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Hi,new to all this but what the f**k is a munch?? And can iI come? xxx
Look in the terminology section, on the left. The postings about individual munches will tell you if you are allowed to attend or not; they have different criteria.
Thanbks Judy,hey that could be intersting..I like blokes who like to eat drink and be Mary!!
Quote by lambchop
Hi,new to all this but what the f**k is a munch?? And can iI come? xxx
Of course you can come to the munch lambchop - but you may have to bring your own mint sauce!
Hey I want trying to be rude or anything...each to their own is whta i say,,but honestly I do find some x dressers very attractive
Quote by JudyTV
It could be a basket load of bisexual Transvestite monks organising a gang-bang on a Island in the outer Hebrides.

Put my name down please Judy lol :lol: :lol:
Sorry if you feel that way, I dont know the terms and dont like to pigeon hole anybody. And as for being from Manchester,I dont pretend to know all about our fari city. I am truly sorry if I have offended you in any way,I think we may have got off on the wrong foot xxxx
Quote by JudyTV
If you read through my ad you will see why I claim the title of transvestite as opposed to Cross Dresser.

I wondered what the difference was so I clicked on the link in your sig. It goes to the ads index page. confused
So what is the difference? Latin, trans = cross, vestre = to dress, so evidently it has acquired something other than the literal meaning?
My understanding was that transvestites were more serious about transgenderism than cross dreasers, who regard it as more of a hobby. With transsexuals being those who take hormones and live full time as their chosen sex. But I may be completely and utterly wrong - please do fill us in Judy.
Yea timo, my understanding was that....
CD's tend to be people that may wear some female specific clothes (underwear, stockings, high heals, etc) or may wear all female attire, but tend not to include make up and wigs.
TV's tend to be a fuller transformation into a female persona/gender or roll.
TS's are thoes who are transgendered and may or may not have the whole sex change, the definition seems to also include "t-girls" as a whole with the definition t-girl being a sub section of Transsexualisum.
What a lot of people dont realise is that none of the above actually defines a sexual taste towards a specific gender as it is, for example, quite possible to have a male CD/TV/TS who is attracted to females.... just to confuse the issue further!
well you cant say you dont get good sexual education on this site :twisted:
welcome lambchop
I don't s'pose they are de-rigeur now, but in the 1970s, no one would think twice about a kiddie having a tranny in their bedroom.
Trannies always used to be plastic, 3" x 5", red or blue and run on a PP7 9 volt battery.
Blomey,has anyone got a tin opener,for this can of worms we are about to open!!!
eeeeee by ek, when I were a lad we didnt have no CD's we had big black disks that used to spin at 75 RPM wiv needles.. boy thoes were the days :-)
75 rpm ?? Hmm, could be right, they're all a bit slow in Notts :P ;)