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.paper talk..why men fall asleep after a shag

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Quote by foxylady 123
yep kinky, very true.
it's not cause we're selfish lovers who lose all interest once we've come, honest! t'is a well known fact that orgasm floods the brain with melatonin, which is the bodies natural sleeping tablet. we just can't help it. ;)
well that's my excuse anyways, and i'm sticking to it! biggrin
n x x x :P

Now i could except that if it happened with all men , all of the time, but and im speaking from experience here, men (married or single) never fall asleep when they are playing away. If someone dosnt explain this to me soon im going to make it a seprate thread!
thats easy foxy...they ain't in there own bed !!! Got to stay awake so as to drive home.
I'm the complete opposite.
You cant shut me up after sex. i start waffleing for hours!!!!!!
but then agian your probablu wondering whats different to normall!!!!
Quote by LadyFeeBee
Need I say anything more rolleyes
No wonder girl on girl is best bolt

Now THAT I would stay awake for!!! :twisted:
the Laird
May I tempt you?!! :twisted: wink
Rubbish... the reason why men fall asleep is they do all the work, while the woman usualy lays there and ocasionaly asks if the cieling could do with a new coat of paint..
The last thing a guy wants post orgasum is to be sent down to BnQ with a shoping list... hence the imediate sleep response lol :lol: :lol:
(I might post a serious response in a min, if I can find a beer bottle opener) :shock:
Quote by piercedJon
Rubbish... the reason why men fall asleep is they do all the work, while the woman usualy lays there and ocasionaly asks if the cieling could do with a new coat of paint..
The last thing a guy wants post orgasum is to be sent down to BnQ with a shoping list... hence the imediate sleep response lol :lol: :lol:
(I might post a serious response in a min, if I can find a beer bottle opener) :shock:

Sorry Jon u have been with the wrong women if u feel that way confused
Quote by lilacgem
Rubbish... the reason why men fall asleep is they do all the work, while the woman usualy lays there and ocasionaly asks if the cieling could do with a new coat of paint..
The last thing a guy wants post orgasum is to be sent down to BnQ with a shoping list... hence the imediate sleep response lol :lol: :lol:
(I might post a serious response in a min, if I can find a beer bottle opener) :shock:

Sorry Jon u have been with the wrong women if u feel that way confused
LOL, tell me about it... I used to fall in love way to quick and never had the sence to say "its not going to work" when it was blindingly obvious it wouldn't lol
On a positive note.. I have had one or two GFs that went and brought the paint themselves :lol:
OK, found the bottle opener lol
I am sure that ages ago they worked out the reason for the sleep response and it was published...
It was down to the fact that after sex a man was not "fighting fit" so would potentially be un able to fight off other males that wanted to imprgnate a heathy female... biologically we are not that far removed from the rest of the animal species, but "moralistaly" we mate with just one... because thats what society deems as acceptable.
The reason a woman stays awake, biologically, is that she is then in animal terms looking for the next guy to potentially mate with her... with 2 or more lots of competing sperm she is more likely to be impregnated with the best of the sperm as its been proven that sperm fight to compete not only against the others within 1 set of seminal fluid, but even more so against "outsiders"
The sleep response was quick, and short lived (about 10-20 mins), so that the male would be up and att it again and full of go to fight off potential competitive males... its also the same reason that people should "cat nap" if they are tired, any more and the full sleep mode kicks in, less and you dont feel refreshed.
The funniest, and most interesting thing to come out of the advent of science and DNA testing is that while men have been always percieved as "spreading their seed" between 25 and 35% of children born during wedlock are not of the married "father" so that means that it may be true that guys shag arround, but also says that just as many women are also shagging around!
Quote by piercedJon
OK, found the bottle opener lol
I am sure that ages ago they worked out the reason for the sleep response and it was published...
It was down to the fact that after sex a man was not "fighting fit" so would potentially be un able to fight off other males that wanted to imprgnate a heathy female... biologically we are not that far removed from the rest of the animal species, but "moralistaly" we mate with just one... because thats what society deems as acceptable.
The reason a woman stays awake, biologically, is that she is then in animal terms looking for the next guy to potentially mate with her... with 2 or more lots of competing sperm she is more likely to be impregnated with the best of the sperm as its been proven that sperm fight to compete not only against the others within 1 set of seminal fluid, but even more so against "outsiders"
The sleep response was quick, and short lived (about 10-20 mins), so that the male would be up and att it again and full of go to fight off potential competitive males... its also the same reason that people should "cat nap" if they are tired, any more and the full sleep mode kicks in, less and you dont feel refreshed.
The funniest, and most interesting thing to come out of the advent of science and DNA testing is that while men have been always percieved as "spreading their seed" between 25 and 35% of children born during wedlock are not of the married "father" so that means that it may be true that guys shag arround, but also says that just as many women are also shagging around!

