A non swinging friend of ours tells us that having pampas grass in one's front garden is a sign that swingers live there ?
We have never heard of this (and we don't have any in our garden )
Has anyone heard of this ?
Quote by MidsCouple24
I think this one is a bit of an urban myth, like the wives of soldiers in Garrison towns putting a packet of soap powder in the window when thier husbands where away on duty (OMO = on my own) so that the single guys would know it was safe to call and that other wives in the married quarters would know they were alone an perhaps vulnerable, in Army Quarters everyone knows who is away and who isn't everyone knows who needs help, the only window event was when there was a power cut (common back when I was serving), people with candles would light one and put it in the window so that anyone who had been caught short without light would know they could go round for comfort and assistance (especially with young children and babies).
Can you imagine it, back when the myth started Pampass Grass was very popular, would you really knock on a strangers door and tell them you came for a shag cos they have pampass grass ?
How on earth you could spread the word nationwide back then when it was all about contact magazines and naturist camps and still be sure that the right message was being sent by having the grass in your garden or that the people with the grass new about the "tradition" I don't know.
Quote by MidsCouple24
Yes I have heard that one but in truth we all know swinging started long before that in all the different forms that it does now, for example we all know that couples attended orgies in Roman times, that single males (usually Gladiators but sometimes soldiers) were invited to join couples at play (Gladiators were usually paid to do this) at other times it was prostitutes or slave women that joined the couples, single males also attended orgies and just like now most of the single males that did this were married
The names may change, the title of what they are doing may change but it was exactly what we now call swinging
Quote by hornywills
A non swinging friend of ours tells us that having pampas grass in one's front garden is a sign that swingers live there ?
We have never heard of this (and we don't have any in our garden )
Has anyone heard of this ?
Quote by Freckledbird
And what's with the leather sofas?
Quote by HughGRection
I have a leather sofa stuffed with pampas grass - has a tiger skin throw over it - is it compulsory to be a swinger under these circumstances.....and my clothes are all from the 70's.......like my moustache and dinner plate medallion.....any ladies feeling a little turned on just thinking about that???? - thought not!!!