its difficult to define specific differences between each generation, because your own age at each point throws up different opportunities.
now that you are middle aged you have the credentials for showing the youngsters the ropes.
Hi mate welcome to the forums.
The people here......
a mixed bunch like any community. These days I think swingers come from any and all walks of life and span the spectrum of the social scale. It could be a young lad working on a building site, a lady who is a physiotherapist, etc, etc ad infinitum.
You find different types of people on different areaqs of the site, I find that the most tolerant, open minded and friendly lot are here on the forums. Generally I have found in my 5 years here people are mostly tolerant (depending on the stupidity/absurdity of the post), up for a laugh and take the piss a little (in a friendly way for the majority).
Like anywhere that you get a collection of people together, there is the good, the bad and the.....really stupid and annoying, those that have a village looking for it's idiot!
If someone annoys or offends you, you will find some that don't, what I think I'm trying to say is that this is a "community" and like any community it has it's popular people, the try hards, the outsiders and the lurkers. Jump in enjoy it and don't take it too seriously, at the end of the day you can always log off and come back another time, you don't have to live with us lol.
For my part im, open minded, interested mainly in the forums, and tolerant other than to those that come on here without their partners knowledge. Swinging is a lifestyle these days, a part of the person's life that they choose, but I think choosing to do it openly is the way forward. Again that is just MY opinion. Good Luck, and enjoy.
i think the basics are all there in different mixes. like today if you want to do something slightly hippy or hedonistic you go to Ibiza.
I am tolerant and open minded.
Also to be honest a bit too left wing for this forum, but hey I try.
Welcome to the forum btw, and do not believe what anyone says about me....I am a big pussy cat........miow.
Actually the best deal would be Hedonism, which is a package tour in the Caribbean, catering for the more mature client.
in addition the 'sex/love' tours for aging women in Africa are popular.
Which seems to indicate that if you have a disposable income you can go further afield to apply your skills. Whereas back when you were younger you could only see and reach what was in or around your home location.
what has developed is the quantity of outlets and the variety which they cater for. so there's a commercial aspect which is more so than former times.
None of which is really needed as the basic principles of swinging are age old; and require little more than a couple who are motivated and can inspire in other people the spirit of sexual adventure.
Hi and welcome to the forums. Others have covered many of your interesting questions, and Srne's answer in particular is a fine response.
Might I add a word of advice? Don't go on so much about being old. There are plenty of members on here who are older than you (including me) and most do not go on about age. I meet members of all ages on here, as many others do, and age does not loom as large in many people's minds here as you might think. The user name you have chosen is distinctly unflattering, and might not help you. Maybe it's ironic, I don't know.
I might think of more later, but for now, good luck.
What can I say about my introduction to swinging - first it just about qualifies as being in the 70's - I was a very young begginner and for the first 8/9 months of my involvement I had absolutely no idea that what I was doing was swinging - I just thought that I was a totally Jammy bugger getting regular sex when most of my contemparies couldn't so much as get the bra off their own partner.
I had been befriended by a couple and the lady introduced me to "infidelity" although I had no idea her hubby knew all about it - then she introduced to her friend and so on till I was judged discreet enough to be invited to a party when the truth actually dawned on me as I engaged in sex with a multitude of partners whilst being applauded and copied by other hubbys or invitees. A truly mindblowing event.
And so I had no need of contact mags and can offer no insight to there operation apart from passing on the frustration of a number of my fellow swingers at the slow and cumbersome nature of the encounters that did/didn't result from the use of these little pocket books.
What I can say is that safe sex was rare during the late 70's although very quickly became the norm after 1980 (the AID's leaflet explosion - remember the iceberg?)
There is no doubt that the internet has greatly expanded the horizons and opportunities available to those who wish to indulge in the lifestyle, making it easier to establish some kind of rapport with potential playmates before meeting - but equally there is no doubt that it has also made it easier for the wannabees and desperados to spoil that rapport with their unrealistic asperations when they become involved via a site such as this.
So we of the 'genuine' lifelstyle must suffer the idiots in order to make contacts - sad but true - but we do gain an ease of communication and (that awful business phrase) 'networking' that must make the swingers of the 70's green with envy.
All in all I believe there to be a lot more swingers actvely engaged in the lifestyle now than was ever the case in the 70's - and the blame/praise for that goes fair and square to the internet.
Vive la choice
Vive le internet
Vive SH
We only having been involved with swinging via the internet, can we ask how the pre-internet stuff worked?
How did swingers find each other?
Was it a letter with a photo enclosed to make a date for a social meeting, then someone booking a hotel room for a later date? Presumably there were no swingers clubs in the 70s?
John & Shel
Thanks for the comments.......Seems like we're getting a cross section of experiences......and.....for me at least......that was what i was hoping for.
1. KaznKev and LaffnChilli
Phew!!!...Thanks!.....Was beginning to wonder if I WAS the only one remebering things in that light!!!
Laffs comments in particular seem remarkably similar to my own introduction .........You didn't frequent the Warrington area in those days did you????.....I'm seriously wondering if MY couple were serial seducers of young innocents like myself!! ( Dont laff!!!!....I WAS!!!.....That's the wrong fantasy to stick in MY brain!!lol )
2. MikeNorth and Duncanlondon
My appologies!!.....My sense of humour leaves a little to be desired sometimes.......and can be a little confusing 'til you know me.
Don't take the age thing TOO seriously......It's only when I'm forced to see it that my age even crosses my mind!1......Usually - in there - I'm an eternal 20 something!!......then some shit cries out 'Oi!! Slaphead!!' and destroys it for 5 minutes lol.
Honestly......If I stick around long enough'll see how self depricating my humour can be.......But I'm not here on some bizarre mission to influence other peoples views on ageism......or anything else for that matter!!!.Not, yet, sure I will stay......but .....if my choice of username seems unflattering - or puts people off.....What the hell!!!.....It'll say more about the views of the people avoiding me than anything........Not something I'm likely to see as a great loss!!!.....But thanks for the thought!!
Much as I wish I DID have the disposable income you suggest.......I still can't see me at Hedonism somehow.....2 reasons.....YANKS!!!( appologies to anyone who is......just never met one I've liked! )....and sunburn!!!!!......Ooops!!.....Who's prejudices are showing!! :sad:
Once again.....Thanks for the comments!!!.....All helping to build a picture!!