At last someone with an intelligent response!!!
I can go along with most of thatbut querriet your line,"The sleep response was quick, and short lived (about 10-20 mins), so that the male would be up and att it again and full of go to fight off potential competitive males"
Noiw does tht mean that if we let the male go straight to sleep he will have quicker response time than if we engage him in converstion?
As for sending someone off to B&Q, never done that in my life, far morelikely to send him off to brew up!!
Quote by rogerthedragon
In my experience more sex is usually quite a good way to avoid sleeping. :twisted:

Closely followed by:-
Quote by Bignetsuke bird
That's why I moved away...... rotflmao

Nice timing! :twisted:
thaught Helen had changed her handle then :P
Quote by foxylady 123
Just editing this to ask a question, why do men only fall asleep after sex with their wives/g/f's? I ve noticed that if they are with someone elses wife they never do?
This suggest to me that the reason cannot be bilogical!!
Come on Dr Neil Stanley, director of sleep at the University of Surrey., answer that one!!

Good observation FoxyLady... Yeah Dr Stanley, wakey wakey... wriggle your way out of that one... now we know where all our taxes are going... I'm off to live in Guam biggrin
Quote by neilinleeds
yep kinky, very true.
it's not cause we're selfish lovers who lose all interest once we've come, honest! t'is a well known fact that orgasm floods the brain with melatonin, which is the bodies natural sleeping tablet. we just can't help it. ;)
well that's my excuse anyways, and i'm sticking to it! biggrin
n x x x :P

I agree with this one. :shock:
If it has been a good session and I have come hard or orgasmed quite intensly then I too roll over and go to sleep. Nothing better than curling up in someones arms post sex and have them purr into your ear!
It's sooo relaxing.
How anyone can speak just after an orgasm is beyond me. I have trouble just catching my breath let alone launching into a conversation confused
Does that make me a bloke??? :shock: :?
I get that too and the better the orgasm the more I seem kind of immobile and unable to talk for!! hehe its great although a little funny! Me and my shagging partner usually just flop over for 10-15 mins after panting and sometimes still moaning a bit after (although thats usually me!! ) hehe
The few times I done the squirty thing I was totally fucking absolutely knackered after that!! Just wanted to crash out!
Quote by fruity1976
I get that too and the better the orgasm the more I seem kind of immobile and unable to talk for!! hehe its great although a little funny! Me and my shagging partner usually just flop over for 10-15 mins after panting and sometimes still moaning a bit after (although thats usually me!! ) hehe
The few times I done the squirty thing I was totally fucking absolutely knackered after that!! Just wanted to crash out!

Yep, sounds like me! All we can muster is deep breathing, a couple of giggles and a few satified mmmmms and ahhhhhs.
And the squirty thing, after that I can barely move let alone talk. I once tried to get up and walk around after sex. It was hilarious cos I just droped to the ground! My legs wouldn't work and I was wobbling all over the place! lol
Although sometimes I have found I can go on and on, no matter how many times I come. redface Ahh the joy of being multiorgasmic! :lol:
As a side issue...
Does anyone else(females really) find it really easy to orgasm if you are highly turned on? Like it takes next to no time instead of the usual amount of time, or do you find it takes longer cos youre so turned on? It's something I've been thinking about recently....
Maybe I think too much........ dunno
Quote by spideyuk
Just editing this to ask a question, why do men only fall asleep after sex with their wives/g/f's? I ve noticed that if they are with someone elses wife they never do?
This suggest to me that the reason cannot be bilogical!!
Come on Dr Neil Stanley, director of sleep at the University of Surrey., answer that one!!

Good observation FoxyLady... Yeah Dr Stanley, wakey wakey... wriggle your way out of that one... now we know where all our taxes are going... I'm off to live in Guam biggrin
The frigtening thing is Pierced John made more sense!!!!
Quote by little gem
As a side issue...
Does anyone else(females really) find it really easy to orgasm if you are highly turned on? Like it takes next to no time instead of the usual amount of time, or do you find it takes longer cos youre so turned on? It's something I've been thinking about recently....
Maybe I think too much........ dunno

Im the former not the latter, as someone on here would testify, if he would stop lurking and say something!!!!
I don't fall asleep after sex. I get up and have a beer and a fag
Why do we fall asleep after sex???
Because there is no reason to stay awake then!! confused :? :shock: :shock: lol :lol: :lol: bolt
Quote by foxylady 123
Just editing this to ask a question, why do men only fall asleep after sex with their wives/g/f's? I ve noticed that if they are with someone elses wife they never do?
This suggest to me that the reason cannot be bilogical!!
Come on Dr Neil Stanley, director of sleep at the University of Surrey., answer that one!!

