My nine year old is struttingaround the living room, has adopted a cockney accent, and is telling me he is cool! :shock: :shock: :shock:
Quick! What do I do?! I do have something hard and heavy at hand............or shall I just tell him to get his arse up the apples and pairs?!
Oh good god, he just called me `Luv` :scared:
Leaning in favour of hard and heavy........
What? Strutting, the three combined, or the fact he hasn`t been raised in London?!
Nothing really, I was making a funny.
We've got a 21 yr old who acts like a bloody 10 yr old... when he was 10 he couldn't wait to grow up... All part of the fun dear.
I can relate to that one Arkan lol
I have more problems with my darlings now than I did when they were littleuns!
Oh Dear Lord!!! My sympathies Venus.
Will suddenly realises with horror that he and Sappho have all this to look forward to in about nine years time - only DOUBLE :shock:
Checks small print of contract] Nope! Still can't see anything in there about twins!
Off in search of another bottle and the corkscrew!