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Not quite what you wanted...?

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Reading a tabloid paper today it seems they sent an electric keyboard to the hospital that is caring for the "unknown piano man".
This man has "apparently" stunned listeners with a fantastic display of piano playing on a grand piano and when given pen and paper drew a grand piano - not sure if an electric keyboard is quite what he was looking for.
So, got me to remembering the times when I got something I wasn't quite looking for...
17 yrs old - passed driving test - parents promised me a car - I had Escort XR3i in my mind - what did I get... A fiesta van
Not quite what I was looking for... confused :shock:
I'm sure there must be others of you out there got something you weren't quite looking for - care to tell??
Many years ago my dad told me if i pass my driving test he would take me for a meal, and that morning i set off passed my test and came home , told my dad and he said oh great !! ..stick a couple of boiled eggs on luv rolleyes we met my mum at lunch and she told him what he had promised me , dad then said oh right , took me to a cafe bought me a tuna baguet which ended up with food poisoning confused :roll: :cry:
coming from essex myself ..a white mk 2 escort cabriolet with matching handbag is more the norm
Back in the late '80s, at Christmas time, there used to be a postbox in the St. John's Centre, where you could post a list to Santa.... And there also used to be 2 cracking beauties handing out free copies of the Yorkshire Post, dressed as sexy Santas.....
One of them approached me and foolishly asked me what I was after for Christmas.....
When I told her she went bright red, but her mate had a right grin, wish to God I could re-live that, only this time have them say "OK, no problem, we finish at 5, your place or mine?"....
Neil in Leeds will maybe remember them, don't know if they still do it these days... Probably not, after what I told her!
Rick! biggrin