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older womem, younger guys - a happy medium?

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6 watchers
Quote by O. K.
Age does make a difference, the older one's are living in cloud cuckoo land if they think someone younger desires them, get real. lol biggrin surprised wink

Wrong! I've played with men as much as 10 years younger than me, Chris with a woman 13 years his junior. Worked for us. Just because it hasn't for you doesn't mean it hasn't worked for anyone else. confused We have also found older people to be very desirable. Sean Connery for example :twisted: ooooooo I'd love a tumble with him (Bev)
personaly i like women of any age younger women (im 27) tend to enjoy being tought new tricks etc and i like older women because they can teach me a few things. cant say i prefer older or younger it depends what you are looking for
Quote by ego247
As a 21 year old guy i can say that i've never been with a woman more that 2 years older than me, but really want to - in part because older women ( 6 years or more) appear to be far sexier than women my age because they dont seem to try as hard.

how about 24 years older biggrin
Quote by CuddlySimon
or 20 :P

errrr simon was that met for me or you are guy dunno
Quote by Debbiewebs
As a 21 year old guy i can say that i've never been with a woman more that 2 years older than me, but really want to - in part because older women ( 6 years or more) appear to be far sexier than women my age because they dont seem to try as hard.

how about 24 years older biggrin
we'd need a crate of viagra to keep up with you and a month in intensive care to recover rotflmao
Quote by O. K.
Age does make a difference, the older one's are living in cloud cuckoo land if they think someone younger desires them, get real. lol biggrin surprised wink

Me 28
Dino 43
So Dino is living in cloud cuckoo land is he? innocent
Well thanks for putting me straight on this, here`s me thinking we were hump blast passionkiss :swingingchair: and perfectly happy.
And plenty of :love: :love: :love: :love: together
Quote by meat2pleaseu
As a 21 year old guy i can say that i've never been with a woman more that 2 years older than me, but really want to - in part because older women ( 6 years or more) appear to be far sexier than women my age because they dont seem to try as hard.

how about 24 years older biggrin
we'd need a crate of viagra to keep up with you and a month in intensive care to recover rotflmao
BOG off wrinkley
anyway you to old for me so you have no worries! :D :D flipa :rotflmao:
Quote by Debbiewebs
As a 21 year old guy i can say that i've never been with a woman more that 2 years older than me, but really want to - in part because older women ( 6 years or more) appear to be far sexier than women my age because they dont seem to try as hard.

how about 24 years older biggrin
we'd need a crate of viagra to keep up with you and a month in intensive care to recover rotflmao
BOG off wrinkley
anyway you to old for me so you have no worries! :D :D flipa :rotflmao:
oooo look, my grans on SH poke
Quote by meat2pleaseu
As a 21 year old guy i can say that i've never been with a woman more that 2 years older than me, but really want to - in part because older women ( 6 years or more) appear to be far sexier than women my age because they dont seem to try as hard.

how about 24 years older biggrin
we'd need a crate of viagra to keep up with you and a month in intensive care to recover rotflmao
BOG off wrinkley
anyway you to old for me so you have no worries! :D :D flipa :rotflmao:
oooo look, my grans on SH poke
OOO yes she is isent she look abit like you

:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
OOo you have a eye like a star it comes out at night lol :lol: :lol:
Quote by Debbiewebs
As a 21 year old guy i can say that i've never been with a woman more that 2 years older than me, but really want to - in part because older women ( 6 years or more) appear to be far sexier than women my age because they dont seem to try as hard.

how about 24 years older biggrin
we'd need a crate of viagra to keep up with you and a month in intensive care to recover rotflmao
BOG off wrinkley
anyway you to old for me so you have no worries! :D :D flipa :rotflmao:
oooo look, my grans on SH poke
OOO yes she is isent she look abit like you

:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
OOo you have a eye like a star it comes out at night lol :lol: :lol:
is that you after the munch?
Quote by meat2pleaseu
As a 21 year old guy i can say that i've never been with a woman more that 2 years older than me, but really want to - in part because older women ( 6 years or more) appear to be far sexier than women my age because they dont seem to try as hard.

how about 24 years older biggrin
we'd need a crate of viagra to keep up with you and a month in intensive care to recover rotflmao
BOG off wrinkley
anyway you to old for me so you have no worries! :D :D flipa :rotflmao:
oooo look, my grans on SH poke
OOO yes she is isent she look abit like you

:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
OOo you have a eye like a star it comes out at night lol :lol: :lol:
is that you after the munch?
nope its me bfore the munch :rotflmao:
oooby the way any one seen me eye must of rolled out when i was dancing at the munch :rotflmao:
Debs think better go now before she gets a smackbottom for hi jacking this post bolt
Quote by Debbiewebs
.......... too old for me so you have no worries! biggrin :D flipa rotflmao

Thought this thread was establishing the case fer older guys quite nicely - then I go and read this :cry: :cry: wink
being a 25 yeat old lad I've always wanted to have a cosie night in with a woman in her 40's... was starting to give up on the idea... but hey their is hope.
I'm off to find debbiewebs add!
On this subject, I have never been with an older man, my first husband
was the same age as me and my hubbie now is five years my junior.
Older men seem to be frightened off by me, they always have.
i have always attracted younger me. but 20 years younger noway.
i would feel like a muppet. lol :lol:
25 is my minumum if i can find one here is hoping
Well my opinion as a man - yes we can have opinion as long as we run past our partner rolleyes
Is this I have always found older woman attactive from my late teens. I thing its a mixture of reasons from the Miss Robinson effect to watching Mrs Collins in films. Oh and having the real thing is the biggest decider boink - Older woman simply know how to please a man more and I do feel woman hit thier prime older than men. The older woman I have and the ones I still do really know how to impress from clothes to actions :cheers:
Saying that I have found some young woman - unfortunately they are quickly becoming the norm sad - due to my age. Who have the skills too, but they are far out number by the more mature Sexy woman. Any younger ladies wishing to prove they are better can always Pm me - :smoke:
Oh as can the older ones wishing to give me more evidence - bolt - do you think I got away with that innocent
I'm 25 btw...
I've found I'm interested in the older women, the first woman I had sex with was about 11-13 years older than me. As the age difference gets bigger it does depend on the individual, but wouldn't rule out someone 25-30 years older than me on age alone. I also like younger girls too, they all have their good points, but I do sometimes tend to wander to the mature-women newsgroups redface
I have to say, I really want a woman in her 30's or 40's to have either friendship or fun and friendship, It'd make my day!
I fantasise equally about younger women as I do older women. I would consider around 30 to be my upper limit at the moment (I'm 22).
I'm not exactly the most experienced guy so it's definitely a turn-on, the thought of being shown the ropes by a more experienced "Mrs. Robinson" ;)
I saw the most stunning older women on the train this morning. She must of been in her 40's and must of been just back from holiday and she had the most amazing tan and more importantly fanstastic legs to show it off.
I could barely contain myself and she must of know as the legs kept crossing and uncrossing witth the skirt riding up.
Must get with an older woman lol! I will even do some ironing if you want ladies!
incedently why do older women think younger guys would be interested in them?
Ive always found ladies older than myself a lot more attractive than younger girls. I reckon women hit there prime looking wise in there 30s+. More life experience aswell.
Debbiewebs - 24 years older is great! biggrin 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 years - still give me a :D
Well i'm too sure about being scared by Debs - but i'd certainly like to try...! on my preference.. i have none.. if its good its good... wink
I don't get this thing about age. I'm not attracted to a number, I'm attracted (or not) to a person, a specific individual.
I see a lot of younger faces in my everyday life (that's what you get for still being a student in your mid-twenties rolleyes ), and I find many of them very attractive, and some of them less so. Through this site I have met ladies mostly older than me (thank you very much SH btw worship ) , with up to 15 years difference, and many of them were sexy as hell.
Some 40 yo are hot, some 18 yo are hot, and some in both age groups are, well, not. Each woman is a special case (and some are very special cases indeed :twisted: ).
(This comment was brought to you by Captain Obvious and the Screaming Truisms. Thank you for your attention)
Thomas x
Quote by A kind of magic
Do older women ever fantasise about younger men.
Obviously older guys like the 18 glamour dolls but do the more experience ladies like the thought of teaching a thing or two. And what sort of age differences do people think are acceptable.

