I was just wondering how many transsexualss people know, and how well.
I know two, both in the US and both computer programmers who went male -> female. One is pre-op, one post, and i am good friends with the former, acquaintances with the latter.
The girl who's had her operation had a very understanding wife (she knew of his intentions prior to getting married, but it took a couple of decades to get around to it) whereas my other friend's hispanic wife doesn't understand and their marriage is facing very difficult times. I hope things turn out okay for the pair of them.
I hate to make sweeping generalisations, but I have to admit that I've never met a transsexual that I've found attractive, and doubt I ever will. But then i don't find black or east-asian people attractive either. I was at the polling station last week and saw a couple, obviously very much in love, he was a lard & HGVs type 22st. bloke, she was a tiny vietnamese girl, about 10 years older than him. I welcome diversity, but think I'll leave it to other folks all the same.
What do you think on these sorts of matters?