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Quote by neilinleeds
erm.....clare, could i rather sheepishly offer to buy you one for starters?? ;-)
now i haven't noticed the widescreen for the footie anywhere? trust it's in the sarge's capable hands tho!
neil x x x x

Yes please Neil,hope you can keep it up though or youll be on the floor first :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
As for the widescreen thats a very good point confused
Quote by Clare
hope you can keep it up though or youll be on the floor first

erm.......bit confused now! if i try to keep up not sure, after a certain point, bout the keeping up, redface but if i don't keep up have no excuse for being first to the floor???? dunno
hhhhmmmm, quite a dilemma now! i'll think on it while i have a pint! these things generally sort themselves out eh? ;-)
neil x x x x
Come on Neil im on my third pint already biggrin :D :D
Quote by Cyrano de Bergerac
spit-conque? ispit-conque????
vous êtes un gros, laid, puant porc
shall we sod the duelling and rubbish french accent and just get a bit pissed for a bit? that man wi no name never showed either eh? thought i'd scared him off! HA!

Nope. Scared aint a word I know,Frenchy.
Say, you a friend of that mexican I've come ta git? Maybe you should reconsider your list of associates.
(spits, lights cheroot)
If you are, you too can join us at The Old Churchyard-no beans -for- brains, not The Old Schoolyard-that was Paul Simon.
Say, what's that sword thing you're waving plannin' on having a barbecue? Better be careful Frenchy, wouldn't want you to 'cut your nose off to spite your face'?
Gotta mosey, gotta buy a fistful of dynamite.
What the heck has happened to our GFZ??
jags where the hell have you been??
hope you're gonna sort all the riff-raff out now ffs! specially that french bloke when we're all so patriotic today and stuff! ((( oops sorry! shouldn't have mentioned that maybe?? )))
bet this is the last time bilko's left with the keys eh??? and bet all that flag wavings getting rite up your nose too eh ((( stifles a laff, in deference to his scottish forefathers! but come on england!!! )))
an extra large glass was it???
neil x x x x x
Ahhhhh Neil, my man slaps back
Nice to see another straight talking lad in here. Now I'm all for the minorities and all that, yeh, but they have to do as the Romans do, if you know what I mean.
We don't go to their countries, yeh, and like, wear sombreros n stuff like that. No, we would look a right tourist then. I went to Benidorm last year, a drinking thing with the lads yeh, great fun, loads of slappers there. Nearly pulled a few times, but I'm not like that, yeh, I have far too much respect for the ladies to do that, had to turn them down.
But I was treated like a local there, because I know how to act in the right communities. Several times I was mistaken for Spanish and had lots of loud talking at me and gestures by the local bar and restaurant owners themselves. They thought I could understand them. Mates had a right laugh about that one I can tell you. But it's just that I know how to act around them, so they treated me like 'one of them'
Quote by Jags
What the heck has happened to our GFZ??

Mistress Jags
This room appears to have been the overspil from the Masquerade Ball.
Why not don a costume and join us later in the Ballroom.
Miss E. Bennett
Virginal Spinster on the Parish
Anyone for a barbie?
Hi jags....lately the GFZ is like walking into the YMCA...
Gotta keep an eye on yer goods...right wheres me
aaaahhhh david, good to see a man after me own heart.
went to paris not so long back and had the very same thing mate. my french was a bit off after a few bouteilles de muscadet, but i think the huddles of frenchmen staring in my direction was something to do with them being equally confused, like you say! the "ne come back soon pas" was genuinely heartwarming i can tell ya!
them french birds tho........well i was there for a bit of cultural exchange, not that kind of exchange ((( nudge, wink, etc ))) so left it with warm feelings that if i'd been that way inclined, well, they invented tongues n stuff didn't they?? ;-)
get you a pint dave?? (( and not in a gay "can i buy you a drink" way at all! rotflmao oh no! lol ))
neil x x x x
Neil my maaaaaaan! he he he
I'll have a lager, bit of a nutter when I get on it. Not in a violent way, just a headcase me eh.
So, can I have a word mate?
Over here ...... *whispers* So which birds around here are the easy ones eh? wink Don't really want to buy drinks for the frigid ones. I have a lot of respect for the frigid ones mind you, they've got morals and all that - I just don't want to waste my money on em
Quote by DAVlD BENT
Over here ...... *whispers* So which birds around here are the easy ones eh? wink Don't really want to buy drinks for the frigid ones. I have a lot of respect for the frigid ones mind you, they've got morals and all that - I just don't want to waste my money on em

Bloody cheek of it mad :x :x :x :x
Aaaaaayy wot you onna bout David?
Why you talking about buy drinks for the birds. :shock: I thought they got there drinks from the puddles redface
What is all this with big words like easy and frigid, wot you onna bout? Never eard of imm before.
Eliza never mind about David,
unhinder your self of some of your garments, it is to hot to be dressed as you are.
Sit next to me and enjoy a glass of wine, the footie will be starting soon.
Move up lads!! biggrin
hello mrs fc passionkiss sillyassionkiss:
A post specially for you before I go and watch the match. I am trying to keep posting for you biggrin so i expect my reward at the munch :passionkiss:
oooohh!!! tim biggrin how nice to hear from you. :D :D
Reward ! oh dear do I owe you something. rolleyes
Quote by Tim all dressed up in a rather disturbing outfit in one of those dungeony swing contraptions
so i expect my reward at the munch

oh munches is it?? and why have i not been informed??? was i that bad ffs??? :sad:
least ya missus likes me? them bushy borders could do with a good strim eh???
neil :P x x x x x
I will have to keep an eye out for you next time neil, I missed you last time.
Ahhhhhhhh guys I'm back!!!!!
Sorry I had to go and leave you in the lurch like that. You know what it's like, so many people inviting me to places all day. I can't let them down, they like to have a bit of a joker at their do's, it gets everyone relaxed and in the party mood. Back now, hope you didn't miss me too much.
Quote by MrFC
Anyone for a barbie?
Hi jags....lately the GFZ is like walking into the YMCA...
Gotta keep an eye on yer goods...right wheres me ://

I need a LARGE glass to get through the evening - FFS - minority TV and surrounded by strangers... lost in an alien country.
redface :cry: :cry:
Quote by Jags
I need a LARGE glass to get through the evening -

here, have this one i prepared earlier! wink
Anyone fancy some Doritos?
Hopefully Ugly won't have noticed.
Quote by MrsFC
Anyone fancy some Doritos?
Hopefully Ugly won't have noticed.

Now look I'm trying to get this stink o' chilli off me ..... but if they're chilli flavoured - yes please.
Tune I love hot stuff ooops things. biggrin
Will you pass me the wine. wink
Just what we all need on a hot day like today, the door unlocked and the jacuzzi on and bubbling away.
Some chilld drinks would be nice