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OK, Kilroy, who's going to be first? me?

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6 watchers
Only caught the last 20 minutes but that was enough!
One day we'll have a proper chance to state the case. My case is this...
I have a guy who I see regularly - no strings kinda thing but we still care about each other a lot. It's been going on for 7 years so something must be good! He was swinging before I was and it was his suggestion I try it... never looked back. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
All those bitter, sour faced, wizzened old ***** should feel how it feels to have a guy be perfectly free to do and see whatever he feels like but still WANTS to come and see me because I really press his buzzer! And vice versa... I can see any guy that takes my fancy (and DO!) but no one will ever replace/compensate/compare to the way he makes me feel.
There are two stimulations for sex. The physical (which is where swinging comes in) and the emotional which is what relationships are about. You can't in all seriousness deny that sexual arousal isn't exclusive to a romantic relationship...
Sorry, I would have said all that on Kilroy but I was too darn chicken. sad
lol thanks mark we had a fair share to say yes there were narrow minded idiots there who just dont understand you can form a frienship as well love jane and les xxx
Well, after a late night swinging at Liaisons last night I didn't get up early enough to see Kilroy this morning. Maybe I should ring the show and tell them I missed it because swinging is absolutely exhausting wink
didn't see it, do they repeat it at any time
Yep, missed it too. I thought it was going to be on Thursday morning, not today!
Never mind, there's always Trisha ! biggrin
Quote by Heather
There are two stimulations for sex. The physical (which is where swinging comes in) and the emotional which is what relationships are about. You can't in all seriousness deny that sexual arousal isn't exclusive to a romantic relationship...

Well said
biggrin :D
x xx
thanks mark its a pleasure being on the site we are pleased to be members and some people dont understand friendship snd no ties fun lol lol
... and another thing...
Why didn't anyone remind our Robert he's the biggest philanderer on day time T.V? :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Is he really? Ohhhh, is this gossip? I thought old Robert was a good boy - what do you know, Heather, that I don't? wink
Why, Blue... am I really the only one who knew? confused
Our Robert has had his mug splashed all over the tabliods more than once - classic, boring shagging the secretary senario - repents, wife takes him back - then gets caught doing the same thing with a different secretary a year or so later. Wife took him back again... and he's been 'clean' ever since unless YOU know differently...?
Personally, I'd say that precludes him from voicing an opinion about other people's morals... but obviously the Beeb don't think so.
Ah right, so Robert's not your "silver fox" then wink :wink: :wink:
I don't read the papers, so I miss all the juiciest gossip, but yes, someone should have reminded him of it, perhaps even an old secretary or two should have been invited on to the show :wink:
Yes saw Kilroy and what a laugh it was. Nwever seen so many people have so many opinions of something they have never experienced. It was difficult to put the case without being more explicit and the idea that swinging couples were not happy couples was just rubbish. I do think a club or party experience could have put a twinkle in that old pensioners eyes he he
The ballroom dancing would be great if they had "rooms" to go to but I doubt it.
Don't think the OAPs could do the stairs
Hm well we will all be there one day!
swinging seventies!
bugger the ballroom dancing we should get everyone of this site and have a big swinging get together al then bodies very sexy mmmm love jane and les xxxxxxx lol
Lay off the ballroom dancing. We swing and we dance.
Don't be narrow minded about dancing unless you tried it.
Quote by NewCouple
Lay off the ballroom dancing. We swing and we dance.
Don't be narrow minded about dancing unless you tried it.

But do you also like animals??
My wife Rachel recorded the swingers Kilroy program that morning so she could sit me down in the evening to watch it with her. It was all her idea and her way to put the idea of meeting other couples to me. I watched with interest and I must say with excitement too. We followed with a very open chat about Rachel’s sexual needs and how I felt about involving other people in our sex life. I have known for some time that Rachel would like a sexual experience with a woman but not at the cost of loosing or hurting me. Listening to the people on the pro side of swinging gave us direction. It was so good to hear how much of their own marriage remains strong and in most cases even stronger though being open and enjoying life together and with others.
Rachel and I (Paul) have a very good kinky sex life anyway but its time that Rachel’s interest in other women was given a chance. I am very happy to help and support Rachel go forward. We want to get involved with the scene, we live in Birmingham have two young kids that would need to be cared for while we are out but want to go for it.
So where do we start? We are very interested in meeting couples for a drink and maybe take it from there. Our biggest problem is not knowing where to go and how to go about it. Is there a munch type of thing that we could join? Can somebody help us on our way?
Paul & Rachel