Quote by westerross
Can I have the extra virgin please???
By the way Missy I don't think a plastic sheet is going to contain what I have in mind.....
Is it possible to blow bubbles in olive oil?
Quote by corrie2010
I am sure that the odd bloke or two would join in:lol: oooh my legs have gone to jelly at the thought
Quote by
Missy, I think you need a private space, something to support the edges and a heavy plastic sheet. A sheet, say a garden pool liner, would do. The edge need not be very high, and the sheet could go past the edge to stop splash or spill getting where you do not want it. Some 4x2 wood would more than suffice. That just leaves the space. A large room, with furniture removed, or a remote garden on a summers evening.
If you find the place tell me! I would luv to help you set it up!
Oh and consider using some essential oils, try this;
Lastly, do give me an invite, plaese.
Quote by Lost
Blimey yes Lostbloke would still be up for doing the talk over bit as would Lostburd be up for the experience.
We did think that one idea was to ask Pete his ideas on a camping thing or maybe gems campsite, something like that, and one of those great big 12 person dome tents. Inside you could place one of those 10' foot pools that only have a blow up ring on the top. As long as you didn't fill it with water it would lie flat on the ground, a few bottles of scented oil into the ring some mood lighting in the sleep pods of the tent Plus a bubble machine, ambient music and Bob's your proverbial Auntie.
Ok not quite ideal but think about it. On a hot summer evening after a few drinks and chatting with mates the sun dipping in the sky and just a few meters away the cavernous opening of the tent. People move into the dimly lit warm oiled area finding. Others from the outside can see maybe the slightest of silhouettes coming from the slow moving bodies and the low soothing sounds emanating from encouraging the onlookers/listeners to come inside. All very new age organic textural sensual cerebral and flowing.
Hey get me LoL
Quote by Limey_boy
PS. Could the 'speaker' not talk about how plants "start to produce oxygen as a byproduct of photosynthesis"? It might be sexy in Germany, but a biology lesson doesn't really do it for me.
Quote by Missy
Anais Nin? Not heard of her - but just googled. Was she a poet or an erotic writer, or a writer of all sorts, couldn't figure it out?
Quote by Sappho
Please, please, please, if you have room for a small skinny one and a friend, can we play too? Will bring almond oil, ready warmed in the navels of bi-curious swinging virgins, promise!
Quote by Missy
Please, please, please, if you have room for a small skinny one and a friend, can we play too? Will bring almond oil, ready warmed in the navels of bi-curious swinging virgins, promise!
Quote by Sappho
Sappho pops head around the door, better late than never, from her sojourn in the wilderness which is called the PTA...
Please, please, please, if you have room for a small skinny one and a friend, can we play too? Will bring almond oil, ready warmed in the navels of bi-curious swinging virgins, promise!
Where is my copy of Little Birds???