Quote by Jags
where is DJohn when you need him?
Quote by SteveClarke
The only aggresive spider there (and that's only really when it feels threatened) is the Huntsman, which while possesing a painful bite, is not particularly venemous.
Quote by SteveClarke
I am not even going to mention how big they are:lol2:
Quote by Shireen_Mids
The only aggresive spider there (and that's only really when it feels threatened) is the Huntsman, which while possesing a painful bite, is not particularly venemous.
Quote by anais
Try to see animals in therir own habitat, nothing like sitting and waiting at dawn or dusk to see emu's and kanagaroo's come out! If you go anywhere near the Great Ocean Road..try and stop off at Koala Road...... hundreds of Koala's feet away from you.
Quote by Shireen_Mids
Try to see animals in therir own habitat, nothing like sitting and waiting at dawn or dusk to see emu's and kanagaroo's come out! If you go anywhere near the Great Ocean Road..try and stop off at Koala Road...... hundreds of Koala's feet away from you.
Quote by anais
Oh yeah I forgot about the penguins!. We set off to the local shop (about ten miles away), decided to visit Penguin Island instead (about 80 miles away lol)... 3 days later we still hadnt got there lol got a bit sidetracked lol lol Managed to buy some undies an a toothbrush hehe What an adventure you can have!
Def will do it next time as Ive been told its fantastic!!
Lucky you Shireen, livinging in the Dandenongs!! It really is the most beautiful place..... I was lucky enough to stay there for a few nights and visited an Ozzie lady who I only ever spoke to in a craft forum... made me very welcome!
Its just an amazing place with wonderful people!!!