Always look on the briiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide of life do-do -do-do do do do do do-do
:cry: :cry: :cry: today was going soooo well .
i just carnt belive we have been sold up the river :shock: .
today was going badly anyway... the heating broke at work and it was so cold we all got sent home, which is crap because I'm temping so I only get paid for hours I work, then on the way home some arsehole of an HGV driver came screaming onto a roundabout and nearly hit me and I had to pull over and sit there shaking for five minutes.
And then this. I feel like crying. I'm going for a bath... back in a sec to check what's happening.
And.... I don't know Mark. I guess some of you do. I realise this must be a hard day for him as well.... but it would be nice to hear from him and know what his reasoning is, why he decided to sell. If it's anything other than money.
I know i am fairly new but this seems ridiculous - and wrong - feel bad for the people that have been on here for years.
Seems to work very well to me - and absolutely no need for someone to come along and try to make money out of it.
F***king Hell - very unamused
Now whats happend wheres the thread GONE
hes already left ........
I need a hug :cry: and he's at work !
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Well I can see we have a very long winding road ahead of us from now on.
Please take care out there because at the end of the road I can see a great big >>>
Do not mumble and say it will not happen. If there is a company and money involved it will.
It will arrive by the back door when all are asleep just like this sell off was.
Personallly I agree Mark has done a great job on the site...
I am however dispointed that the site is to be sold of...i wud have prefered a consortium of SH memebers to keep the site running.
I am extreamly unhappy a mobile ringtone comapny is taking over and the fact it might becoming a paid site has angered me more. I do not want my details be advertised so that i can be spamed by junk. I am happy being here if the site continues to be free....
if i have to pay i will definatly end up walking away from SH...and i think that is the bottom line.
Who do we report our steam room ideas to then? :confused:
Give it a few months and it'll either be better, the same, or worse (in which case, a collaboration between the SH techie crew might get another site up and running for us)
Well, I have had a bloody good laugh on here and it hasnt cost me a penny.
So I'm not going to moan that the guy who made it possible isnt going to do it anymore.