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Orgasm !

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Quote by Johnno1973
ok heres the question, put your hand up if you have been told that you will go blind if you have a wank. This stems from the church and as such is a religous argument. I was told many years ago by a wise man, never argue about polotics, religion and i cant remeber the last one as i was pissed at the time. STOP NOW.

Does this help everyone? lol
Well said pleasureseeker smile ......i see your up north same as me.
I think that this is a very touchy subject. Lets get this straight, NOONE is to blame. Its not anyones fault its a bodily function. You cant just make someone orgasm just because you think they should be. There are thousands of men and women who have never had an orgasm, this be through choice or medical reasons or they havent found the right technique that does it for that particular person. This is only my view on the subject, im not point scoring or trying to be funny or make anyone feel silly. Just my view.
Quote by bisto kid
The elusive female orgasm! Men learn to orgasm (cum) from an early age usually around 13. Women are sexually mature before men but from what ive heard dont usually learn to orgasm till well after this if ever! It can be really hard to make some women reach orgasm especially if they dont masturbate by themselves on occasion. Is this because in the past female masturbation has been a subject and there for not practiced as much men?
(If this question has been asked before i appologise in advance but i couldnt find anything using the search button)

What proof have you got that a woman needs to masturbate by themselves to make it easier?
Why has it been a subject about women wanking and not for the guys?
It was a for men to masturbate, you only have to research the catholic religion, that was my point previous.
Quote by Johnno1973
It was a for men to masturbate, you only have to research the catholic religion, that was my point previous.

But apparantly not according to Bisto Kid.......
Quote by Johnno1973
It was a for men to masturbate, you only have to research the catholic religion, that was my point previous.

just as well we're not catholic then, anyway some of the things their priests have got upto they stand need preach to any bugger lol
What proof have you got that a woman needs to masturbate by themselves to make it easier?

I havent it was just a theory.
johnno i didnt mean to get off on the wrong foot with you mate appology's for the name calling.
Quote by bisto kid
What proof have you got that a woman needs to masturbate by themselves to make it easier?

I havent it was just a theory.
johnno i didnt mean to get off on the wrong foot with you mate appology's for the name calling.
A theory based on what?
da69ve wrote :
Why has it been a subject about women wanking and not for the guys?

It was mentioned in an earlier post no man would agree to not masturbating in a group of men but can the same be said about a women in a group of women. In certain religions etc masturbating done by either sex was as johnno has already pointed out.
Da69ve a theory on conversations with women.
Quote by duncanlondon
I have gone numb a few times and not orgasmed.
I once had a spunkless orgasm. Very unusual and a bit worrying. So I had a wank as soon as possible afterwards. No problems, fountains and floods.

Hehe numb knob :shock:
Quote by bisto kid
da69ve wrote :
Why has it been a subject about women wanking and not for the guys?

It was mentioned in an earlier post no man would agree to not masturbating in a group of men but can the same be said about a women in a group of women. In certain religions etc masturbating done by either sex was as johnno has already pointed out.
You never said anything about religion in your first post with regards about you just assumed women didn't talk about it because it was a subject
Have you ever been around a group of women when they are talking about such they can be more detailed and honest than the guys!
Quote by bisto kid
Da69ve a theory on conversations with women.

I thought your theory was just based on a man's perspective of these things!
Can I ask a question .. is a man orgasming when he cums (releases his sperm/ejaculates) or does he orgasm as well as cumming?
There is a theory where men can orgasm but not ejaculate .. now this is a serious question cause if men only orgasm when they ejaculate then its obvious why men can orgasm ... they have to for procreation to happen, where as women don't have to orgasm to make a baby .. its purely a pleasure thing for them.
Quote by devondelight
Can I ask a question .. is a man orgasming when he cums (releases his sperm/ejaculates) or does he orgasm as well as cumming?
There is a theory where men can orgasm but not ejaculate .. now this is a serious question cause if men only orgasm when they ejaculate then its obvious why men can orgasm ... they have to for procreation to happen, where as women don't have to orgasm to make a baby .. its purely a pleasure thing for them.

