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Nottingham Munch Thankyou Thread! Cheers Sarah!

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Quote by easy
..........Morbius, Morbius..........

I'll have you know I like men that come twice!!!!!!!! lol :lol:
The manager on Sunday morning said we would be welcome back anytime
Judging by the number of headaches he would say that, he must of had one of the best bar takes, since we were last there!!!!!!!!!!!!! :twisted:
Quote by sleazy
....... winning heavily fixed bets ( you know who ya are ( but for the rest of ya it was lil lmao))

oi sleazy you still owe me the pound sad
next time, bet me a fiver, you never know what you might get to feel wink lol
lil xx
Me and Chris would like to say thankyou to Kaz for the dance he was in heaven and also thanks to Callista and Morbius for giving us a place to say
Molly and Chris xx
Am I The Last!!!!.......Just to say a BIG thanks to Sarah & all her crew for organising such a well rehersed millitary
I did try my best to get around to as many of you as I could this year, time permiting >>>... But there did it go????
But a special thank you's to ALL you lot that went .....YOU where FAB, it makes my night so much more easier when thare a crowd up for a good time....& you guys where!!!!?????
Hugs & kisses go to :-
Nottfem..xxXXxx you where brill babe, we should do Notts' Shopping some time? time babe I will give you what you asked for rolleyes
Vicky .....Thanks babe for being just you xxxx
Chazswollow....Thanks for the chocky...pity I had to us my hands in the end !!!!...but it was so sweet
Sorry Sassy.... :karaoke: smackbottom
The "Breakfast Mob" ....XXXX....another black coffee please coffee
Finally home from Notts and want to add my thanks to Sarah and Mal for such a wonderful night. Too many names to mention so I'll just say and big passionkiss to everyone I met.
A big thanks to Sarah (& Mal) for organizing another superb night out in Nottingham. Once again the music was excellent, so a big hand to DJ Ally and Carla for creating a great atmos. I throughly enjoyed meself. Good to catch up with a lot of peeps I hadn't seen for a while and also a few I met for the first time, you know who you are . Great company and fun to be with the lot of ya!
Hope you catch you all again sometime soon.
Quote by Poohbear
PS for Shireen... Steve was very well behaved that we saw... was great to finally meet him.. seems sooo long ago we were inanely waving at each other on cam. Just a shame you werent there too babes. Hopefully next time xxxx

Aaaawww and there was me hoping he would be a naughty boy :lol2:
Fingers crossed our paths will cross soon kiss
A big thanks to Sarah for my late invite(& Sarah, Mal) for organizing another superb night out in Nottingham. Once again the music was excellent, so a big thank you to DJ Ally and Carla.
So nice to be in the company of people who know how to enjoy themselves!!
Short and sweet, just like myself........sick I still getting over that knackered feeling!!!!!!
We always have the best of times at the Notts Munch lol
Completely agree with everyone - Sarah your the best xxx
As always great to see old friends and meet new ones
A big fat greasy thanks to the Kebab house - they do th bestest Doner Kebab in the world - til the next time we're drunk and in need of Kebab
Steveg and Blonde - your more than wellcome to share our room again - however - make sure that Blonde takes the flatulance tablets first :twisted:
Al the best xxxxxxxx Jane n Dave
Black pudding and marmite are the greatest
Thanks Sarah and the rest of the crew who organised another great munch.
good to see so many familiar faces and to meet up with some new ones.
Kaz great way to serve up sweets (i could become a chocoholic).
I would like to add my thanks as well... a cracking good night :-P
Was great to meet up with friends reaching back as far as the old MSN chat rooms, friends of "old" from here and some wonderfull new people I've never met before.
It was funny that people didnt reconise me because I was no longer bald (MSN days) and had my new "goth/grunge" looked nothing like my AV lol
I had to laugh at some of the reminising about "old times" when people came up and said "I remember the first time I met you and asked you to get your willy out to see the piercings, and you did :shock: :lol: :P "
I wont name names I re-met and met a'new as there are just to many and I would feel really bad if I forget anyone.
A special thanks to sarah for organsing the night and also to the couple who did the disco and to everyone who helepd out and everyone else who turned up and made it such a great night :-)
To everyone I took a photo of please PM me with your email and describe what you were wearing as a double confirmation and I'll send you the pics... I didnt take many and I know who you were I just need an address to send them to adn they may not be in-focus as I was still learning how to use my new camera and had it on the wrong setting confused ... if there are more than 1 person in the shots then I will only send out after I have confirmation from all parties that its ok :-)
Jas, I've sent your photo to readers digest for use in a caption competition as your expression was priceless lol
(joke BTW just incase anyone thinks other wise)
Jon xx
well another brill notts munch so our thanks go to sarah for organizing it all kiss aint going to mention all the ppl we met as i am bound to forget someone but it was great to see everyone again
better late than never l lol
Want to Give a big Thank you to Sarah & Mal - Well done !! kiss
Thanks for organizing a Fantastic munch! Great Venue! Thank you also for the badges they are perfect and so clear that the barman downstairs asked me to tell him when lwb came in :shock: the look on my face must have been a picture, he was powerless! !! :lol:
Fantastic catching up with so many of you seems like ages!!
Music was excellent thanks to Ally & Carla :kiss:
Morbious - Thx hun for fixing my camera, :kiss: great to see you and Calista again.. you looked fab with your new hairstyle Calista :P
Pouting_lip & Trebor - My Travelling companions biggrin thanks for putting up with me all the way down to Notts & back hope your headaches gone now wink :lol: ..your both Diamonds!! & thanks for the bottle of cherries :wink: and all the snogs :P
Jas _ you sexy minx great to see you and Tim again .. absolutely love the new hairstyle you looked fab!! :P
Vix & Reese - great to see you guys again too looking sexy as ever :P seem likes ages since last saw you :kiss:
Angel Chat - looking stunning , great to see you again Babes :D
Dammie & HLB - great to see you both again, hope you get better real soon babes :kiss:
Vicky - babes great to see you again ..looking Fantastic as usual ;)
Alex & Dave - great too see you both again :kiss: ..Kens says he's sorry to have missed the opportunity to see Alex again :wink:
Steve & Sam - was great to see you guys again too :kiss:
Freckledbird & Chris- thanks for all the fantastic snogs, journey was well worth it just for them :wink: :P
Easy Wow babes - sorry I didn't recognize you at first :shock: thx for sharing a cherries with me a thoroughly enjoyable experience smile next time can I make it a strawberry they last a bit longer ;) Great to see you and countess what a stunning lady :P
Steve_Mids - what can I say .. so nice to meet you at last! and now you know what the bottle cherries were for ;) true Gent there Shirleen :wink: :P
Diep & Fallen Angel - nice to have met you both albeit briefly!! :D
Dawn Mids - Lovely to see you again too babes :kiss:
DJcouple - lovely to finally meet you :P
RWL - great to see you again thx for the dances & Snogs perfect gentleman ;)
sercher - lovely to finally meet you hun , thx for the chat :kiss:
Dino & Hr - Great to see you guys again.. sorry I hardly recognized Dino at first .(new hairdo) great to chat ..and Hr hope the foot gets better soon :therethere:
Stuart & Tanina - what a Fantastic couple, great to see you guys again!! Tanina you looked your stunning self as always :wink: :P
NaughtyNymphos - Great to see you guys again also :kiss:
DevonDelight- nice to meet you too.. hope you got home okay passionkiss see you in Blackpool :)
Steve _Teeside - thx for the chat , great seeing you again also thx for the snogs. sillyassionkiss:
EdinBBW - great too see you again also ..see you real soon. :D
Huddscpl - nice to meet you albeit briefly :)
to anyone I've missed out sorry sooooooooooooo many to try and remember .. but a BIG Thank YOU everyone for a fantastic Day/Evening :D
And especially a big thanks to all that shared my cherries.. bolt off to buy another jar for the next munch innocent
Quote by piercedJon
I would like to add my thanks as well... a cracking good night :-P
Was great to meet up with friends reaching back as far as the old MSN chat rooms, friends of "old" from here and some wonderfull new people I've never met before.
It was funny that people didnt reconise me because I was no longer bald (MSN days) and had my new "goth/grunge" looked nothing like my AV lol
I had to laugh at some of the reminising about "old times" when people came up and said "I remember the first time I met you and asked you to get your willy out to see the piercings, and you did :shock: :lol: :P "
I wont name names I re-met and met a'new as there are just to many and I would feel really bad if I forget anyone.
A special thanks to sarah for organsing the night and also to the couple who did the disco and to everyone who helepd out and everyone else who turned up and made it such a great night :-)

