OK... so I know I'm not a prolific thread starter, but I've just shocked myself so much that I feel the need to put pen to paper (or finger to keyboard).
I think this might fall into one of those "life changing experiences" that people are always harping on about. You know, the sort of thing that always happens to other people Anyway, here's what happened:
I've reached that certain age in a man's life where the hair on my head has well and truly migrated south (hence the SH forum name). So, having my shoulders resemble the shag pile in Sarge's office, but with fewer curly ones :shock: I thought it was time to take action.
Gripped with a resolve usually reserved for dodging trolleys in Asda on pension day I asked Mrs Cueball to mow my shoulders with her epilator thingy.
Now I was sure this would be a piece of cake. After all, she regularly strims her legs with it and, being a woman, she obviously has a very low pain threshold.
So there I am, stripped to the waist, shoulders bared, with hair waving in the breeze (haven't had that happen for a while :wink. I should have known from the glimpse of her demonic face in the mirror that there was something she hadn't told me. Nevertheless I laid myself face down on the bed and waited for the shearing to start, with visions of a svelte, hairless, younger looking Cueball rising like a Phoenix from the ravages of time.
Imagine the scene if you can. There's yours truly.... pinned to the bed by a worryingly eager Mrs Cueball.... screaming like a thing demented... feeling as if his skin's being sliced off with a rusty chainsaw. OMG!! :shock: I had no idea!! How the hell do you women stand it?
Now I've never been into the SM scene, so the pain was more than a surprise. But the most shocking part of the whole episode was..... I actually started to enjoy it! :shock: :shock:
Now I'm not rushing out to buy one of those flat pack dungeon kits from Ikea, but I am left with a burning curiosity wondering what else is out there for a fledgling masochist like me?
So, has anyone got any ideas for something gentle to ease me along in my new found quest for pain=pleasure?