And they can be multiple.....lucky cows! wink
Quote by da69ve
And they can be multiple.....lucky cows! wink

Now look here Da69ve ... you're supposed to answer the question
smackbottom :smackbottom: :smackbottom: :smackbottom:
Quote by devondelight

And they can be multiple.....lucky cows! wink

Now look here Da69ve ... you're supposed to answer the question
smackbottom :smackbottom: :smackbottom: :smackbottom:
Alright.....isn't it call Tantric sex....(bet that's wrong)...where a guy can cum without cumming!!
Yes I think Tantric sex is about controlling the climax.
I was reading an article written on a site called sex project and it said:-
'Women are not biologically programmed to ejaculate in the way men do, they usually do not have this feature and are able to learn about and achieve multiple orgasms much easier than men.'
Here the writer seems to thing a woman can have multiple orgasms more easily than men.
DD (just chucking stuff in for others to discuss and add to)
Well what a mine feild this appears to be!!!
I would like to offer my experience to this thread (however limited). I'be had a few sexual partners in the past and have had varying degrees of sucess success at getting them to orgasm.
Generally I have found that women and men, when masturbating, have little trouble in getthing themselves to orgasm. However, when it comes to sex, blokes are GENERALLY (note the generalisation, not the complete be all and end all of situation) at a lose at how to get a women to orgasm. I've managed to get a woman to orgasm through fingering, but not through fucking redface (please, anyone who has any suggestions please fire away).
So, to conclude, in GENERAL (pls note self admitted genralisation again) men dont really know what thier women want. Whereas on SH, you are asking a very specific cross section of ppl about sexual abilities and experiences.
Quote by Shadow_Walker
Well what a mine feild this appears to be!!!
I would like to offer my experience to this thread (however limited). I'be had a few sexual partners in the past and have had varying degrees of sucess success at getting them to orgasm.
Generally I have found that women and men, when masturbating, have little trouble in getthing themselves to orgasm. However, when it comes to sex, blokes are GENERALLY (note the generalisation, not the complete be all and end all of situation) at a lose at how to get a women to orgasm. I've managed to get a woman to orgasm through fingering, but not through fucking redface (please, anyone who has any suggestions please fire away).
So, to conclude, in GENERAL (pls note self admitted genralisation again) men dont really know what thier women want. Whereas on SH, you are asking a very specific cross section of ppl about sexual abilities and experiences.

Well, if you're really at a loss to know what you're partner likes, you could always ask her what she likes ......... Or am I being naive? It just seems logical to me dunno ... Sex doesn't have to be a guessing game if you don't want it to be loon
a good point and well made, but i guess im talking about new partners here when blokes tend to take the same attitude towards asking what the partner likes as he takes when asking for directions in the car (he doesnt cos he doenst like to appear incompetent) and i have actually asked partners in the past what they like, and they've actaully said 'erm, not sure really'; at which point the whole mood has been properly ruined
Quote by Shadow_Walker
a good point and well made, but i guess im talking about new partners here when blokes tend to take the same attitude towards asking what the partner likes as he takes when asking for directions in the car (he doesnt cos he doenst like to appear incompetent) and i have actually asked partners in the past what they like, and they've actaully said 'erm, not sure really'; at which point the whole mood has been properly ruined