Since becoming divorced at 43, ( and being easy on the eye considering my age- so I am told, not my words!)I have had many partners a lot younger then me. Also a good few 'liasons' with younger but experienced good looking guys. Youngest being 23 when I was 44- awful eh! :shock:
Always had a fantasy( as YET unfulfilled) to seduce a virginal fit teenager, and teach EVERY thing he ever needs to know about sex, how best to please a woman, and how to understand women too, the vital part!
The pleasure comes not only from the tuition, but the knowledge that he will in theory become a considerate but fulfilling lover, improving with his own expereince and maturity, but initially thanks to l'ill ol' me! wink
Ah- I can but fantasise!
Tits x
Quote by Titsalina
Since becoming divorced at 43, ( and being easy on the eye considering my age- so I am told, not my words!)I have had many partners a lot younger then me. Also a good few 'liasons' with younger but experienced good looking guys. Youngest being 23 when I was 44- awful eh! :shock:
Always had a fantasy( as YET unfulfilled) to seduce a virginal fit teenager, and teach EVERY thing he ever needs to know about sex, how best to please a woman, and how to understand women too, the vital part!
The pleasure comes not only from the tuition, but the knowledge that he will in theory become a considerate but fulfilling lover, improving with his own expereince and maturity, but initially thanks to l'ill ol' me! wink
Ah- I can but fantasise!
Tits x

I can pretend that I know absolutely nothing about how to pleasure a women very convincingly! lol You are the definitive older woman!
Well first post and i decide to post in the younger men - older women debate :P. Well as a young healthy 21yr old with a high sex drive I lust over the older ladies more than i do of ladies around my age. Young is good and all, but it just doesn't tickle my fancy as much as a gorgeous looking mature woman. In my opinion women just look better as they get older, its an aura that surrounds them, the 'I've seen it all' look that just makes me wanna shout 'YES PLEASE!'
Also, the trick an older woman could teach me... Oh how i do wish.
Quote by A kind of magic

Since becoming divorced at 43, ( and being easy on the eye considering my age- so I am told, not my words!)I have had many partners a lot younger then me. Also a good few 'liasons' with younger but experienced good looking guys. Youngest being 23 when I was 44- awful eh! :shock:
Always had a fantasy( as YET unfulfilled) to seduce a virginal fit teenager, and teach EVERY thing he ever needs to know about sex, how best to please a woman, and how to understand women too, the vital part!
The pleasure comes not only from the tuition, but the knowledge that he will in theory become a considerate but fulfilling lover, improving with his own expereince and maturity, but initially thanks to l'ill ol' me! wink
Ah- I can but fantasise!
Tits x

I can pretend that I know absolutely nothing about how to pleasure a women very convincingly! lol You are the definitive older woman!
Could we both be students at the same time? ;)
22 here btw smile
Age is not really an issue imho i love an older lady and had some great times too wink
i am 1 half of a partnership i am a young buck of 20 years and i have got to say over the past year i find myself looking at the older women much more, its always been my fantasy to be with an older woman am talking in between 30 and 60.
throu looking and talking to older women i find them much more interesting and they are just more sexy. i suppose the experience thing does do something for me but then again i wouldnt say i am un experienced and i would like to think i no a thing or two.
jus my 2 cents
take it easy