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Ok own up who was it.

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11 replies
4 watchers
Story in one of the papers finds swinging acyivity in the guests dressed up a James Bond and under cover journalist take pics of the events :shock:
lol wasnt me i dont dress up in a suit.....
surrey wonders where this club is now ;)
lol saw this story aswel, what i always wonder is why they hedline it depraived swingers. why do we have to be depraived??????
xxx lou xxx
oh irish, i didnt understand your post??
lol, another bs story in a newspaper full of bs.
i just dont read em anymore.
they have to get a swinging story a week in i think, but they are getting a little boring now.
woooooo hoooo swingers dress depraived.
Quote by fem_4_taboo
lol saw this story aswel, what i always wonder is why they hedline it depraived swingers. why do we have to be depraived??????
Envy and Jealousy
xxx lou xxx
oh irish, i didnt understand your post??
Try Marcuso or Postie
Quote by Sarah
Try Marcuso or Postie

Try them for what?
Try them on for size? See who's best at... cooking? Or driving/washing-up/playing piano/changing nappies/hopscotch?
Quote by fem_4_taboo
lol saw this story aswel, what i always wonder is why they hedline it depraived swingers. why do we have to be depraived??????
xxx lou xxx
oh irish, i didnt understand your post??

Media hysteria about something - anything - that will excite public interest.
You know, there could very well be a huge problem with immigration, crime etc. - but i won't believe it if only the newspapers told me.
Theres nothing depraved about swinging. If swinging is a "depraved" activity then so is masturbating with a rampant rabbit!
definatley, not guilty, your honour.
i wasn't there at the time of the said crime.
and never there on what or any day u can come up with.
innocent :whistling: :whistling: :angel: :angel:
Quote by 3someinpreston
Theres nothing depraved about swinging. If swinging is a "depraved" activity then so is masturbating with a rampant rabbit!

Aaaaaaaaaaaaw shit! :shock: :shock: :shock: Does this mean that SH Towers is the wrong place for me? dunno
I like being depraved so the way I see it the media are doing me a favour! :P :twisted:
:rascal: :rascal: :rascal:
Quote by 3someinpreston
Theres nothing depraved about swinging. If swinging is a "depraved" activity then so is masturbating with a rampant rabbit!

Well I have seen some pretty depraived things done with a rampant rabitt.... :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
Quote by rob14973
Story in one of the papers finds swinging acyivity in the guests dressed up a James Bond and under cover journalist take pics of the events :shock:

Did the journo have a James Bond secret spy camera??? Or the other end of the stick was did he join in??? lol