Somebody please help me...... in my distracted state and haste to get about 10 things done at once.. I have picked up the wrong cream to remove the hair from my 'bits'..... Instead of using my special extra sensitive bikini line cream I've used my bog standard leg cream and now I am in AGONY!!!!!!
I'm red and on fire and to make matters worse I can't pee!!!! :shock: :cry:
Please say there's someone on here who's stoopid enough to have done the same thing at some stage? Is there any cure?
To cool the burning chuck on some cold plain yougart (?) once it's cooled down nappy rash cream will do the trick.
Yes - ME :shock:
There is a thread with lots of helpful advise ... "Urgent Warning to all women" I think that was the title.
this is not just a ladies problem but a medical issue. if you can't pee you need to sort this out quickly.
* If you have any try - some lavendar oil diluted in water and apply liberally
* try crushed ice in a towel and press to your bits - might be undomfortable but should help to reduce any swellling.
* get to a chemist and ask them for something suitable
good luck
OUCH :eeek:
Makes my eyes water just reading about it. Hope you get it sorted
i hope you get something to help and that theres no lating damage
Well I managed to get through the afternoon without peeing.. and have just been :cry: I used the trick from after I had my stitches 'down there' and pured a jug of cold water as I was doing it.. it still burnt like hell!!! Now off to the supermarket for some natural yoghurt.. any idea how long I'm supposed to leave it on for?
You silly bugger!!! That will teach you to slow down.
If only i were nearer, i would have offered to come and put lashings of yoghurt on your bits.
Will think up some excuse to get down yet hunni :twisted:
G x