Good observation FoxyLady... Yeah Dr Stanley, wakey wakey... wriggle your way out of that one... now we know where all our taxes are going... I'm off to live in Guam biggrin
The frigtening thing is Pierced John made more sense!!!!
lol I used to be a complusive reader of useless facts... didnt help that I worked for a Library supply company in the IT department some years back.... I've more books than I know what to do with and some are very strange and I will never read them, but they look impressive, :lol:
Quote by foxylady 123
Goodday to one and al and welcome to the latest fanfare of news from the kinkyluton column...
while reading the papers today...i came across this...i thought i share
The gentle buzz of snoring is among the most annoying sounds known to woman.
Especially when it happens shortly after a passionate encounter.
"Gentle Buzz of snoring" never yet met one who can snore genltly!!!
Yesterday scientists explained exactly why it is that men have a tendency to nod off after making love.
Apparently, it's nothing to do with wanting to avoid a cosy chat with their partner. According to the scientists, they are simply tired out.
We ll after recently trying a strap on for the first time, i find this slightly more believable than i would have done before!!
'As frustrating as it is for most women that their male partners just roll over and fall asleep after sex, men aren't entirely to blame,' said Dr Neil Stanley, director of sleep at the University of Surrey.
Note it is a male doctor coming up with all these excuses!!
'Humans are the only animals in which sleep and sex are linked and while often seen as just a poor excuse, there are scientific reasons why men feel tired after sex.
'The blood rush after climax depletes the muscles of energy-producing glycogen, leaving men feeling physically drained.
Poor dears!!
'Because they have more muscle mass than women, men become tired after sex and this subsequently leads to them feeling sleepy.'
Eighty per cent of men said they felt more relaxed and were able to drift off without any problems after making love, compared with 46 per cent of women.
The other 20% were probably asleep when interviewed for the survey!!

They were among 10,000 adults surveyed by organisers of The Vitality Show, Europe's largest health and beauty exhibition.
Birmingham was found to have the highest number of men who fall asleep after sex.
Men in the city managed on average to stay awake for just three
to four minutes, according to the survey.
Obviously men in Birmingham are more likely to tell the truth
In Glasgow and Liverpool, meanwhile, men claimed to take up to 20 minutes before falling asleep.
Men in Glasgow and Liverpool lie
For women unwilling to relocate there, however, Dr Stanley offered some tips on keeping men awake long enough for a cuddle and chat.
'Have sex out of the bedroom, away from the usual sleeping environment, or play uplifting music - not the usual romantic sounds,' he suggested.
'Try I Feel Good by James Brown, Elvis Presley's A Little Less Conversation or Britney Spears's Toxic.'
Dr Stanley also recommends his
patients to 'talk sex'. 'There is no better time to communicate with one another than after a mutually gratifying sexual experience.
'Discuss all the things you enjoyed and found arousing, try to avoid talking about the negatives,' he said.
Should i not ask him why hes only got half a dick then?
He suggested the more adventurous could videotape their lovemaking sessions - so they have something to watch afterwards.
HE has to be joking!! never yet met a man who cas stay awake ALL the way through a video!!
Not everyone nods off after sex. The survey found 48 per cent of men had actually fallen asleep during the act itself.
They wouldnt wake up again if they did that with me!!

A mere 11 per cent of women admitted being guilty of this.
If we did it would be his fault!!

so whats your views and your jokes on this people...
Ive been kinkyluton, you have been lovely…….. THANK YOU

My views? Biased one sided male clap trap, but then im pre menstural so i m not responnsible for anything i ve wrttten
Just editing this to ask a question, why do men only fall asleep after sex with their wives/g/f's? I ve noticed that if they are with someone elses wife they n ever do?
This suggest to me that the reason cannot be bilogical!!
Come on Dr Neil Stanley, director of sleep at the University of Surrey., answer that one!!

Your right, there may be psychological reasons here. It maybe someone new or fairly new. Also its not the "norm". In such circumstances, its not too outrageous to suggest a man will react differently.
But if he was to have sex with someone elses wife on a regular basis, then the same thing would happen again.
Quote by piercedJon
OK, found the bottle opener lol
I am sure that ages ago they worked out the reason for the sleep response and it was published...
It was down to the fact that after sex a man was not "fighting fit" so would potentially be un able to fight off other males that wanted to imprgnate a heathy female... biologically we are not that far removed from the rest of the animal species, but "moralistaly" we mate with just one... because thats what society deems as acceptable.
The reason a woman stays awake, biologically, is that she is then in animal terms looking for the next guy to potentially mate with her... with 2 or more lots of competing sperm she is more likely to be impregnated with the best of the sperm as its been proven that sperm fight to compete not only against the others within 1 set of seminal fluid, but even more so against "outsiders"
The sleep response was quick, and short lived (about 10-20 mins), so that the male would be up and att it again and full of go to fight off potential competitive males... its also the same reason that people should "cat nap" if they are tired, any more and the full sleep mode kicks in, less and you dont feel refreshed.
The funniest, and most interesting thing to come out of the advent of science and DNA testing is that while men have been always percieved as "spreading their seed" between 25 and 35% of children born during wedlock are not of the married "father" so that means that it may be true that guys shag arround, but also says that just as many women are also shagging around!

