm face to face passionkiss with you... (or indeed face to groin 69position with you)
Aww, that's the nicest thing anyones said to me all day... no, wait...........:uhoh:......yes, that`s the nicest thing anyone has said to me all day :mrgreen:
Quote by VenusnMars
You mean we aren`t supposed to hijack thread with our personal bolloxs then?! innocent :giggle:

Welcome to the VenusnMarms thread everyone :grin:
Quote by VenusnMars
Aww, that's the nicest thing anyones said to me all day... no, wait...........:uhoh:......yes, that`s the nicest thing anyone has said to me all day :mrgreen:

Would it have sounded better if I had been sincere?
:karaoke: :karaoke:
Hey Judes, don't let them down
take a newbie and get them vet_ed
Remember to let them under your dress
Then you can start to feel them better
:karaoke: :karaoke:
Quote by marmalaid
Would it have sounded better if I had been sincere?

Naaaah, I`m easy.
Quote by JudyTV

After a lovely meal we will then withdraw to a quiet cosy hotel room where I will further investigate to find if you are suitable quality for one of blue & Satins special parties.

Just as long as I don't have to pay for this one again wink and how come I never got this special inductions? Can I chose my mentor?
You are wicked
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Quote by VenusnMars

Would it have sounded better if I had been sincere?

Naaaah, I`m easy.
That's ok then, anyway, who are all these other people cluttering up our hijack?
One other thing... Ooh aNorthest Munch of non-specific date, can I come please? :twisted:
Quote by Sarah1448
You are wicked
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

she sure is but brilliant with it!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Quote by Scandal
You have to get Steve to put your name on the list.
Is my name down yet Steve?

Steve.... STEVE
Pull your finger out mate! Stop banging your head against Ice's new wall, put our name down :twisted:
Quote by Rainbows
:karaoke: :karaoke:
Hey Judes, don't let them down
take a newbie and get them vet_ed
Remember to let them under your dress
Then you can start to feel them better
:karaoke: :karaoke:

Brilliant, Rainbows - I look forward to a live rendition in Glasgow!