Quote by the_Laird
Although I very much doubt that an established member would have posted something which had an exceptionally high risk of causing offence to so many people
Perhaps the best advice is from Happy Cats
I'm sure youre not prejudiced but it could be read that way. Just try to think whether you could be offending anyone before you post
Quote by nickshanks
I hate to make sweeping generalisations, but I have to admit that I've never met a transsexual that I've found attractive, and doubt I ever will. But then i don't find black or east-asian people attractive either. I was at the polling station last week and saw a couple, obviously very much in love, he was a lard & HGVs type 22st. bloke, she was a tiny vietnamese girl, about 10 years older than him. I welcome diversity, but think I'll leave it to other folks all the same.
What do you think on these sorts of matters?
Quote by nickshanks
I care about my friend, that's WHY i am trying to find out more about what she's going through. Why is that so wrong?
Quote by PoloLady
It might be a good start (seeing as you hate generalising) to not refer to people with similarity in their sexuality as "them" as if they are a cloned homogonous group.
Quote by nickshanks
It might be a good start (seeing as you hate generalising) to not refer to people with similarity in their sexuality as "them" as if they are a cloned homogonous group.
Quote by nickshanks
Oh, i'm not judging them, as I said I have friends who are transsexuals (and of course many black & asian friends)
Quote by PoloLady
In that context the noun (your choice of noun) is what may cause offence. Try exchanging "them" for "anyone".
Quote by PoloLady
Still curious about how the interracial thing links into the issue of helping your friend – but I’ll save that one.
Quote by rachel-lane
Are you still here nickshanks????
Quote by bluexxx
Are you still here nickshanks????
Quote by PoloLady
I thought the nifty backtracking, the complete change in direction and turnaround of his questions (to something completely different to his original scrawling of pants) demonstrated a pretty agile range of footwork!
Quote by nickshanks
Err, look. I've apologised for causing offence, I've apologised for getting my terms confused, and I've attempted to put things right by starting over in a new thread.
What else do I have to do before you'll treat me like a person?
(not directed at everyone, just those who continue to jibe)
Quote by the_magik_s
a bit of advice mate.
*Dont start a thread for the sake of it by picking something alien to yourself just for arguments sake (coz as you see.. you will get an argument)
*and if the above should happen... dont back trackso much (its not exactly a turn on and shows a distinct lack of Will power and manly-ness)
*And finally.. dont take yourself so seriously. Althougn back tracking isnt cool... turning around early doors and saying "hey im being stupid excuse moi im just tryiing to get some attention here would have been better and would have shown a sense of humor"
have fun mate
Quote by nickshanks
a bit of advice mate.
*Dont start a thread for the sake of it by picking something alien to yourself just for arguments sake (coz as you see.. you will get an argument)
*and if the above should happen... dont back trackso much (its not exactly a turn on and shows a distinct lack of Will power and manly-ness)
*And finally.. dont take yourself so seriously. Althougn back tracking isnt cool... turning around early doors and saying "hey im being stupid excuse moi im just tryiing to get some attention here would have been better and would have shown a sense of humor"
have fun mate
Quote by the_magik_s
Well as you may have noticed.. i edited my original post and deleted the bit about "attention seeking" coz i thought it may be a bit harsh but then i realised... I BACK TRACKED!!!... :shock: How un-manly am i?!!...bloody hell.... pot & kettle