well i had 2 see it ffs im nosey :giggle: :giggle: see im still as shy as ever jon !!!!! bolt
Quote by lucyweebaps-cpl
Steve_Mids - what can I say .. so nice to meet you at last! and now you know what the bottle cherries were for ;) true Gent there Shirleen wink :P

Aaawww thank you lucy.... I do believe he enjoyed finding out what the cherries were for :wink: :lol2:
What a great night we had. Thanks goes out to Sarah and Mal for all the organising :bigkiss:
Just a few of people to make a special note of:
Mr_Stoke: For the chocolate cake.
Casey Jones: For the chocolates........and I got the last one.
Mr & Mrs Linnetscpl: For the sausage rolls and the biggest bag of sweets I have seen in my life........the kids are still gorging themselves (and I am helping out biggrin )
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I wonder what the theme of my thanks is ??????????? lol :lol: :lol: :lol:
Ian Mids: Where were you sob sob sob sob sob......I found food and my hunter/gatherer partner was not with me..........but luckily he left his wife :twisted:
Steve_Mids: I have waited 2 fecking loooooooong years to meet you........and I didn't realise you were there :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: I just don't bloody believe it
To everyone else: :bigkiss:
Dave_Notts & Alex_Female (Disclaimer: she may do her own thanks later as mine are usually crap, but she is poorly at the moment :cry: )
Quote by piercedJon
To everyone I took a photo of please PM me with your email and describe what you were wearing as a double confirmation and I'll send you the pics... I didnt take many and I know who you were I just need an address to send them to adn they may not be in-focus as I was still learning how to use my new camera and had it on the wrong setting confused ... if there are more than 1 person in the shots then I will only send out after I have confirmation from all parties that its ok :-)
Jas, I've sent your photo to readers digest for use in a caption competition as your expression was priceless lol
(joke BTW just incase anyone thinks other wise)
Jon xx

passionkiss sillyassionkiss:
Hppy for mine to be shared but if they are to be published on here can I ask for my face to be clouded.
C x
I’m late – I’m late – No time to say HelloGoodbye – I’m late I’m Late I’m Late ! ! ! !
Haven’t been able to post until now and wanted to say thank you to Sarah for antother sterling job organising my favourite Munch passionkiss
I’m sorry I couldn’t get round as I normally do to annoy as many people as possible and rub my groin into as many ladies as able.
Once I’d settled on the bar stool. It was virtually impossible to get back down.
Thanks to everyone for their kind words, and to the ladies for the gentle hugs and stuff. Aren’t soft hugs crap sad But I’m under strict instructions from HLB that I’m not to thrust :shock: :cry:
But – worry not – the drunken buffoon-like wobbly barrel dancer will be appearing at a Munch near you soon :thumbup:
Thank you all, for a marvellous night sillyassionkiss: