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One handed typing

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No, not because of wanking you dirty minded lot! lol
Some of you know I went to Cupids last night for their party night. All was going well until my partner for the night informed me that our alcohol had almost run out at around 10pm. He hadn't realised we should bring our own so was sharing mine... anyway we decided to go to the off licence for more. Unfortunately it had closed by the time we got there so we had to go to a pub for carry outs. Some bloke in the pub asked where we were going so we just said to a party, and he said "oh are you swingers?" :shock: :shock: After a tiny hesitation I of course denied it redface
Anyway, we got back to the club and this is where the trouble started :cry: Changing back out of my "street clothes", my foot somehow slipped off my shoe and my ankle gave way. I automatically put my right hand out to break my fall and was met with a loud crack :shock:
Half an hour and 2lbs of ice later, I was still in pain but decided to soldier on..... well there was some bloody great totty in there last night :twisted: :twisted: and we finally left at around 2am.
Every time I turned over in my sleep though, the pain woke me up, and in the end I had to wake sleeping beauty and ask him to take me to casualty sad .... 4 x-rays and almost 5 hrs later the doctor said he was very confused because the bruising, swelling and pain looks like a fracture, but the x-rays say otherwise. I have to go back to the "recent injury clinic" dunno tomorrow and see a specialist, and in the meantime I have a bandaged arm in a sling and can only use my left hand to type.
So this post is to explain to everyone in one go what happened because typing is really tricky right now - and I won't be in the chattroom til its better either.... way too fast in there lol. It's also an opportunity for you to take the piss en masse as I'm sure you will :lol2: and to see if anyone else has suffered any injuries in the line of duty so to speak and managed to still have some fun ;)
Oh yeah, and I had to have my diamond ring cut off as well :cry:
Quote by Angel Chat
No, not because of wanking you dirty minded lot! lol
Some of you know I went to Cupids last night for their party night. All was going well until my partner for the night informed me that our alcohol had almost run out at around 10pm. He hadn't realised we should bring our own so was sharing mine... anyway we decided to go to the off licence for more. Unfortunately it had closed by the time we got there so we had to go to a pub for carry outs. Some bloke in the pub asked where we were going so we just said to a party, and he said "oh are you swingers?" :shock: :shock: After a tiny hesitation I of course denied it redface
Anyway, we got back to the club and this is where the trouble started :cry: Changing back out of my "street clothes", my foot somehow slipped off my shoe and my ankle gave way. I automatically put my right hand out to break my fall and was met with a loud crack :shock:
Half an hour and 2lbs of ice later, I was still in pain but decided to soldier on..... well there was some bloody great totty in there last night :twisted: :twisted: and we finally left at around 2am.
Every time I turned over in my sleep though, the pain woke me up, and in the end I had to wake sleeping beauty and ask him to take me to casualty sad .... 4 x-rays and almost 5 hrs later the doctor said he was very confused because the bruising, swelling and pain looks like a fracture, but the x-rays say otherwise. I have to go back to the "recent injury clinic" dunno tomorrow and see a specialist, and in the meantime I have a bandaged arm in a sling and can only use my left hand to type.
So this post is to explain to everyone in one go what happened because typing is really tricky right now - and I won't be in the chattroom til its better either.... way too fast in there lol. It's also an opportunity for you to take the piss en masse as I'm sure you will :lol2: and to see if anyone else has suffered any injuries in the line of duty so to speak and managed to still have some fun ;)

You dont seem to be doing to bad a job at typing with only one hand, I cant manage that and I use two!!!
Hope it gets better soon Angel, hes a kiss to make it better xxx
Angel kiss
Get well soon hun cos I need a laugh and I do not laugh at the inflicted or the injured wink
phredd :love:
Quote by Dune
You dont seem to be doing to bad a job at typing with only one hand, I cant manage that and I use two!!!
Hope it gets better soon Angel, hes a kiss to make it better xxx

You didn't see how long it took me! I usually type at around 50 words per minute.... it's really frustrating only to be able to use my left hand - and to have to look at the keyboard as well sad
Angel, you poor love. We are certainly not going to take the piss out of you. That sounds really nasty :therethere:
Hope it gets better soon and that the pain goes away.
Love from us both,
Will and Sappho kiss
Ooooh, you poor sod!
He'll get you a new ring though, eh?
Hope it heals soon. kiss
Quote by Vix
He'll get you a new ring though, eh?

lol I doubt it, was a 30th birthday pressie from my ex. I had to keep it though cos it's the only diamond I've ever owned lol
I hope you get your arm gets better soon.
Meanwhile I will think of all the one handed jobs you can do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol
You broke your wanking hand ?? :doh:
Just kidding AC kiss
I broke my left wrist a few years ago and I know how bad it was having my 'spare hand' out of action sad
Hope it gets sorted soon and you don't have too much trouble babes smile
Minx x x
Piss taking ???
Form an orderly line here please rotflmao rotflmao
Never mind Angel...
Am sure its an (h)armless enough injury...
rolleyes I cant take him anywhere Angel....
Get better soon hun kiss And next time dont wear such high heels lol
Angel, want me to come and type for you?
I can type real well as Sarah will confirm lol lol
Hope it heals soon kiss
Quote by Kit
Angel, want me to come and type for you?
I can type real well as Sarah will confirm lol lol
Hope it heals soon kiss

Yes I can confirm and when drunk as well :shock: confused
Quote by Sarah
Angel, want me to come and type for you?
I can type real well as Sarah will confirm lol lol
Hope it heals soon kiss

Yes I can confirm and when drunk as well :shock: confused
passionkiss rotflmao rotflmao rotflmao
Bluddy (tm some exquisite female from down south) typical! rolleyes I've had a go at ya fer typing too fast in the past and now you come up with some plausible excuse fer when you can't!!
All I can say is gimme me Angel with one hand and a happy man I'll be kiss .
angel, you know my thoughts
you know where to find doctor lancy if needed ;)
Quote by Angel Chat
No, not because of wanking you dirty minded lot! lol
Some of you know I went to Cupids last night for their party night. All was going well until my partner for the night informed me that our alcohol had almost run out at around 10pm. He hadn't realised we should bring our own so was sharing mine... anyway we decided to go to the off licence for more. Unfortunately it had closed by the time we got there so we had to go to a pub for carry outs. Some bloke in the pub asked where we were going so we just said to a party, and he said "oh are you swingers?" :shock: :shock: After a tiny hesitation I of course denied it redface
Anyway, we got back to the club and this is where the trouble started :cry: Changing back out of my "street clothes", my foot somehow slipped off my shoe and my ankle gave way. I automatically put my right hand out to break my fall and was met with a loud crack :shock:
Half an hour and 2lbs of ice later, I was still in pain but decided to soldier on..... well there was some bloody great totty in there last night :twisted: :twisted: and we finally left at around 2am.
Every time I turned over in my sleep though, the pain woke me up, and in the end I had to wake sleeping beauty and ask him to take me to casualty sad .... 4 x-rays and almost 5 hrs later the doctor said he was very confused because the bruising, swelling and pain looks like a fracture, but the x-rays say otherwise. I have to go back to the "recent injury clinic" dunno tomorrow and see a specialist, and in the meantime I have a bandaged arm in a sling and can only use my left hand to type.
So this post is to explain to everyone in one go what happened because typing is really tricky right now - and I won't be in the chattroom til its better either.... way too fast in there lol. It's also an opportunity for you to take the piss en masse as I'm sure you will :lol2: and to see if anyone else has suffered any injuries in the line of duty so to speak and managed to still have some fun ;)

Ouch and double ouch........... hope its just a sprain and not a break..... big hugs.......
equi-princess xxx
very harsh !!!!!!!!!!1 my sympathies.
get well soon xxxxxxx
Quote by Angel Chat
No, not because of wanking you dirty minded lot! lol
Some of you know I went to Cupids last night for their party night. All was going well until my partner for the night informed me that our alcohol had almost run out at around 10pm. He hadn't realised we should bring our own so was sharing mine... anyway we decided to go to the off licence for more. Unfortunately it had closed by the time we got there so we had to go to a pub for carry outs. Some bloke in the pub asked where we were going so we just said to a party, and he said "oh are you swingers?" :shock: :shock: After a tiny hesitation I of course denied it redface
Anyway, we got back to the club and this is where the trouble started :cry: Changing back out of my "street clothes", my foot somehow slipped off my shoe and my ankle gave way. I automatically put my right hand out to break my fall and was met with a loud crack :shock:
Half an hour and 2lbs of ice later, I was still in pain but decided to soldier on..... well there was some bloody great totty in there last night :twisted: :twisted: and we finally left at around 2am.
Every time I turned over in my sleep though, the pain woke me up, and in the end I had to wake sleeping beauty and ask him to take me to casualty sad .... 4 x-rays and almost 5 hrs later the doctor said he was very confused because the bruising, swelling and pain looks like a fracture, but the x-rays say otherwise. I have to go back to the "recent injury clinic" dunno tomorrow and see a specialist, and in the meantime I have a bandaged arm in a sling and can only use my left hand to type.
So this post is to explain to everyone in one go what happened because typing is really tricky right now - and I won't be in the chattroom til its better either.... way too fast in there lol. It's also an opportunity for you to take the piss en masse as I'm sure you will :lol2: and to see if anyone else has suffered any injuries in the line of duty so to speak and managed to still have some fun ;)

:cry: Sorry to hear about your wrist.....I promise not to make fun of your little partner did a similar thing about 10 weeks ago on a new bike....odds on you have fractured your scaffoid bone....very difficult to register on x-ray and an absolute bugger to heal.
Make sure you get them to check the scaffoid....plaster for four weeks and then splint for six weeks....get to the hand clinic as well for physio or the arm muscles will wither very quickly. The physio will be painful but 'no pain - no gain' .
Could volunteer to help you type use one hand and I use one hand....that gives me a free hand....any ideas what we could use this for while we type??? :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: . Get well soon...and make sure you get wrist checked out properly, the scaffoid can be a real shit job if not diagnosed quicly and treated accordingly
Risen Phoenix kiss kiss
ps: I am now a dab hand at massaging the only have to ask
They did check the scaffoid today but doc was a bit baffled. Hopefully specialist will shed some light on it tomorrow dunno
Awww I've got a warm fuzzy feelin from everyone being so nice (except steve mids obviously rolleyes smackbottom lol) not sure if thats cos of the good wishes or the tablets, but I like it lol
Sorry to hear about your little accident.
Take note of Risenphoenix's comments I had both hands in plaster once with a similar problem and it's painfull when you get use of them again.
Tell you what you really find out who your friends are then :!:
The other thing that helps is to get hold of a pair of Chinese healthy balls.
No don't go castrating a Chinaman :!:
They're the metal ones like big ball bearings and you rotate them around each other in your hand, you can even get musical ones if you like. Just make sure that you get the right size as you'll never manage properly if they are too big.
The other thing is afterwards don't get carried away and do the same thing with any gentlemen friends they won't appreciate it Chinese or not :!: :!: :!:
hey look on the bright side biggrin
at least you didn't break a nail or dislocate an eyelash biggrin
Hope you get better soon Angel!
Mike xx
Quote by markz
hey look on the bright side biggrin
at least you didn't break a nail or dislocate an eyelash biggrin

rotflmao you haven't met me have you markz.... it shows!! lol
I am sure the opportunity will arise sometime in the future biggrin
surpriseduch: Aww..Hope your on the mend soon....
Next time just send hubby to get the booze while you wait at the party, Gives you time to check the totty out more closely.. :therethere:
Jilly & Steve kiss
Quote by Mr&MrsBeds
surpriseduch: Aww..Hope your on the mend soon....
Next time just send hubby to get the booze while you wait at the party, Gives you time to check the totty out more closely.. :therethere:
Jilly & Steve kiss

Brilliant idea! :!:
Anyone fancy marrying me (for off-licence duties only)? lol
It was the first time we'd met, although we'd been chatting for a while. He was the perfect gent after though and did feel terrible about making me go with him lol. He took me to the hospital and stayed there with me for the first 2 hours bless him
Time to go and attempt dressing and doing my hair one handed rolleyes (He said yesterday was the 1st time he'd ever been asked to fastena bra) :lol2:
Awwwwwwwww I bet that hurt!!!! having your diamond ring cut off!!!! only kidding wink
Hope you have a speedy recovery kiss and you get the use of your other typing hand asap wink
Mr goodtimez