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Oil Party

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2 watchers
Quote by westerross
Can I have the extra virgin please???
By the way Missy I don't think a plastic sheet is going to contain what I have in mind.....
Is it possible to blow bubbles in olive oil?

I had no idea you could be "Extra Virgin!" Is that like, not even thinking about it?
Either way, I've just spotted this isn't ladies only, so count my oily arse in!
2 Couplefuns for the price of one. Can't beat that for a BOGOF!
what a great idea i would love to watch the females on this site in a pool full of cold old used cooking oil . with a couple of straws
BP are very good at arranging Oil Parties lol
Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Me too!!!
I loved that programme and have been thinking about it ever since!!!
Like you though, been struggling to find anywhere to have such a party
Please please please let me know if this ever happens, would absolutely love to be invited!
Missy I'd be well up for that!!
I loved that episode!
Not many virgins around here - but I'll provide the extra virgin if yer like!!
Missy, I think you need a private space, something to support the edges and a heavy plastic sheet. A sheet, say a garden pool liner, would do. The edge need not be very high, and the sheet could go past the edge to stop splash or spill getting where you do not want it. Some 4x2 wood would more than suffice. That just leaves the space. A large room, with furniture removed, or a remote garden on a summers evening.
If you find the place tell me! I would luv to help you set it up!
Oh and consider using some essential oils, try this;

Lastly, do give me an invite, plaese.
Quote by corrie2010
I am sure that the odd bloke or two would join in lol :lol: oooh my legs have gone to jelly at the thought wink

Surely I don't have to be odd to join in :lol:
I'd be more than happy to join in a sensual oil party.
There's just something about smooth oiled skin thats just Oooooooooooooooooo and scrummy.
Quote by
Missy, I think you need a private space, something to support the edges and a heavy plastic sheet. A sheet, say a garden pool liner, would do. The edge need not be very high, and the sheet could go past the edge to stop splash or spill getting where you do not want it. Some 4x2 wood would more than suffice. That just leaves the space. A large room, with furniture removed, or a remote garden on a summers evening.
If you find the place tell me! I would luv to help you set it up!
Oh and consider using some essential oils, try this;

Lastly, do give me an invite, plaese.

We're thinking along the very same lines kiss Trouble is, the plastic sheeting needs to go on something soft, like them mats you get at gymnastic places. Plus you dont want the sheeting to crease or move, gotta be sturdy enough to stay put with a load of writhing bodies in it (cue another horny thought of an oily Lairdy :twisted: )
Did think of a great place - Partners in Bury, in the middle of the maze there's a perfect area, small, cozy, dimly lit etc. Small enough just to fit us lot. But they've built a bed in there now that covers half the area, making it too small to just use the bed confused
Would've been perfect from what I've imagined (unless there's other probs that I haven't seen?). Social drinkies, followed by being led blindfolded through the maze, slow bassy low tempo music, oils and the chance to get completely lost in the moment :twisted: Lots of stroking, but no deliberate sexual contact ........ then a moment set when sexual touching can begin, giving the people who don't want to go that far, a chance to get out......... just hope that wouldn't leave me in there by myself, blindfolded and unaware lol
Not that I've thought about this very much :uhoh: Mind you, haven't even approached the place :lol2: Just been visiting fantasy land a fair bit :cool:
Would so love to do this - Losty, would he still be up for the setting the mood?
Is there a venue, is there a place that would be willing to do this :bounce:
Why don't you all just go for a swim in the gulf :eeek:
Tony ;-)
Quote by Shaz_and_Tony
Why don't you all just go for a swim in the gulf :eeek:
Tony ;-)

rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Bad Tony smackbottom
watched it again after chatting about it at swingcamp 2010 with a couple who'd seen it.
So want to be involved if anyone organises this, unfortunatley dont have anywhere to host it either sad
Blimey yes Lostbloke would still be up for doing the talk over bit as would Lostburd be up for the experience.
We did think that one idea was to ask Pete his ideas on a camping thing or maybe gems campsite, something like that, and one of those great big 12 person dome tents. Inside you could place one of those 10' foot pools that only have a blow up ring on the top. As long as you didn't fill it with water it would lie flat on the ground, a few bottles of scented oil into the ring some mood lighting in the sleep pods of the tent Plus a bubble machine, ambient music and Bob's your proverbial Auntie.
Ok not quite ideal but think about it. On a hot summer evening after a few drinks and chatting with mates the sun dipping in the sky and just a few meters away the cavernous opening of the tent. People move into the dimly lit warm oiled area finding. Others from the outside can see maybe the slightest of silhouettes coming from the slow moving bodies and the low soothing sounds emanating from encouraging the onlookers/listeners to come inside. All very new age organic textural sensual cerebral and flowing.
Hey get me LoL
Quote by Lost
Blimey yes Lostbloke would still be up for doing the talk over bit as would Lostburd be up for the experience.
We did think that one idea was to ask Pete his ideas on a camping thing or maybe gems campsite, something like that, and one of those great big 12 person dome tents. Inside you could place one of those 10' foot pools that only have a blow up ring on the top. As long as you didn't fill it with water it would lie flat on the ground, a few bottles of scented oil into the ring some mood lighting in the sleep pods of the tent Plus a bubble machine, ambient music and Bob's your proverbial Auntie.
Ok not quite ideal but think about it. On a hot summer evening after a few drinks and chatting with mates the sun dipping in the sky and just a few meters away the cavernous opening of the tent. People move into the dimly lit warm oiled area finding. Others from the outside can see maybe the slightest of silhouettes coming from the slow moving bodies and the low soothing sounds emanating from encouraging the onlookers/listeners to come inside. All very new age organic textural sensual cerebral and flowing.
Hey get me LoL

