Thanks to Sarah for bumping this one - perfect timing.
I'm shiny and happy today 'cos I've been forgiven by my woman :bounce:
(Parts of my anatomy become very shiny in the presence of this woman!)
Quote by neilinleeds
and i'm very shiny today, and happier than the happiest thing in the happy shop, cos i finally moved into my new flat yesterday, and even though there's no furniture in the living room yet, or room to swing with the proverbial cat, it's mine, all mine! :bounce: and i'll most likely be even happier and shinier next weekend, after a little housewarming!
n x x x ;)
Quote by westerross
Poor little mite - what'd he get to eat?? Bet he wasn't happy!
Quote by neilinleeds
and i'm very shiny today, and happier than the happiest thing in the happy shop, cos i finally moved into my new flat yesterday, and even though there's no furniture in the living room yet, or room to swing the proverbial cat, it's mine, all mine! :bounce: and i'll most likely be even happier and shinier next weekend, after a little housewarming!
n x x x ;)