I'm not doubting you here, you probably have reproduced the essence of the article accurately. But it would be interesting to know where you read this. Sometimes, there may be little or no evidence, just mere speculation which leads to such claims as in that publication.
Very soon after ejaculation the semen forms a thick and very viscous "plug" around the makes it next to impossible that any sperm which is not part of it to get through. It is the males' tactic in ensuring that only his genes get passed on. Also, the male which gets to mate with the female in the first place, is often the more dominant anyway.
Biologically speaking, would it be worth women taking the small risk of becoming pregnant by an inferior man? And it wouldn't make sense for a male to recover after 10-20 mins to be "up for it" again, because the other bloke could have made his deposit and left. This would make it highly unlikely that the second batch would be able to impregant, they would have to effectively pass through two barriers.
Your right about the women sleeping around, I read somewhere it was 1 out of every 9 child being born in wedlock to the "wrong father". Its why women with rhesus negative blood type are advised to take suppressants against the rhesus antibody for their second child, regardless of what the "official fathers" blood type is (since he may not be the real father).
My suggestion for why men fall asleep afterwards is:
Potentially women can become pregnant 2-3 days per menstrual cycle?. It only takes one batch of sperm to cause pregnancy. So if a man has sex 5 times a night, his sperm quality the next day will be reduced. If a man goes to sleep after cumming once, his sperm quality for the next day will be better. So it would increase the overall likelihood of causing pregnancy.
Ok , so i f we accept that:
Men fall aasleep afer sex with their regular partner
Men dont fall asleep after shagging someone other than their regular partner
Women dont want men who fall asleep after,
dont that prove that monogomy is un natuaral and not desireable?
Quote by foxylady 123
Ok , so i f we accept that:
Men fall aasleep afer sex with their regular partner
Men dont fall asleep after shagging someone other than their regular partner
Women dont want men who fall asleep after,
dont that prove that monogomy is un natuaral and not desireable?

By that logic, group sex should be the norm?
Men may want to fall asleep after sex with their partner, as this usually happens at night when its the normal time to sleep anyway. When they are with someone elses partner, this is a break from their normal pattern. Anything which causes a change in routine usually has an effect on behaviour.
Women may not necessarily not want a man who falls asleep afterwards. They may still want him, but to have a second treat biggrin
Any comment from Bi/Gay guys?
Coz if this article is to be believed man on man sex is one long snooze lol
Quote by veejay
Ok , so i f we accept that:
Men fall aasleep afer sex with their regular partner
Men dont fall asleep after shagging someone other than their regular partner
Women dont want men who fall asleep after,
dont that prove that monogomy is un natuaral and not desireable?

By that logic, group sex should be the norm?
Men may want to fall asleep after sex with their partner, as this usually happens at night when its the normal time to sleep anyway. When they are with someone elses partner, this is a break from their normal pattern. Anything which causes a change in routine usually has an effect on behaviour.
Women may not necessarily not want a man who falls asleep afterwards. They may still want him, but to have a second treat biggrin
Group sex may be the natural norm. Think about it , if procreation of the species is the natural aim of the sexual act , then it would make more sense for more than one male to be capable of being the father of any resulant offspring. Hence if one of the males who could be responisible dies, there are others left who have a vested interest in rearing the child.
As for the "second treat" if thats all he can manage he might as well be asleep!!
Quote by foxylady 123
Group sex may be the natural norm. Think about it , if procreation of the species is the natural aim of the sexual act , then it would make more sense for more than one male to be capable of being the father of any resulant offspring. Hence if one of the males who could be responisible dies, there are others left who have a vested interest in rearing the child.

For the survival of the species to occur, only the "better" of the species would need to procreate only. This would mean the strongest, and the smartest. So group sex would end up leading to any tom, dick and harry getting to procreate. This would lead to a poorer gene pool in the long term.
In the wild/past, an idiot/weakling reproducing is a bad idea for the species. If a child is born, it would probably get eaten by a sabre tooth tiger. (because it was too stupid and wandered off on its own/unable to defend itself adequately etc). This would be a waste of effort by the female who raised it, the offspring of a "better" male may be more likely to survive.
Whether anyone likes it or not, the human race is only what it is because of selective reproduction.
Though now there's been enough development to separate the human species from the rest of the mammalian world (though sometimes I see people on a sat night and wonder if this is true), its time to bring on the group sex biggrin.