Bluddy ellfire!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Can pick up a few of them foam camping mats dirt cheap, to go directly under the pool, to make it a tad softer and warmer :cool:
Can even put heaters in the tent - mind you, candles and a load of bodies will generate a fair bit :cool:
OMG this sounds sooooooooooooo cool!!!! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Must have somewhere we can shower directly afterwards tho :dry:
Ooooh and a camp fire for lounging around later on :bounce:
My god, this sounds like heaven. Dark, warm, oiled bodies sensually exploring each other. The music, the heat, the mmmmmmmmmmmmm... of it all.
If you get a venue sorted, count me in!
Now I'm off to watch that video for the umpteenth time today!
Limey xx
PS. Could the 'speaker' not talk about how plants "start to produce oxygen as a byproduct of photosynthesis"? It might be sexy in Germany, but a biology lesson doesn't really do it for me. confused
Quote by Limey_boy
PS. Could the 'speaker' not talk about how plants "start to produce oxygen as a byproduct of photosynthesis"? It might be sexy in Germany, but a biology lesson doesn't really do it for me. confused

Is that what he was talking about?? rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Could find something a bit more relaxing n cosy n sexy to talk about :? Just not photosynthesis :?
although that word does tend to remind me of the keyboard player in Depeche Mode who was rather sexy :cool:
Yes, I was thinking more along the lines of some Anais Nin to turn us all on in our heads as well as our loins. Possibly think about food too. Not to mix with the oil (too yukky!) but if this is a feast for the senses, then taste will be a biggy. Good wine over cheap larger, that sort of thing.
Yes, I'm also thinking about this too much now.
L x
Glad it's getting into your mind too, and not just mine! :lol2:
Anais Nin? Not heard of her - but just googled. Was she a poet or an erotic writer, or a writer of all sorts, couldn't figure it out?
Missy - often confused with two short planks redface
The subject is firmly lodged in my erotic hard drive too.
Quote by Missy
Anais Nin? Not heard of her - but just googled. Was she a poet or an erotic writer, or a writer of all sorts, couldn't figure it out? redface

I would highly recommend checking her out. Beautifully written erotica, very hot indeed. I had a similar experience of 'discovering' it on a supposedly inaccessible top shelf. hahaha! She's been one of my favourites for some 20+ years now.
L x
Sappho pops head around the door, better late than never, from her sojourn in the wilderness which is called the PTA...
Please, please, please, if you have room for a small skinny one and a friend, can we play too? Will bring almond oil, ready warmed in the navels of bi-curious swinging virgins, promise!
Where is my copy of Little Birds???
Quote by Sappho
Where is my copy of Little Birds???

Ooh, not read that one. I've only read Delta of Venus. Although I've read it so many times it feels like I've read much more. Funny how I've read certain bits far more than others. Hmm, I wonder why?
Quote by Sappho
Please, please, please, if you have room for a small skinny one and a friend, can we play too? Will bring almond oil, ready warmed in the navels of bi-curious swinging virgins, promise!

Oh Sappho ooooohh we'll have a right rollocking time!! :cool: :cool: :cool:
Now you've said that - you can't not be there! lol
Quote by Missy
Please, please, please, if you have room for a small skinny one and a friend, can we play too? Will bring almond oil, ready warmed in the navels of bi-curious swinging virgins, promise!

Oh Sappho ooooohh we'll have a right rollocking time!! :cool: :cool: :cool:
Now you've said that - you can't not be there! lol
Love you, Missy xxx
Quote by Sappho
Love you, Missy xxx

I love you too beautiful gal passionkiss
Quote by Sappho
Sappho pops head around the door, better late than never, from her sojourn in the wilderness which is called the PTA...
Please, please, please, if you have room for a small skinny one and a friend, can we play too? Will bring almond oil, ready warmed in the navels of bi-curious swinging virgins, promise!
Where is my copy of Little Birds???

Just when I thought it couldn't get more interesting!!! :rascal:
Remember......I wanna be there!!!
Quote by the_Laird
Remember......I wanna be there!!!

I think we should organise our own wink
We have a 15ft swimming pool...... lol
Quote by couplefunuk
Remember......I wanna be there!!!

I think we should organise our own wink
We have a 15ft swimming pool...... lol
Well I've got a 16ft oil pool - so there! :wink:
Care to join me? The Laird and Lady Feebee are, of course, welcome.