I have broadband from BT and evry night i keep loosing conection between 1830hrs and 1930 hrs it is intemitent and keeps going on and off anyone else have this problem
cable here too
you dont have something like an inti virus program that is set to run at this time every day do you, i found i had a problem with that until i changed the time to one when i wasnt using the pc so much
Earthy xx
Have no prob with either my bt home connection or my bt buiness connection, check you've nothing set on Pc to run at that time is my only suggestion.
We are using a cisco linksys router and @ 1830 the dsl light will go out then it will come back on it does this on and off for approx one hour we are also wireless configred something is knocking off the DSL which means we have no internet conection to BT
Have you tried ringing you Suscriber about the situation?
Ring your ISP and tell them that your not happy with the service and that the speed they offer you is poor WHEN CONNECTED. My friend Gareth did it with AOL sent him a new DSL Modem with a 6 Ethernet ports to connect with other computers dropped his pris from £30 to £20 and offered hima a better service.
But that was with AOL.
Maybe where you live that is 'peek time' in yoru area for internet usage and it cuts you off, or your isp maybe doing upgrades that time and cuttin you off.
How much you paying a month?
..this usually occurrs when the exchange nearest to you gets busy .... and until it is upgraded ..it can not cope !!
from my understanding it could be :
all internet connections used to be based on big modems, and cables. there is something called a contention ratio.
private business : 1:5
home use :1:20
so you have 1 big modem for 20 customers and if you use it during the day you will use most of the modem, so peak times which is when you are talking about you could have all 20 people using it thefore its slower.
cable is not always better, i had an a new 1meg line when they first came out and cable tv,my brother was downloading stuff so much so he was getting a download rate of over 1meg and we wondered why the cable tv picture was so screwed up.
probable sorted now but it did happen
we're not with bt, but my internet connection can be a complete bitch at peak times... weekends and early evenings are the worst. Think it has a lot to do with how far we are from the phone exchange and the fact that the exchange is over subscribed and won't take on new broadband customers. Also means that we can't change ISPs because it always comes back with the message "not available in your area". About time some money was spent on the phone exhange I say, then I might not drop offline quite so much when all the other pervs round here log on.