Good grief! This spot on my bum,
I've squeezed it so much that my cheeks have gone numb.
It's big and it's red,
With a big yellow top,
I've squeezed it with pliers,
But still it won't pop!
I've soaked it in water,
I've put on some cream.
Mum had a squeeze, which just made me scream.
I can't sit down now,
the pain is quite dire,
My spot is glowing,
And my bum is on fire!!
I cried to my mum
"Just one last try, please"
So mum, with a grip like superman,
Started to squeeze.
Yes, mum had hold of my spot,
with a vice-like grip.
My eyes they were popping
and I was biting my lip.
My body started shaking without restraint,
My legs they wobbled, I started to faint.
Then my mum cried out with such distaste,
Because my spot, like a time- bomb,
Had exploded in her face!!!
My daughter brought this poem book home from school today!!