Some of you know I went to Cupids last night for their party night. All was going well until my partner for the night informed me that our alcohol had almost run out at around 10pm. He hadn't realised we should bring our own so was sharing mine... anyway we decided to go to the off licence for more. Unfortunately it had closed by the time we got there so we had to go to a pub for carry outs. Some bloke in the pub asked where we were going so we just said to a party, and he said "oh are you swingers?" :shock: :shock: After a tiny hesitation I of course denied it

Anyway, we got back to the club and this is where the trouble started :cry: Changing back out of my "street clothes", my foot somehow slipped off my shoe and my ankle gave way. I automatically put my right hand out to break my fall and was met with a loud crack :shock:
Half an hour and 2lbs of ice later, I was still in pain but decided to soldier on..... well there was some bloody great totty in there last night :twisted: :twisted: and we finally left at around 2am.
Every time I turned over in my sleep though, the pain woke me up, and in the end I had to wake sleeping beauty and ask him to take me to casualty

So this post is to explain to everyone in one go what happened because typing is really tricky right now - and I won't be in the chattroom til its better either.... way too fast in there :lol:. It's also an opportunity for you to take the piss en masse as I'm sure you will :lol2: and to see if anyone else has suffered any injuries in the line of duty so to speak and managed to still have some fun ;)