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Quote by man with no name
Scuse me folks. Anybody seem a grimy lookin' Mexican crawlin' round here? Me an' him got a score to settle. tell him 'Good' was here...and I'm leavin' tomorrow, so he'd better get his Mexican ass outa town, pronto..

I spotted him on holiday and took his picture.
Quote by man with no name
Scuse me folks. Anybody seem a grimy lookin' Mexican crawlin' round here? Me an' him got a score to settle. tell him 'Good' was here...and I'm leavin' tomorrow, so he'd better get his Mexican ass outa town, pronto..

Escusa me! But eeef you're offa tomorrowa whatta hava i gotta worry abouta - laya low and look under your poncho - Eh???
Grass grass Groucho !!! you aint from loundon r ya!!!.
Ya never grass !!! :shock: :shock:
Grass grass Groucho !!! you aint from loundon r ya!!!.
Ya never grass !!! :shock: :shock:
Quote by Eli the Ugly
Scuse me folks. Anybody seem a grimy lookin' Mexican crawlin' round here? Me an' him got a score to settle. tell him 'Good' was here...and I'm leavin' tomorrow, so he'd better get his Mexican ass outa town, pronto..

Escusa me! But eeef you're offa tomorrowa whatta hava i gotta worry abouta - laya low and look under your poncho - Eh???
Yeah, you laugh Ugly; tell yer what, sure is a good job you got a big, wide sombrero, considerin' all the ten types of shit that's goin' to fall on you tomorrow.....(spits, lights cheroot)..
Sleep tight general; I'll be waitin' in the mornin'...
Quote by Eliza Doolittle
Grass grass Groucho !!! you aint from loundon r ya!!!.
Ya never grass !!! :shock: :shock:

Az it appens I am from down london way. You outa be chuffed dat I grassed cos the mexican aint been a gentlemen to ya wink
Well Groucho we's dont like grasses so ya better woch it cause Is got me I on ya, and bullseye asnt tasted a drop of claret in a while
<<< slips quite out of character for a bit! >>>
now look man wi no name whoever you are. i just bloody well challenged ugly to a duel ffs, so you can just ride off into the sunset and leave the duelling to proper..erm......duellists, ok?? all very well going all slanty eyed and spitting, but there's ways and means, and they generally involve slightly effeminate carrying on with hankies or lacy gloves and stuff alrite???
<<< tuts >>>
or d'you want me to order up an extra coffin from the old guy??? hhhmmmm??? duel
oy big nose wots yur problem...we can sort it for a small price
Hello Bergerac. I do so like a person with accents.
Yours is divine. cool Aven't eard it before
Quote by Cyrano de Bergerac
<<< slips quite out of character for a bit! >>>
now look man wi no name whoever you are. i just bloody well challenged ugly to a duel ffs, so you can just ride off into the sunset and leave the duelling to proper..erm......duellists, ok?? all very well going all slanty eyed and spitting, but there's ways and means, and they generally involve slightly effeminate carrying on with hankies or lacy gloves and stuff alrite???
<<< tuts >>>
or d'you want me to order up an extra coffin from the old guy??? hhhmmmm??? duel

Okaya I gotta gun - you gotta sworda - whatsa tha oddsa??
oy big nose wots yur problem...we can sort it for a small price
Whatsa the oddsa then eh?
<< sweeps off his hat and bows with a flourish >>>
ahhhh eliza ma belle fille. i believe u ave already met mon ami le Compte de Cuiche at zee ambassadors ball?? ee was quite taken wiz your beauty as i recall, zo all that raining on the plaining waz ay leetle confusing???? un verre du vin, n'est-ce pas???
x x x x x
Aaaaa wot rolleyes Ambassadors ball ! :roll: Nahhh never bin to nuffin so posh in allll me life cor blimey redface surprisedops: I wish thou
Quote by Cyrano de Bergerac
<< sweeps off his hat and bows with a flourish >>>
ahhhh eliza ma belle fille. i believe u ave already met mon ami le Compte de Cuiche at zee ambassadors ball?? ee was quite taken wiz your beauty as i recall, zo all that raining on the plaining waz ay leetle confusing???? un verre du vin, n'est-ce pas???
x x x x x

Oy sheet we 'ave (bit o' frenchy there eh?) no rain on the plain ina Mehico - I shoota your boll***cks offa eef you go for a my 'liza.... < thinks > I shoota the bol****cks offa anyonea that a moves a!
FFS I come into my usual wekend haunt and find it swarming with strangers!!!
All I wanted was a facuzzi and a beer.... confused
Quote by some ugly, stinking mexican person
Okaya I gotta gun - you gotta sworda - whatsa tha oddsa??
oy big nose wots yur problem...we can sort it for a small price

