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hi Swingers of all preferences.
I want to float a couple of ideas to 'test the water' so to speak before putting them to Mark for his consideration. I know he is working hard on our behalf and I dont want to ask him to do more, before seeing if there is any support or opposition to my proposals.
I think we all know the problems with the Photo Adds section. Hundreds if not thousands of adds in some sections. But how many of these are still valid, how many people have moved on, forgetting to withdraw their add? how many have simply lost interest?, and finally how many advertisers have numerous adds? confused
It bugs me (and probably you) to troll through endless pages looking for a suitable contact only to find that they are simply uncontactable.
The repeat adds also drive me (and probably you, to dispair) Whats the advantage of them. If a man is Gay, Bi, Wanting a cpl, wanting a female, into Fettish, Voyeurism, Dogging or whatever, It quite possible to include the lot in one advert. But no, he's got to place one addy in each section. Pointless really.
1. All adds have a time limit, say 6 months. Then it is automatically deleted. That way all the useless out of date adds will eventually be removed.
2. No person may place more than 1 advert at a time in the photo adds section. This would at least stop the multiple adds. If someone wanted to put up a new add, they would have to take the other one down first.
I know this means the genuine advertisers will have to re-submitt their adds every six months, but it that hard to do? I dont think so. It would also give the advertisers a chance to update their text and photo's, which could well be to their advantage.
As I have said I am just testing the water before contacting Mark but I am willing to receive a poll result, before passing them on. (you can trust me I'm not a polititian or a lawyer) rolleyes
I am sure that these ideas are technically possible to put into operation, and, if they were carried out, would save Mark some time trying to sort the wheat from the chaff, and give him a chance to play at being "daddy". It may not stop the occasional add from those ladies who charge for their services, but will make them easier to spot.
hello harry0,
what is the point in having different catagories, if we placed ads in just one, it would take forever surely, to find say, dogging? or men seeking women?
what would the heading be, man seeking everything sexual?
just a reply to you wink
sorry forgot to say, isn't the fact people put the wrong ad in the wrong catagory the biggest pain in the neck?
Totally agree with an expiration date... although it should be easy for folks to simply refresh their advert to keep it for longer...
It would be nice if one advert worked for multiple categories... failing that, you'd have to create a 'looking for more than one thing' category.
Keeping old adverts only keeps the pic collectors happy, nobody else, and it takes up a) bandwidth and b) server space.
whats wrong with keeping the pic collectors happy?
each to their own!
gotta go and start dinner, maybe converse tomorrow!
Hi HarryO, how's tricks? smile
I totally agree with having a time limit, although I think 3-4 months would be better.
I think it's better to have multiple categories, as they stand at the moment, but we should only be able to have one ad in a category at a time. This still allows you to have an ad in each category. If we cut back too far, it takes away the benefit of choice of the individual.
I don't have an ad, but I believe that when you amend an ad, this gives it the current date? I'm sure someone will correct me on that point if wrong.
Taking this a stage further, we currently have 2490 members, but over 70% have only placed one or less post (not advert). A lot haven't got email addresses, fine, but a lot haven't even completed the basics of their profile confused . I appreciate that people join for different reasons, but if they haven't placed an ad or posted in the forums after, say six months, should they be removed?
I know this site is fairly new and I really appreciate the time and effort put in by Mark and his 'Heavenly Fluffers' to maintain it, but we, as non-paying members, should not over-burden them unless we can do something constructive in return. At the end of the day, even as it is, it's still a great site, we just have to rise above the idiots who cannot work out where they should stick their ads - although I think we could make some alternative suggestions :grin:
My 'umble opinion, your 'onour worship
Hi Badhubby,
I knew this wasn't going to be easy as soon as I saw your name come up. :shock:
It would be a lot easier if men and women could decide to look for one thing at a time. That way there would be no need for multiple adds at all. As you suggest, there could, I suppose, be a section for men looking for multiple opportunities. evil
However, it was my original intention to seek views of others in an effort to try and clear out some of the dross from the photo Adds section of this site which bedevils the genuine swingers. sad
Do doggers really have to advertise in the photo adds section for instance? after all, there is a dogging section in forum where adds are placed or can be viewed and responded too. That takes care of one of your adds. biggrin Perhaps a little more thought should be given to adds before they are placed.
Wrong category picks are a pain in the ass, I agree, some silly B******s cant read.
Regarding Piccy Collectors, there's a million sites on the net where these can be obtained, some for free. I dont honestly see why swingers should be pestered by collectors who have no real interest in swinging. mad
Fortunately most swingers have caught on to these guys and refuse to send undraped shots now unless a meeting has been set up. :D
Indian says white man who looks for everything, sees nothing,
Indian looks for one thing, sees all. Ugh.
Sitting Bull ( Extracted from birch bark posting on an early swingers site.)
I think that the expiration period should be 1 month. If you have sufficient interest you can choose to keep the ad going. Never placed an ad, but suspect that advertisers are informed when somebody responds so there is already a mechanism to ask members if they want to keep the ad going after 1 month.
Ads in diferent sections is fine I think, just not multple ads in the same catagories. Not an expert, but suspect should be able to stop this by looking at the ip address of the advertiser.
Ads in wrong section seems to be the main problem. Would it be possible to run a keyword scan of the ad to determine whether the ad was in the correct place. This already seems complicated but might be possible with some thought. Alternatively perhaps include a confirmation page before the ad is submitted. E.G This is the section for women to seek single males. Are you sure that this is where you want to place your ad?
Whether mark wants to do anything about these suggestions is up to him. I think the site is already great so I am not bothered if none of these ideas are implemented.
Think this has been spoken about in another thread - but the current state of the ads is being looked at by Mark. He is working on a Moderators function to remove offensive or duplicated ads but does have his mind on many other things too.
The people who post multiple ads in all sections are annoying and detract from the genuine. As Heather said in the other thread if you see anything then let one of us know (names in green and the term Heavenly Helper) and we will get it sorted out. OR you could PM Mark yourself - he's a goodie!!
This, and a number of issues require a fairly large and complex piece of work in order to allow them to be addressed. This is underway and will be completed as soon as is humanly possible.
Be patient.
It IS being sorted.
Relax and enjoy yourself, all your woes will soon disappear in a cloud of Heavenly Fluff.
Hello Mark worship
Thanks for the input, I believe we all appreciate the hard work your putting into the site. I'm simply trying to find out what the users of the various sections, especially the Photo Adds area, would like to see done to cut out the anomalies which have come to light. Hence my idea of a poll.
The replies already in seem to show a diversity of opinion, its nice to know what other people think. 8)
Hi guys and gals, just for the record, Linda and I got an e-mail from a guy that saw the very first ad we ever posted.
We got that e-mail just over three weeks ago from a guy that saw an ad that we placed just over a year ago.
We met him and had a great time, the point is, would he have seen our ad had it been so far back that he would not have been bothered to go that far and check.
"couple looking for guy to fuck her as he watches" he found it lol .
just a point, ps, we are a little bit drunk, been on the ale all day wink .
Have fun, Mark and Linda.
pps, Mark, please dont sack us for being drunk in charge of a site, hic, :lol: