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Should pansexuality be added to the list of sexual classifications on the profile ?

There is also the term polysexual, which I feel more comfortable using than pansexual:
(From Wiki) Polysexuality should not be confused with pansexuality; pan meaning all, and poly meaning many, though not necessarily all. Polysexuality is a self-identifying term that is somewhat amorphous, as there is a wide variety of different people who use the term to describe themselves.
I have some specific types of people I am attracted to, and some people who are intriguing despite not visually conforming to my 'usual type', but their genetic sex is not always an influencing factor in my preference. I'm afraid, I find very macho men and very girly women a turn off, but the opposite and all points in between are much more attractive. Just my personal opinion. ;)
can you change the colour of the text?? my eyes hurt now! lol
I've used the term to describe myself for a few years now. It's not male-ness, or female-ness which attracts me, it's that "something-ness."
But wayyy back when, on a dim & distant thread, I had an epiphany...
bollox to hetrosexual
to heterosexual...
I am sexual.
That said, Teflon doesn't do it for me. wink
Quote by Kaznkev
Fluff,i think the differenve between poly and pan is interesting,as Witchy said its the idea of "somthingness" that gets me going,
Jdw,that better? lol

Much! thank you
piedosexuality things to do with feet
picosexuality someone who doesn't get more than 10^-12 sex, that's very little
porosexuality is sex with a Scandinavian
pyrosexuality is sex with fire, sounds thrilling but dangerous
parasexuality, sounds like the army need to be called in
plurisexuality a worthy contender for poly
okay its getting boring now...........
I voted "no". I think that obviously, there are as many different kinds of sexuality as there are people. And I could probably happily sign up to a fair few of them. There would be no point having a button for every different kind - in a way that's what your profile is for. Define it yourself, in your own way. The buttons are useful in a general kind of way , as a quick filter, but if you feel you have more to say, say it; if you're happy to let people's own understandings of themselves and each other sort themselves out in the process of talking and meeting, that's also fine.
(As for me, I have very little to say about myself).
I think instead of Pansexuality - Greedy would be easier to spell
I am a Tricerotops
Quote by Lost
I am a Tricerotops

That could be horny :rascal:
She might say that, I couldn't possibly comment
Quote by Kaznkev
I think instead of Pansexuality - Greedy would be easier to spell

Ohh minxy are you saying im a greedy girl? :twisted:
Quote by Lost
I am a Tricerotops

rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Was Torchwood's Captain Jack a pansexual?
I like the term Polysexual, cos I do have some standards...
No really I do.....!!
Ok maybe not!!! lol
well my two pennies worth in here
what ever you term yourself if it isn't hetro/straight there will be those who will treat you with a less open mind than they preport to hold (as swingers we are very open minded)
please note i don't paint all straight people with this brush and is well enough founded from many years on the swinging merry go round
Quote by fluff_n_stuff
There is also the term polysexual, which I feel more comfortable using than pansexual:
(From Wiki) Polysexuality should not be confused with pansexuality; pan meaning all, and poly meaning many, though not necessarily all. Polysexuality is a self-identifying term that is somewhat amorphous, as there is a wide variety of different people who use the term to describe themselves.
I have some specific types of people I am attracted to, and some people who are intriguing despite not visually conforming to my 'usual type', but their genetic sex is not always an influencing factor in my preference. I'm afraid, I find very macho men and very girly women a turn off, but the opposite and all points in between are much more attractive. Just my personal opinion. ;)

That was very eloquently put Fluf.
Like you I am attracted to people who have "something": I cant put my finger on what the something is, and also have the specific "types" who weaken my knees, slightly effeminate guys, and strong, powerfully women.
If they have the "something" as well?
Quote by Bluefish2009
And me, just a dull voyeur :sad:

Dull? without voyeurs where would the exhibitionists be? all pent up with no one to show off to that's where!
(dull ="something")redface
Quote by Nimbus
And me, just a dull voyeur :sad:

Dull? without voyeurs where would the exhibitionists be? all pent up with no one to show off to that's where!
(dull ="something")redface
Do you know what, I had never thought of that
Justification at last lol
Quote by Kaznkev
And me, just a dull voyeur :sad:

Dull? without voyeurs where would the exhibitionists be? all pent up with no one to show off to that's where!
(dull ="something")redface
Do you know what, I had never thought of that
Justification at last lol
oh blue my life on cam would be so pointless without the voyeurs you deserve a big :thumbup: and passionkiss for providing such a valuable service wink
Oh, i must catch you on cam some time :twisted:
Quote by Kaznkev
You mean you havnt ?
ffs thats a small select group you belong to lol

Not for much longer :twisted: