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Our sad news ...

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Thank you everyone smile
We are all doing really well, we have our moments, but we are determined to fill our lives with laughter and our other children are coping admirably. I think we draw comfort from the fact we were given a "days to live" scenario in January and she gave us weeks with her battling spirit.
She would hate to think of people feeling sorry for her and planned everything, insisting that we wear bright colours and laugh everyday :)
She smiled every day right to the very end and refused to give in easily! Just to prove it; they all had a pamper day on Monday and she made the beauticians paint Morbius' nails bright pink (which he proudly wears to this day) :giggle: We had some funny looks shopping today.
We intend to paint at least one nail on every person at the funeral the same colour ;)
Our focus will be our other children and fundraising for the charity that have supported (and continue) to support us daily.
Cali x
Cali, that is so special and it's so lovely to hear Carrie's positive spirit is so obviously with you all. I'm truly humbled by her strength and character in making you all think happy thoughts. I think you're amazing. kiss
Quote by Dirtygirly
Cali, that is so special and it's so lovely to hear Carrie's positive spirit is so obviously with you all. I'm truly humbled by her strength and character in making you all think happy thoughts. I think you're amazing. kiss

She was a fabulous role-model DG smile
We have no right to feel sorry for her or ourselves when she refused to feel that way!
Cali x
As dad to a 14 year old daughter myself I don't know what I'd be like if anything happened to her -- only that i'd be pretty awful. Offering sympathy sounds so inadequate, but its all that I have to offer. I will be thinking of you both.
Cali, Morbius
I'm speechless and so sad right now. All our love to you all.
Craig and Fee
Quote by Calista
Thank you everyone smile
We are all doing really well, we have our moments, but we are determined to fill our lives with laughter and our other children are coping admirably. I think we draw comfort from the fact we were given a "days to live" scenario in January and she gave us weeks with her battling spirit.
She would hate to think of people feeling sorry for her and planned everything, insisting that we wear bright colours and laugh everyday :)
She smiled every day right to the very end and refused to give in easily! Just to prove it; they all had a pamper day on Monday and she made the beauticians paint Morbius' nails bright pink (which he proudly wears to this day) :giggle: We had some funny looks shopping today.
We intend to paint at least one nail on every person at the funeral the same colour ;)
Our focus will be our other children and fundraising for the charity that have supported (and continue) to support us daily.
Cali x

I am so glad you all had a happy day out on Monday, Morbius don't chip your nail varish..............
To lose a child has to be the worst pain any parent has to endure.
I thank my lucky stars that both of mine are fit and well.
I can only offer words, but none the less my heart goes out to you at this sad time.
However you still have all those lovely memories of your daughter to treasure for a lifetime.
Cali and Morbeous, words can't explain just how shocked and sorry we are to hear this news. Our thoughts are with you at this very sad time and I'm sure your little angel will be looking down on you and helping you through this xxxx
Oh Cali, you do make me smile! smile Poor Morbs! Is it a really girlie shade of pink? rolleyes lol
*asks Gem to dig out the varnish*
We will get all rainbowed up on our toes, and think of you all.
Much love. kiss
N & G x x x ;)
I'm so sorry, and send deepest condolences and love.
You're in our thoughts, Cali and MOrbs :therethere:
Neil, maybe we should all wear pink nail varnish on the day of the funeral, in memory of a brave young lady?
Quote by Freckledbird
You're in our thoughts, Cali and MOrbs :therethere:
Neil, maybe we should all wear pink nail varnish on the day of the funeral, in memory of a brave young lady?

I think that's a lovely idea if Cali and Morb think Carrie would like that. :mrgreen:
If anyone would like to make a donation to help Carrie's chosen charity please PM Calista, Morbius or me and we'll send you a link to it. Carrie set up a page for donations before she passed away to help the charities that helped not only her but also supported her family and friends.
Calista, Morbius and family will be organising more things in the future to help raise funds, but I'll let them inform you of their plans.
Carrie wanted us to raise money for Clic Sargent and Pasic as they are the two charities that support us tremendously. From offering support workers and counselling now, to organising days out, they have holiday cottages etc and we want to help them carry this on.

I'm loving the plan for everyone having pink nails.....not sure what easy will make of it though :giggle:
:shock: ............
I'll need to get my hair done too and then there's the new outfit ....... jewellery.
:notes: :small-print:
I have no objections to having my nails painted for this at all. ;)
Quote by easy
:shock: ............
I'll need to get my hair done too and then there's the new outfit ....... jewellery.
:notes: :small-print:
I have no objections to having my nails painted for this at all. ;)

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
I think maybe we should have a new thread with photos of our painted nails specially for Carrie.
Quote by easy
:shock: ............
I'll need to get my hair done too and then there's the new outfit ....... jewellery.
:notes: :small-print:
I have no objections to having my nails painted for this at all. ;)

We do wantto see evidence lol
Quote by Freckledbird
You're in our thoughts, Cali and MOrbs :therethere:
Neil, maybe we should all wear pink nail varnish on the day of the funeral, in memory of a brave young lady?

what a wonderful idea....if its a goer, count me in!!

There you go. If you want to do it, then that's fine by us. She would have thought it hilarious smile
Cali x
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<rushes off to a well known auction site to buy pink nail varnish.................
il wear pink nail vanish on the day of the funeral, just need to know when that is, im not really allowed to wear nail vanish at work but il start the day with it on my fingers and toes and if they make me take it off my fingers then at least il still have it on my toes smile
Cali & Morbs, just read your news, hope you're doing ok :rose:
I have just painted my fingernails a shocking colour of pink! :giggle:
Our thoughts are with you - my nails ain't pink... yet! ;)
my deepest sympathies to you both
lovely to read you have some wonderfull memories of you daughter to help you through the dark times ahead they will make them so much lighter just hang onto them tightly
huge huge squidgy hugs
will most definatly have pink nails im memory of your wonderfull daughter
posh kate if you could send me details of the charity hun i will be privilidged to make a donation
Morbius and Calista,
Thinking of you both, lots.
I shall wear my pink nails with pride!
Nola x
As the parents of a 14 year old daughter, we're absolutely devastated for you both. Our thoughts are with you at this sad time xx
Again thanks everyone for your love and support. It would have put huge smiles on her face to know that our friends would paint their nails for her smile
To those who have contacted me, I will reply, it's just sometimes overwhelming to start replying.
Other than that we're doing well and taking it day by day.
Cali xx
Cali and Morbius kiss Always here for you...
I love the idea of pink nail varnish so I will be doing mine too.... I have a wonderful bright pink varnish so will do it in the next day or so :lol2:
We are so sorry to hear your sad news x out thoughts are with you and your family. I am also wearing pink nail varnish today for you xx