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Note from a newbie:

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Hi to all of you that should read this.I just wanted to register the fact that i have browsed the forum and it occurs to me that there are plenty of very nice ....level headed people amongst you.I have been using the site {unregistered } as a browser for a while and can honestly say that the only negative thing i have to say is that i am a little dissappointed that when you reply to ads very few are prepared to answer.A lot have advertised specific wants and needs and many follow by saying "All mail replied to" or "No Pic no reply" or "No one line replies". Having spent much time replying at length to a few ads with requisite info and pics it would be nice to at least have a reply saying thanks but no thanks. I personally wouldnt even mind if i got a reply saying "sod off way too old " LOL. To the site owners.........keep up the good work......great site {and free...what can people want?}.Please dont see this as a whinge .........more as constructive criticism of only a fact i mailed Wilma not so long back and had a great and courteous reply. It doesnt take much folks.
Best wishes to you all. smile
:welcome: to the :swingingchair: coffee Delta.
You make some fair points and your frustration is shared - a regular Thread Topic in these here parts:- In Defence of Single Straight (sometimes desperate) Men
Have fun here - if you plan to stick around in The Cafe that is.
Hi Delta
Fraid I can't really help you with the ad response thing - very pot luck by the looks of it. I think it's also a case of mailing the right person(s) at the right time too.
But welcome to the Forums anyway, maybe see you around and about here biggrin
Fraid I can't really help you with the ad response thing - very pot luck by the looks of it. I think it's also a case of mailing the right person(s) at the right time too.

I would be very gratefull for a single reply from a female to my Add. no 55283
:small-print: Read it ladies, please. You may find it different, if nothing else.
All genuine replies will be answered.
Hello and welcome to SH! Have fun in the forum!
I've read your ad and I loved it. It was honest, humorous and refreshing. I also know what you look like anyway! I'm so looking forward to meeting up at the Midlands Munch.
Love Sappho xxx
Sappho wrote:
I'm so looking forward to meeting up with you at the Midlands Munch.

The feelings mutual Sappho, in all honesty I can't wait. kiss
Hi Delta.
All I can say on the ads thing is the few I have replied to were very specific in their requirements and I was very specific in my response. I don't think the "throw enough mud and some of it will stick" philosophy works here, and if you throw out responses to all and sundry, you'll end up looking like a walking cliché, they'll decide you're not giving them proper attention, and they won't answer you. It's not the amount of detail you provide that counts, it's whether the detail you provide is relevant to what they're asking for. I have been choosy, and the advertisers I have written to have answered me very quickly, phone numbers have been exchanged, and we continue to find out what we need to know about each other before giving ourselves unnecessary ulcers based on expectations. That, I think, is the key... don't have expectations, just be pleased to get to know a few people and enjoy anything that may result from that, and if not, enjoy the exchange anyway.
Take the pressure off yourself and give yourself permission to have some fun. biggrin
Hiya Delta, Welcome to the forum.
Yes, getting replies is a perenial problem. Perhaps we should limit expectations and put a sign on the door saying "Notice to all advertisers - Please be warned that we explicitly forbid the sending of polite "no thank you" e-mails. If some is not suitable then you should ignore them compleatly"
That should result in a huge increase in replies! wink
Quote by Delta
I personally wouldnt even mind if i got a reply saying "sod off way too old "
Drop us an e-mail Delta, I am sure we can manage that for you. biggrin