Humm well I think the title states the problem, does anyone know of a proven method (other then painkillers) to ease the pain down there ?
Depends on the nature of the problem, but i would suggest Ralgex
I should have given more detail, (I should have know better) I just had my foreskin removed so no pain there ! took all my pill's but am back at work tommorrow (driver) so can't take painkillers as most make you drowsey, hense the questions, still very sore still with stichs still without sex, what's worse ? lol
If its inflamtion of the scar or wound you need to have antibiotics. Other than that bathing in salt water will help to calm it down....
oh yes erections are painfull ! very painfull, didn't have anything before the op was on a waiting list got in with 2 days notice after a year of suffering, after I got 1 orange pill and painkillers, after the first week of hell went to the doc's got some blue pills to reduce the swelling, it's gone down a fair bit but still very sore and painfull, and not looking forward to going back to work, I'm a bus driver and will have to be nice (ish) to people when my cock feels like it's on fire ! oh the joys of life
well whatever happens you need to go back to see your doc. Dont you get SSP?
Well I can swallow male cum but afterwards I usually empty the contents of my stomach all over my lover so it tends to put him off
I'd suggest going back to see your doctor and explaining you have to go back to work so need pain killer you can drive on, at the end of the day he/she's the only real person who can help you.
Hope it gets better soon :therethere:
Ouch ouch ouch....
Well if its not infected then you should take some paracetamol or ibuprofen as these shouldn't make you drowsy. Alternatively, ask your chemist for a local aneasthetic cream that you can apply directly to the sore area (lignocaine cream or something like it, similar to the stuff they put on your gum now prior to an injection at the dentist) you may need a prescription for this though.
Swelling? Bag of frozen peas works every time! Well it did for me after the snip.
When I was circumcised I found that it was not so much painful but sensitive, all those nerve endings uncovered all the time all of a sudden. imagine walking around with your foreskin pulled back all the time exposing the glans and trying not to get excited, not nice (well some people would love it but thats another subject!)
Hope you get well soon and enjoy your new knob!
Just realised your in Widnes, its all the tricloracetic acid in the bloody air stinging your willy
Definately go back to the never know if you leave it it might fall off :shock: :giggle:
Did I just hear a THUD or was it a THUD
There is a cream that is readily available over the counter in both chemists and supermarkets called 'Knobucaine' simply ask the counter assistant, tell them what you want it for and if they don't have that then the likelihood is that they will have a generic. It is specially design for the more tender genital area and costs around a tube, (if they try and sell you the larger tube dont bother it goes a long way). Applied about three times a day it really does help soothe and heal. It would also be wise to dress the area to prevent chaffing after the creams application and I would suggest that the purchase of a finger stool kit would be a wise choice for that body part again for under
wonder if i might need this op, when gettin an erection , if i pull my foreskin back, to show off my purple headed freind, it feels like a cheese wire's going to cut it off, no good eh :shock:
yea its more than alittle painfull aint it :cry:
"Nupercainal" == water soluble. >> Ointment
"Nupercain" non water soluble. >> Cream
both contain Cinchocaine Hydrochloride and are fine for your problem.
One or the other will sort you out. It can only be bought from a Chemist.
ps >>>> it can also be used on Premature ejaculation