Personally I think that as we have about half a million members the rules stand up pretty well. They have been developed over time to suit the conditions and as a consequence this site runs well, OK perhaps there could be a a bit of lee way in some areas, but generally speaking it works fine.
Mods and Ops do a good job on the whole, OK now and then it gets a bit ragged at the edges, but hey, they are only human. Ive had my fair share of whinges but someone has usually taken me on one side to explain the whys of the situation. Itys not often I'm still snappy after Ive been enlightened.
If it aint bust dont fix it.
As far as I can see the only real changes/things of note are....
Some changes to the rules reguarding socials and whos allowed to attend, or requires removal of the social posting (although I think they may have come into force just prior to site hand over)
The tightning up of what kind of links are allowed in posts and sigs, although there is some lee-way with regards to personal sites that have a way of contacting the poster directly that isnt defined.
I got caught out with a couple of photos I posted reciently as I had forgot to doctor them and move them to my bits and bobs gallery (I was pissed at the time of posting, thats my excuse) as they had my "commercial" website address on them even tho i'm still to make money from my photography as i'm such a wuss when it comes to discussing getting paid, lol.
There may be changes in the chat rooms, but I never went into them with the old site... so cant comment.
I can understand the change in contact info being public as it makes people pay to make contact... but perhaps a bit of logic in the pre-processor to html would make it easier as then direct contact info can be entered for people that dont mind their direct contact details being public if the viewer and poster were both full members.
Apart from the above I dont think theres really been that many changes bar the ones related to cameras being used as this was, I believe, not an option prior to the site hand over.
Just an example of why the rules ect
Last night i entered a room. One of the pool or beach bar and there was a fem in ther who is a forum user and is new here. She was getting all manner of unasked whispers from the guys. In the end i said follow me to the jacuzzi in a requested whisper as the room was empty. We were joined by a couple of guys and spent the night there and it was a very good nights chat and i thank them all for that.
The pink X next to her name made her a sitting target which im having doubts over now as to if they are wise. Problem is without the male female icons would maybe make it awkward.