After my last post about Jim getting injured, guess what happened to us last night.
We were in an accident on the motorway. We were in the fast lane when all of a sudden we saw a object in the middle of our lane. Jim tried to avoid the object, we clipped it, spun and ended up on the hard shouler facing the other way. We had managed to miss all of the on coming cars. And the car is not that damaged.
We are both shaken, but uninjured. The police told us it was a lorry tyre that had been lost, and if we had hit the thing the accident could have been a lot worse. We had a very lucky escape.
But just before we saw the object, Jim had asked me if I was okay (how about that for timing)
:shock:, not more disaster! Hope you both recover quickly, that's a nasty shock you must have had.
Lets hope that the old adage of things coming in threes is a falacy!
Glass is half full honey- thank whoever (im an atheist!) - you were uninjured.
you could both so easily have died.
Big hugs!
Pleased to hear that you are both okay after this incident.
Have either of you broken any mirrors lately ???
I had an accedent boxing day as well smoking muff....
it has taken me a while to overcome it and it was my own fault lukily i never hit anyone or hurt myself but it definatly makes you worried for a bit.
hugs to u hun
What a week! Happy to hear you are both safe. You must have some good karma 'cause things could have been worse, eh.
Er...take care.
Sorry to hear that, Jim! Makes you wonder what you risked your neck for, eh! Out of crisis comes opportunity, so maybe you'll find better employment with someone else, I'm sure you will.
Wishing you success for the future.
Thank the stars that you guys are still walking and talking, you're run of bad luck will be over soon I'm sure. The test now is how you react to the rubbish life has thrown you and I'm sure you're the kind of guys who are going to bounce back with style. I have been unfortunate enough to see some horrific accidnets which were often completely out of teh control of teh individual who was harmed. Some things in this world we are unable to control, do not concern yourself with those concentrate your energies on controlling and improving what you can. Good luck in the next few months it sounds like the world owes you that much.