I have just spent hours in hospital........having a circimcision :kick: :kick:
Its blue, purple, swollen.......reminds of a footballers wife
Complication is; Im diabetic and the canular sites from my previous stay in hospital STILL havent healed properly. How long is my willy gonna take to heal????
How bout you guys? Is there anyone out there who's had it done whilst in adulthood?
I was told i dont need salt baths as regular ones will do, but im sceptical as to whether or not, ill be fit for my hols in May
PS; when i told the missus i was having it done she said "OH NO! ill have to go without for a month..........!!!!..........but you can still use your tongue right??
:shock: thanks for the sympathy
Im gonna send a pic to Reese to post for me, so you can all see how small *cough* erm i mean sore my willy is
Anyone want to kiss it better??
Unless there are any further complications, then you should be O.K by May. Just keep it clean.
oh shit.....if you ever want to put anyone else off having it done take alook at that....I'm cringing here.....you have my undevided sympathy mate
Geeez......isn't that a one of Kiss without their make-up on?
I think its fair to assume that nobody wants to kiss it better?? :cry:
Ouch isn't the word..............Try Yeeoowww!! :shock:
:eeek: I was thinking about having it done..........but after that photo, it has made me :upset: .....there is no way that is going to happen to me......Its ok fellah, you can keep your hood
i had it done about a year and a half ago and it got infected i ended up getting antibiotic cream from the doc which cleared it up quite quickly.
used to wake up in agony during the night when i had a hard on, then when it went down it was itchy as hell.
it took a coulpe of months to heal because of the infection, but do get to the doctors and get something for it.
my sympathy goes out to you, its something im glad you dont have to do twice.
ouch indeed man!!! :shock: was considering the snip but i think i just changed my mind!!
get well soon mate, good luck NOT getting a stiffy.
OMG, that picture should carry a warning just before breakfast :shock:
I'm sure there was a thread about this whole subject some weeks ago, but I haven't got time now to go and look / search for it.
the Laird (off to lie down now as I've come over all faint)
ouch i forgot about hard ons. my eyes are streming now.