I agree totally hun . I was sent a picture with another females face in full view,
I think its unforgivable to send pictures out without even asking the other person if its ok to pass it on. I left him in no doubt how i felt about it. Needless to say I wont meet him.
Its worrying to think pictures of your bits are being passed on like that......needless to say Unless im totaly sure of the person or people im with and can trust them I wont have any taken. and if I do its without my face showing.
I think, and that is something not many do these days, that a picture is fine, but sort of knowing the person is better? Maybe I am a fuddy, but I would rather relate to the person, than the picture. I am sure their are some really nice looking people who are crap in everything, and some plain sorts who are good. I think vanity is the reason and because of the other pictures they see, they feel theirs is poor in comparison, and so lie in their own. Many WILL tell you, finding any reply IS bloody hard on any sight, and if you are a balding, humpty faced warthog you have little chance to begin with.. Honesty is the best policy, but sometimes I think sheer lonelyness prompts many to lie....
I have had pics sent to me with other people on and I am sure the people involved will not know. I think you are right as why do you need to see faces of people other than person you are corresponding with? Think this thread may just be a useful reminder to anyone who may have done it without thinking.
Well, we had a guy who was interested in just watching. So, said okay , might be interested but please send facial pics (and rude if you wish) and tell us about yourself.
Received two pics of his 'previous' girlfriends sucking his ' thick and long cock' (his words) clearly showing their faces. Not one pic of his face.
Needless to say his request was declined. But it did make me think that the ladies in the pics probably had no idea that he was in essence hawing their images around.
This is one of my first posts,
what a worrying subject, I have a small collections of pics with ex's. Couldn't imagine why men would send them about. Must think that if ladies on here see them with previous 'conquests' they cant be complete losers...how wrong they are.
Just realised there are as many pics of me floating around in ex girlfriends cupboards, would be so embarrrased to see those about.....going red just thinking about it!
Cheers Chris
agree entirely with this! I recently engaged in e-mail chat with a local woman, who did infer that she wanted to meet me - exhanged photos ect, like you do ,including (foolishy!!) one of my face. hers showed everything but her face and, through our discussion, ended up telling her my details. In short - she knows what I look like, the street where i live, what job i do and I all i have is her email and some photo's!! can't believe i was so daft I think it is mostly men who are trouble but I suspect there are a few women out there get off on manipulating people like this.? what does everybody else think?
Hi all hope you all well, ok pics well I do't take pics in that situation have been sent pics of ladies to my phone but now I am on the 2 network I dont know anyone who has a 3 phone, anyway I agree that ii is well out of order and should not be happening but what the ladies here could do is refuse to see the guys/couples that send out pics of "their previous conquests". If people feel that is too harsh well if these people are prepared to do that what will they do if anyone else meets them. Can we expect to see blue in a porn video (just trying to make a point) if people dont like something then change it just dont talk about take action ladies say no thank you if your prepared to send out pics of you and someone else with out their permission, and not take steps to hide the persons facial features. Well all the best people have fun..............