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Northen Monkeys or Southen Faires

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39 replies
6 watchers
Hi All,
After been heer for just over 2 months now, I was intrested to know the North South devide on ppl from SH.
Now from my previous experiance from other sites that members tend to be from the north. For those that is higher in laditude than the watford gap.
I have put UNSURE because I know some witty person will ask where the watford gap is.!!! wink
Quote by MikeC
Hi All,
After been heer for just over 2 months now, I was intrested to know the North South devide on ppl from SH.
Now from my previous experiance from other sites that members tend to be from the north. For those that is higher in laditude than the watford gap.
I have put UNSURE because I know some witty person will ask where the watford gap is.!!! wink

So where ya from then?
Lb :love:
Not sure the Poll is giving an honest result at the mo! Prolly because us Southerners are more inclined to shout!
We need to!
Seems you are right, Venus. (Of course, my Goddess).
Whiney Southerner, standing up to be counted, here!
I am a southen Fairy actually
born in middlesex
live in middlesex,
will die i dunnow yet but probably middlesex.
Where`s the watford gap ?????? wink
Quote by MikeC
Hi All,
After been heer for just over 2 months now, I was intrested to know the North South devide on ppl from SH.
Now from my previous experiance from other sites that members tend to be from the north. For those that is higher in laditude than the watford gap.
I have put UNSURE because I know some witty person will ask where the watford gap is.!!! wink

Ah, you poor uneducated BBC listener you, believe me, the Watford Gap does not delineate between the north of England and the south of England.
There used to be a sign at Watford Gap, at the side of the A1(M) which displayed a vertical arrow and the words To The North. That does not mean the north begins on the other side of the Watford Gap.
As far as true northerners are concerned, the north begins at the Yorkshire/Durham border and only includes the counties of Durham and Northumberland, some 3,000 square miles in area.
I realise that some members who live in the Manchester area think they live in the northwest, well they must be northwest of somewhere, I suppose. :shock:
I see from your profile you seem to be of no fixed abode, which would tend to indicate you have little idea of where you yourself are. :cry:
The BBC is directly responsible for the poor lack of geographical knowledge of the populace of this country. Apparently they use a map drawn up at the time of William the Conquerer's Doomsday Book. The writers of this catalogue of the wealth and value of England never got further north than Yorkshire thus missing the two true northern counties. I admit the BBC has heard of Scotland, but only because the Queen goes there on holiday occasionally.
It never ceases to amuse me then I hear a London based BBC announcer say:- "We are now going to our studio in the far north at Manchester". ROTFPML.
Should you wish to divide up England into separate regions then the North is as stated above. The midlands extends from the north Yorkshire boundary to London and the south is any lands south of the Thames.
Written with tongue very firmly in cheek. lol
Casanova, Drunk and Dogger of this Parish.
hump drinkies :borg:
Quote by hornyred and dino
Where`s the watford gap ?????? wink

Somewhere between the knees and the stomach I should think. Now what was her name.............................? blink dunno
:grin: :grin:
The Gap of a Watford slapper ( no offence meant t any female in here from watford)
i am no fixed abode as my brain is in one place and my body is in another.
I am actually a cockless cockney.
Im a Northern Monkey
Manc born & bred :arrow: cool
who stole my banana
If there are so many southerners here, why are there so many posting from up north. I always thought they were in the majority. What was that about southerners shouting so much Venus?? lol
Quote by harry0
Hi All,
After been heer for just over 2 months now, I was intrested to know the North South devide on ppl from SH.
Now from my previous experiance from other sites that members tend to be from the north. For those that is higher in laditude than the watford gap.
I have put UNSURE because I know some witty person will ask where the watford gap is.!!! wink
Mikenot mean the north begins on the other side of the Watford Gap.
As far as true northerners are concerned, the north begins at the Yorkshire/Durham border and only includes the counties of Durham and Northumberland, some 3,000 square miles in area.
I realise that some members who live in the Manchester area think they live in the northwest, well they must be northwest of somewhere, I suppose. :shock:
I see from your profile you seem to be of no fixed abode, which would tend to indicate you have little idea of where you yourself are. :cry:
The BBC is directly responsible for the poor lack of geographical knowledge of the populace of this country. Apparently they use a map drawn up at the time of William the Conquerer's Doomsday Book. The writers of this catalogue of the wealth and value of England never got further north than Yorkshire thus missing the two true northern counties. I admit the BBC has heard of Scotland, but only because the Queen goes there on holiday occasionally.
It never ceases to amuse me then I hear a London based BBC announcer say:- "We are now going to our studio in the far north at Manchester". ROTFPML.
Should you wish to divide up England into separate regions then the North is as stated above. The midlands extends from the north Yorkshire boundary to London and the south is any lands south of the Thames.
Written with tongue very firmly in cheek. lol
Casanova, Drunk and Dogger of this Parish
hump drinkies :borg:

