...thread,but hey I'm bored and depressed so:
What music you listening to right now?
Magic radio station playing in the background.
Bloody tweenies singing 'if you're happy and you know it'!!!! aaaarrrrggghhhh
I haven't even put the TV or stereo on.
Came in from riding earlier, logged on to do some emailling (??) and been Yahooing with a nice young lady ever since.
So the only noise is the email notify, the zap thingy and Duey purring beside me.
That's more like it.
It's all right da da da da da da da da da da da da da daaa
No music on at the mo - maybe later when my daughter's gone to bed. She's watching Worzel Gummidge and chomping on raw carrots. About as peaceful as it gets round here.
got bit of radiohead on at mo..high and dry is such a class song
All Depeche Mode, all the time. :P
No, I'm actually listening to Elastica for some reason.