Mrs Lost has asked me if I'd put a question to the forum
When having a darn good shag in the doggy fashion, how to put this politely? theres a noise that can emanate from hmm. Do any other ladies experience Ohhhhh
Balls to it do other fems suffer fanny farts? If so does it embarrass them and put them off their stride so to speak> It doesJ and no matter how I and others who are there at the time tell her it matters not to her it does.
I think fanny farting is an art form!
We should have a appreciation of fanny farts society.
A sigh is but a breath of wind,
That comes up from the heart,
But when it's on it's downward trip,
It's called a fanny fart.
Always makes me chuckle,but I think Jewl just keeps quiet and hopes no-ones noticed :shock:
Now fanny farts are useful things,
They set the mind at ease,
Reverberate your testicles,
And tremble to your knees.
i find that when i get them its because the guy is not making a proper seal and is either not large enough to or is pulling out too much and forcing air into the vaginal cavity ... either way it is the blokes fault and not the females.... all sympathy to the fems who believe its their fault it is not :twisted:
What's the difference between a Fridge and a Fanny?
A Fridge don't fart when you take your meat out....
I think they're great. You can play 'name that tune' at the same time. What more could a girl want?