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Other people’s privacy.

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I am amazed by how little regard a lot of people show for the privacy of others.
Over the past month or so a very large proportion of the emails I have received have started off with the man in question assuring me of his discretion, only for me to open the picture attachment and find that not only has he sent me a picture of himself involved in sexual acts with a previous sexual partner, but also that he has gone to no trouble at all to hide her identity.
One man even had the cheek to blur his own face in the photo…….. and left his female partner totally recognisable!!!
I think it is unforgivable for someone to send a picture of someone else in a compromising position to anyone, let alone to a complete stranger.
It has actually worried me to the point now that I wont allow anyone to take photos of me where my face shows, for fear I will be broadcast the world over.
Has anyone else been worried by this, or have you actually experienced your own photos/personal details being given out to people?
personally i would never meet someone who had done this.....i wondered if it also put everyone else off?
I agree WBB, and have had exactly the same thoughts about this type of email attachment in the past. I've never agreed to any "action" pics being taken for this very reason, and until I totally trust somebody, thats the way it will stay.
I've also had internet pictures sent to me, and when I commented, the guy replied "Oh, you noticed sad I do look a bit like that bloke though" :doh:
Quote by Angel Chat
I've also had internet pictures sent to me, and when I commented, the guy replied "Oh, you noticed sad I do look a bit like that bloke though" :doh:

you should have arranged to meet him somewhere and then not gone, when he asked u why u were not at the agreed meeting place... u could have told him you were somewhere " a bit like" that place!
I totally agree, WBB. Guys that send pics of their previous conquests are not funny and are not clever, I find those types of pics very off putting. I've no doubt that the people in the pics have no idea that they are being sent confused . Even more annoying are the guys who send pics that are clearly not them. Recently, I had one reply to my ad, the bloke had sent a number of pictures, all with identities, male and female, clearly to be seen. Some of the pics I recognised as those belonging to other advertisers on SH! I think a couple must have been from porn sites as they looked professional. The bloke cheekily said that he looked like the fit guys in the pics!!!!!!!!!!
Needless to say, that bloke is now banned mad
Quote by Angel Chat
I agree WBB, and have had exactly the same thoughts about this type of email attachment in the past. I've never agreed to any "action" pics being taken for this very reason, and until I totally trust somebody, thats the way it will stay.

There's totally trusting someone and TOTALLY TRUSTING someone. Wasn't there a case last year sometime when some bloke spread around some private photos with his girlfriend after they had fallen out with eachother - or was it she did it to him - can't quite remember.
Sounds the right thing to be cautious.
I agree totally hun . I was sent a picture with another females face in full view,
I think its unforgivable to send pictures out without even asking the other person if its ok to pass it on. I left him in no doubt how i felt about it. Needless to say I wont meet him.
Its worrying to think pictures of your bits are being passed on like that......needless to say Unless im totaly sure of the person or people im with and can trust them I wont have any taken. and if I do its without my face showing.
Quote by well_busty_babe
I've also had internet pictures sent to me, and when I commented, the guy replied "Oh, you noticed sad I do look a bit like that bloke though" :doh:

you should have arranged to meet him somewhere and then not gone, when he asked u why u were not at the agreed meeting place... u could have told him you were somewhere " a bit like" that place! rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: evil, but completely brilliant!! :twisted: :twisted:
They don't seem to give a shit , it's like there all bloody piranhas. mad :x
I think, and that is something not many do these days, that a picture is fine, but sort of knowing the person is better? Maybe I am a fuddy, but I would rather relate to the person, than the picture. I am sure their are some really nice looking people who are crap in everything, and some plain sorts who are good. I think vanity is the reason and because of the other pictures they see, they feel theirs is poor in comparison, and so lie in their own. Many WILL tell you, finding any reply IS bloody hard on any sight, and if you are a balding, humpty faced warthog you have little chance to begin with.. Honesty is the best policy, but sometimes I think sheer lonelyness prompts many to lie....
I have had pics sent to me with other people on and I am sure the people involved will not know. I think you are right as why do you need to see faces of people other than person you are corresponding with? Think this thread may just be a useful reminder to anyone who may have done it without thinking.
Well, we had a guy who was interested in just watching. So, said okay , might be interested but please send facial pics (and rude if you wish) and tell us about yourself.
Received two pics of his 'previous' girlfriends sucking his ' thick and long cock' (his words) clearly showing their faces. Not one pic of his face.
Needless to say his request was declined. But it did make me think that the ladies in the pics probably had no idea that he was in essence hawing their images around.
Good thread W_B_B, and I have to agree with Rocky Horror, honesty is the beat policy.
Surely though is it not upto some of the advertisers to ask for draped pics initally, and if things progress then move onto undraped pics if and when needed.
From a mans perspective I assure discretion, and also require it, and would be agast if I saw pics of myself in uncomprimising situations posted all over the web. But is it not a case of people (mostly men I guess) sending pics of thier conqests as a sublime ego boost? confused
This is one of my first posts,
what a worrying subject, I have a small collections of pics with ex's. Couldn't imagine why men would send them about. Must think that if ladies on here see them with previous 'conquests' they cant be complete wrong they are.
Just realised there are as many pics of me floating around in ex girlfriends cupboards, would be so embarrrased to see those about.....going red just thinking about it!
Cheers Chris
Quote by well_busty_babe
Over the past month or so a very large proportion of the emails I have received have started off with the man in question assuring me of his discretion, only for me to open the picture attachment and find that not only has he sent me a picture of himself involved in sexual acts with a previous sexual partner, but also that he has gone to no trouble at all to hide her identity.

I've had exactly the same problems WBB ....... redface
I really don't think some of these men know the actual meaning of the word discretion !! I have found that the ones who 'assure me of their discretion' all the time turn out to be either married or in a long-term relationship .... in other words they don't want their other half to find out what they are up to :!:
Am I misguided or just very cynical dunno
Lucy x
agree entirely with this! I recently engaged in e-mail chat with a local woman, who did infer that she wanted to meet me - exhanged photos ect, like you do ,including (foolishy!!) one of my face. hers showed everything but her face and, through our discussion, ended up telling her my details. In short - she knows what I look like, the street where i live, what job i do and I all i have is her email and some photo's!! can't believe i was so daft I think it is mostly men who are trouble but I suspect there are a few women out there get off on manipulating people like this.? what does everybody else think?
OOPS! :shock:
I am new in here, and I think perhaps I am being a little silly or perhaps plain naive..... When I reply to an ad that stipulates face and body pics or no reply etc... I have been silly enough to comply, in the belief that this is the done thing and I would be wasting my time if I didnt..
Now after reading all your posts... I can see that I am at as great a risk as the rest of you.
What a plonker!
Quote by lucyslovely
I really don't think some of these men know the actual meaning of the word discretion !!

No no no, Lucy, the problem is the women. You''re asking for "facial pictures" and it's only natural the boys think this means a picture of them squirting their man-goo all over some poor girl's face, lol.
Seriously... yeah, pretty-much all these fake-picture and action-shot guys are pillocks and I can't imagine what's going through their heads.
Personally I'm not too worried about sending my facial pictures to people, partly because I look diifferent without my glasses anyway, and partly because the chances that they're anyone I'll ever come into contact with is remote. It's a big world out there with lots of people in it. I'm a big more cagey about publishing candid facial pictures of myself, however... body pictures are no problem, because let's face it, who's gonna recognise my body? smile
I would feel a bit pissed off if another guy started using my pictures and masquerading as me, however. And I can certainly see why people don't want ex-lovers sending out pictures featuring them without their consent!
Hi all hope you all well, ok pics well I do't take pics in that situation have been sent pics of ladies to my phone but now I am on the 2 network I dont know anyone who has a 3 phone, anyway I agree that ii is well out of order and should not be happening but what the ladies here could do is refuse to see the guys/couples that send out pics of "their previous conquests". If people feel that is too harsh well if these people are prepared to do that what will they do if anyone else meets them. Can we expect to see blue in a porn video (just trying to make a point) if people dont like something then change it just dont talk about take action ladies say no thank you if your prepared to send out pics of you and someone else with out their permission, and not take steps to hide the persons facial features. Well all the best people have fun..............