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Not bothering to reply

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If someone contacts you, how difficult is it to say 'no thanks' rather than to show ignorance and just ignore them?
I posted an advert and got a reply from a couple. I answered them last week and have not received a reply, not even a 'no thank you , we are no longer interested'!
Are all swingers ignorant bastards?
If you are going to get all :mad: when things dont go your way then you wont enjoy being a single male on here rolleyes
No point second guessing why they didnt reply, they may have a perfectly good reason, just move on and let it go................
I have had a few last minute cancellations / people who seemed genuine going AWOL / people not as described on the tin........these are by far outnumbered by the genuine people I have been privelaged to share filthy moments with or even just meet socially smile
A lack of reply does not always = ignorant
For starters did you initially get a full PM or a wink from this other member?
I'm not ignorant, I'm a Swinger and reply to all emails I receive.
I think by your last quote:
Are all swingers ignorant bastards? a tad angry.
Your success rate of replies will diminish even further having read that.
I find a more relaxed approach works. Best of luck with your search.
Quote by Big_Fraser
A lack of reply does not always = ignorant

:thumbup: In an ideal world, people would reply. But it's not, and they don't.
Hope you continue to use the site with more success.
Quote by peterdw
If someone contacts you, how difficult is it to say 'no thanks' rather than to show ignorance and just ignore them?
I posted an advert and got a reply from a couple. I answered them last week and have not received a reply, not even a 'no thank you , we are no longer interested'!
Are all swingers ignorant bastards?

Well as you're on here, I'll assume you're a swinger - so, you tell us. Are you an ignorant bastard?
Quote by peterdw
I answered them last week and have not received a reply

If you feel like they are a contact worth pursuing, send them a message to say hello again/touch base. Like many couples and most "single" women here, I often get buried under messages and against my most sincere intentions I don't get to reply to all, or reply after three, four, more weeks.
I don't think it is impolite or too much trouble for you to give them a nudge... if again they don't reply to that either it just means they're not interested - move on. Do not take things personally here, you'll cause yourself a lot of grief and never get anywhere. Good luck.
I rarely reply to messages, it says on my profile I'm not meeting and not to contact me so if someone doesn't bother to read my profile, why should I bother replying to them?
I do sometimes use the reply no button, there again sometimes I don't. Does that make me ignorant? dunno
Quote by peterdw
Are all swingers ignorant bastards?

I am. And I get more than you.
Quote by essex34m
Are all swingers ignorant bastards?

I am. And I get more than you.
Ouch. Harsh Essex. Funny, but harsh! lol
Peterdw, has it occurred to you that having initiated a contact, and entered into conversation with you something you may have said may have led them to think 'Actually, shouldn't have done this.' Instead of coming on here commenting on the failings of others, may I suggest you first think what might have led to their desire for no more contact?
It might of course be that you just picked a wrong 'un and they bottled out at the death? Either way, no point bitching about it. Move on, try someone else, or something else.
All swingers are NOT ignorant Bastards - that is a rather sweeping brush with which to tar an entire community is it not?
I generally take no reply as it has not been read, or they are not interested, and move on without any issue, be it an ad or a direct contact on my part.
REAL life gets in the way for us all, I spent an hour this morning responding to emails as I try my best to, even if it is just one sentence - my profile says so - but I have a life - and sometimes I just don't have time. I can also be offline for months when people are responding to old adverts - check the date.
This is the oldest complaimt in the swinging booklet - no one is obliged to respond to anything - just because you emailed them does not mean that they are morally obliged to respond to you - if they had 100 responses and you didn't fit what they were looking for - it is as simple as that - you weren't for them, it is silly to take it personally.
It is hard to make an inroads whe meeting people and new to anything, take it easy or as has been said - you will have no responses....
BTW - Essex smile
I would agree with the consensus that you were a bit heavy-handed with that comment. However it is a sad fact of swinger life that single males are largely regarded a 'two-a-penny' when they contact couples mainly. Every message that we had was replied to with a courteous thankyou, but no thankyou. It does not take much to say no-thanks and its a lesson that many in the swinging world would do well to heed.
You know, I used to reply and as politley as possible.
More than not... When I decline I can get follow up mails either being abusive or trying to pursuede me to give them a try banghead
Also.. when you 'state' on your profile EXACTLY who or what your looking for here, then get the Complete Opposite messaging you.. Obviously having Not bothered to read it all, it gets easier not to bother. If they can't be bothered to save time by reading everything then I can't be bothered to explain why I've deleted.
So to avoid these circumstances, I only reply if their 'As described'
XS :rascal: xx
Quote by XScurves
You know, I used to reply and as politley as possible.
More than not... When I decline I can get follow up mails either being abusive or trying to pursuede me to give them a try banghead
Also.. when you 'state' on your profile EXACTLY who or what your looking for here, then get the Complete Opposite messaging you.. Obviously having Not bothered to read it all, it gets easier not to bother. If they can't be bothered to save time by reading everything then I can't be bothered to explain why I've deleted.
So to avoid these circumstances, I only reply if their 'As described'
XS :rascal: xx

<<<< replies to all messages. It may take me a while but I get there in the end.
Quote by peterdw
Are all swingers ignorant bastards?

Considering you are listed on a swinging site as a swinger, perhaps you'd like to tell us, are you are an ignorant bastard?
The sit was i placed an advert and a couple answered. I replied nicely but then ....................................................................... nothing!
They could have just said 'No thanks, we changed our minds' but not bothering to is in my opinion the height of bad manners.
when i see some one being stroppy like this its an eye opener to avoid such an angry person
Quote by peterdw
The sit was i placed an advert and a couple answered. I replied nicely but then ....................................................................... nothing!
They could have just said 'No thanks, we changed our minds' but not bothering to is in my opinion the height of bad manners.

There might be an issue for some getting into a conversation in PM they've decided they don't want to continue because as soon as two messages have been sent and replied to that enables you to SHREP ( Site Rep ) them, like this:
Quote by "]This part of the system allows all users who correspond on the site to give a positive,neutral or negative comment on each other’s Site Rep providing they both have chosen to use the system. As an example: after a two way conversation where you have received and replied to a private message, you will notice a hyperlink at the bottom asking you to use the system.

They might well have decided they didn't want you to have the ability to comment on them any which way using SHREP hence no second message.
I have replied to all three of the messages I've received since joining swinging heaven 8 years or so ago....nothing's too much trouble for me.
Quote by essex34m
Are all swingers ignorant bastards?

I am. And I get more than you.
I am lovely smile