Fuckin ell geez,there's always a sensible one innit? :wink: :wink: :wink:
Lb :love: :love:
(sorry thought I was on Chavscum for a minute)
were in a bit of a catch 22...we were born and bred oooop north. but have lived down south for a number of years...we even come out with silly sayings like "Eeeeer where you to then".. rolleyes :roll: ....that saying is definatelty south west
but we can safely say we know were our roots are...
so we are most obviousy NORTHERN MONKEYS!!!!
Didnt want to put definately NORTHERN MONKEYS.....
monkeys deserve some respect!!!
IS THAT A GOOD THING???? wink :wink: :wink:
I RECKON SO... lol :lol: :lol:
Havta say, this thread makes a nice change from the usual `who is best`, like a generalisation makes a difference to the individuals here, however, there ismore action up North, (at least as far as Swinging goes, I *think* dogging is quite popular down here), is it possible to work out why without making sweeping generalisations that Southerners are prudes....or are they, and the ones here are merely exceptions to that rule?
Southern Lager drinkin scum here and proud . We dont think the poll is fair though , you should type the question slower and perhaps more northerners will reply .
Quote by hornyred and dino
Where`s the watford gap ?????? wink

Absolutely no where near Watford , and nothing to do with a North South devide. LOL
i guess i must be a northern monkey but i certainly seem to have a lot of southern fairys wanting to dip their wand in at the moment!! redface
Quote by hornyred and dino
Where`s the watford gap ?????? wink

the watford gap is near junction 16 on the M1
Unable to answer sad
I'm a midlander .... that makes me a northerner to the southern fairies and a southerner to the northern monkeys .....
kinda no man's land I guess
I'm from the south and don't want to admit it.
In my defence I live up north.
Not sure how to answer!
Quote by Silk and Big G
Southern Lager drinkin scum here and proud . We dont think the poll is fair though , you should type the question slower and perhaps more northerners will reply .

I drink bitter or stout, and live down South. What the fuck does that make me?! :shock:
Quote by VenusnMars
Southern Lager drinkin scum here and proud . We dont think the poll is fair though , you should type the question slower and perhaps more northerners will reply .

I drink bitter or stout, and live down South. What the fuck does that make me?! :shock:
With the price of property in the "South" and the price of property in the "North", I guess I'm a Northerner........
Quote by lucyuktv2
Southern Lager drinkin scum here and proud . We dont think the poll is fair though , you should type the question slower and perhaps more northerners will reply .

I drink bitter or stout, and live down South. What the fuck does that make me?! :shock:
I wouldnt have said alchoholic....
just someone who likes crap beer....
cos you cant get a decent pint in South
Well, I usually start spouting Scottish ancestry at this point, but as recent investigations have revealed that my previously unblemished family line may actually turn out to be a curious mixture of French/Irish (which is a combination too scary to think about) - I have decided to stick with being a Southern Fairy. biggrin
Perhaps if your origins are northern, and you currently live down south, you are a southern monkey
and if your origins are southern, and you have moved up north, you are a northern fairy.
or vice versa confused
Well I`m about as Southern as they come. Anymore south and I`d have to swim, and I can trace my family back to the beginning of the eighteenth century by the way of just two village parish records (hence the six fingers)
Venusxxx (drinking red wine tonight ;) )
scouser liveing in essex im a dunno :twisted:
Both Southerners through and through and proud of it
geordie, newcastle and proud of it,price of igloo,s is down seals are plenty -polar bears all skinned for blankets
still sun is out , wandering around in me short sleaved toon top, only -2
grand day for a tan