I guess with a new partner (that you intend to see regularly) you need to be a bit more patient than just coming out with "What do you like?" and expecting that being given directions will result in amazing sex straight off. There's ways and means of saying "What do you like?" without it seeming clinical or at worst, pushy or stupid. A general chat when you're not having sex at the time is probably more revealing to be honest.
If you're swinging with lots of different partners who you do not intend to see regularly then I supppose you have to guess or risk looking a bit daft by asking --- I'm talking here about sex with strangers. Some stranger sex just "clicks" and it's great with hardly any words and no directions from either partner, and sometimes it's crap --- I supppose it's more pot luck than anything.
As for those who you've asked and they say, "Don't know" - well, if they don't know, then you can't blame yourself for not knowing either! I suspect that most people who have a sexual history (i.e. not a virgin or total novice) will have at least some idea of what they like, so maybe the people you've asked in the past are too shy to say dunno
looks like this is coming down to another one of those cases where we accept that everyone is different
in the short term then you have to either put up with the status quo or bite the bullet and ask, whereas in the long term you have to generally be patient and see where things go
is it me or do alot of social/sexual threads seem to end up like this (minor hijack waning)
is this just a reflection of the generally closed society in which we live that genrealy prevents us from asking the'difficul' or 'awkward' questions??
Quote by Shadow_Walker
is this just a reflection of the generally closed society in which we live that genrealy prevents us from asking the'difficul' or 'awkward' questions??

Yes, maybe.
Lots of people are nervous about talking about sex, even with someone they are shagging. This might mean that they blurt stuff out that they want to know in a way that sounds naff, rather than chilling out and chatting about it like they would the plot of EastEnders (OK, bad analogy confused wink ). Or it may mean that when they are asked they clam up, go all coy, say they don't know, or try to change the subject. They might really want to say, but find it very hard... maybe with more chilled encouragement, they might be quite happy to tallk about it. That's why having a sexual chat whilst doing something completely unrelated to sex is a better idea.
But at the end of the day it's all about patience. I mean you wouldn't expect to find out all about someone's life, what they like to eat, what their fave TV programmes are, and what annoying little habits they have, all in one day, would you?
Quote by bluexxx
But at the end of the day it's all about patience. I mean you wouldn't expect to find out all about someone's life, what they like to eat, what their fave TV programmes are, and what annoying little habits they have, all in one day, would you?

but im not interested in all that, just how they like to be fucked smile
Quote by Shadow_Walker

But at the end of the day it's all about patience. I mean you wouldn't expect to find out all about someone's life, what they like to eat, what their fave TV programmes are, and what annoying little habits they have, all in one day, would you?

but im not interested in all that, just how they like to be fucked smile
Well, perhaps that's where you're going wrong innocent
Quote by bluexxx

But at the end of the day it's all about patience. I mean you wouldn't expect to find out all about someone's life, what they like to eat, what their fave TV programmes are, and what annoying little habits they have, all in one day, would you?

but im not interested in all that, just how they like to be fucked smile
Well, perhaps that's where you're going wrong innocent
possibly, but if im not just interested in how you like to be fucked then surely i should be taking the patient view, which will lead me to the information on EXACTLY how you like to be fucked, amongst other useful tidbits
Quote by Shadow_Walker
possibly, but if im not just interested in how you like to be fucked then surely i should be taking the patient view, which will lead me to the information on EXACTLY how you like to be fucked, amongst other useful tidbits

If you're genuinely interested in the partner you're shagging you'll be interested in more than just shagging them..... i.e. about other aspects of their life also. This will lead to you being more comfortable with that person, and you will then both find it easier to talk about lots of things, including sex.
Surely this is common sense? dunno
Or maybe not :crazy:
Quote by bluexxx
possibly, but if im not just interested in how you like to be fucked then surely i should be taking the patient view, which will lead me to the information on EXACTLY how you like to be fucked, amongst other useful tidbits

If you're genuinely interested in the partner you're shagging you'll be interested in more than just shagging them..... i.e. about other aspects of their life also. This will lead to you being more comfortable with that person, and you will then both find it easier to talk about lots of things, including sex.
Surely this is common sense? dunno
Or maybe not :crazy:
some ppl just cant be goaded properly these days :twisted:
but back to the point, i think we have actually realised we are discussing two seperate issues here
1) how to satisfy someone on a one night stand
2) how to make sure you and ure partner get the most out of your relationship