The next day it was discovered that S-H forums were holding a big brother type house thing.....
and for a forefit someone had too...........
Pluck a chicken for dinner...
Only it was misheard as Fuck the chicken :shock:
TYRACER & LOST had feathers everywhere as the tried to get to grips with......
Maurice... the gay chicken...
What a magnificent example of a fine cock he only problem was that Maurice preferred to be........
ravishing a parrot which was sitting on my shoulder at the time.
Poor Benrums got serious whiplash from all the sexploits on his shoulder. The only answer was to......
Cut off poor Benrums head :shock:
Which seemed a very drastic action as he only had 6" fully erect.
Meanwhile the rest of the sex shows contestants were .........
practising their putting-condoms-on-with-mouth skills on a range of fruit, vegetables and household implements.
Nola managed the cucmber and banana OK, but was having a little difficulty with the butternut squash when...
her fairy godmother arrived and said ..............
Nola's fairy godmother looked a bit surprised wondering what Nola's mouth had to do with it but then there was a sudden.....
...into the room burst the Big Bad Troll with an enormous...
So they all hopped on the train at Grimsby Docks and hightailed it out of town towards.....
the Copa... Copa Cabana. The hottest joint north of Havana.
At the Copa ......... they fell in love! :inlove:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
The management of the Copa weren't prepared for a coach load of swingers, hell-bent on sexy adult play. They watched open-mouthed as...
in full gimp suit, held on a dog collar by none other than...
who called Camilla to help undress Barry. Camilla unzipped his trousers and....................