OMG I know, we watched this last night and were gobsmacked!... who would pay thousands for a doll like that? and apparently you can pay more to have a replica if you take a picture of your loved one!!!.... but what about those machines??? bit too mechanical for me :shock: (wouldn't rule out a try tho! :P )
I only saw the bit about the dolls. I was too freaked out with the old guy :scared:
I saw something similar about blokes having lifesize and lifelike dolls.....and what they did to/with them....:shock:
I tried to have an open mind but when I saw them treat them like living women, well I just didn't see what they did.....but it's not illegal or anything so live and let live I suppose.....
Well i have never been attracted to sex dolls as any sort of substitute for the real thing. I can see the idea of using one instead of a real person in somthing that would be illegal or cause harm to live out a phantacy in real life ( like say a child doll substitute) but the thought rather disturbs me of having such ideas in the first place. and in a way "loving" a plastic doll seems equally not quite right somehow.I have however considered in a non sexual way the fun of dressing up a manikin, I saw one once and was stuck on the idea as a great way of preventing crime ! as I felt so intimidated at this " person" staring at me from their house until after passing a few times finally clocked it was a dummy !
Never understood the attraction of shagging a plastic/rubber doll myself ... though these living dolls are the most realistic I've ever heard of, they kinda look a bit creepy if you ask me - it's the odd frozen expressions and the lifeless, unblinking, unfocused eyes ... certainly thought that old bloke was quite high on the scale of weird! You certainly wouldn't want to be a neighbour would you???
Had to keep asking myself if this was meant to be a big joke ...