Whatsa the oddsa then eh?
<<< goes off to check if pistols we're invented yet, for the sake of historical accuracy! >>>
erm............not sure ffs!
but anyways you never seen james wotsisface in the magnificent seven eh?? with a bit of a bloody knife against that bloke with the shooter, let alone a sword ffs!!! so your point is wot exactly???
eli you ugly personne.......
I pray you have a care! If you go on
My scabbard soon will render up its blade! :shock: rolleyes who writes this stuff ffs???
<<< bit more hanky slapping, but in a slightly more aggressive way >>>
jesus MrFC tell me about it mate. just who are these people? dunno
come for a quiet pint and some big-nosed french twat starts carrying on with half the bloody pub?? bilko off duty or wot?? going rite down the bloody nick this place lately. and watch where you leave ya phone and stuff mate. dippers and thieves everywhere ffs!
<<< tuts >>>
rite what you having??
neil x x x x
Ah Neil
Good to see a familiar face..I'll have what your havin mate and keep ya hands in ya pocket.
<<< neilinleeds wishes to apologise profusely for his last post, in which the words "french" and "twat" appeared in close proximity to each other. redface
neilinleeds wishes to make clear that he would never deliberately use such scurrilous language in connection with the cheese-eating surrender-monkeys, and apologises profusely once again! >>>
((( Bluexxx about? she likes it when i get all sub and apologetic ya know! ;-) )))
Hi Neil
Now you know I'm always watching!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:
I'm just letting these strangers have their bit of fun before normality kicks in again on Monday.
Please save the words Twat and French for tomorrow night when we will know in which context to use them!! lol :lol: :lol:

Come on England!!!!
sorry sarge quite rite redface
was just trying to get into the spirit of things.........and put all the frenchy footballer types who might be here off their game a bit!
but footballs banned in the GFZ ya know! you'll be in bother mate! ;-)
now how about a pint for me and MrFC, and for yaself of course while you're here?
neil x x x x
I'm off to bed soon, so it will have to be a quicky. Just for the record, not only is football NOT banned from the GFZ, it is compulsary !!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:
Oh I just love a french accent. It makes me go all weak at the knees !!!! redface
Neil bend over and let me slap your botty , do not put the french off their stroke! :twisted:
ooo MrsFC, i 'appen to know ov a certain french personne you know! ;-)
but seeing as how would be rude of me to refuse...... :moon:
glass of red is it MrsFC??
neil x x x x
Quote by easy
da da da da..da da da da..da da da da de da de da..boom boom
*gyrates while swinging goggles round his head before ripping his boxers off and diving into the jacuzzi*

Oh this place is heaven,gyrating men,bubbly,excellent company,men at the bar,fantastic biggrin :D :D :D :D
Quote by Cyrano de Bergerac
<<< goes off to check if pistols we're invented yet, for the sake of historical accuracy! >>>
erm............not sure ffs!
but anyways you never seen james wotsisface in the magnificent seven eh?? with a bit of a bloody knife against that bloke with the shooter, let alone a sword ffs!!! so your point is wot exactly???
eli you ugly personne.......
I pray you have a care! If you go on
My scabbard soon will render up its blade! :shock: rolleyes who writes this stuff ffs???
<<< bit more hanky slapping, but in a slightly more aggressive way >>>

Heya 'spit-conque'! You donta knowa thata I wasa ina the Magneefeecent Seven. Old Coqueburn he no able toa chuck the knifa so Eli hava to do eet for heem as a doubla. Anywaya why you calla yours flies youra scabbard heh?
I theenk I recognise the style of the quotes een thees one (Neil?)
spit-conque? ispit-conque????
vous êtes un gros, laid, puant porc
wot are you doing in ear monsieur. i waited on the field d'honneur depuis all bloody morning, and you are standeeng een ear eyeing up les belles femmes and steenking and dreenking. pah!! and oo ees thees neil personne? dunno
garcon? un vin rouge s'il vous plait, dans un de jag's grands verres..... <<< i'm sure this bloody babel fish thingy ain't working rite? :dunno: >>>
shall we sod the duelling and rubbish french accent and just get a bit pissed for a bit? that man wi no name never showed either eh? thought i'd scared him off! HA!
Bergerac,never a better idea,
Do i feel a drinking contest coming on? :beer: drinkies :cheers: :giggle:
hey, someone mention a drinking contest??? woo hoo, let's 'ave it! (( and a few little drinkies as well! )) try not to suggest a barbie tho, you know wot happened last time!!!
erm.....clare, could i rather sheepishly offer to buy you one for starters?? ;-)
now i haven't noticed the widescreen for the footie anywhere? trust it's in the sarge's capable hands tho!
neil x x x x