but do you think all this after life stuff is shite though? I do Its total bollox almost laughably so. So what if you've seen or heard what you cant explain it aint freakin ghosts.
I'd like to lie detector thingy Fielding and her bunch of cronies and ask em three questions.
!) Is what you do total bullshit? Answer ..."No" Lying
2) have you ever tried to shaft the public? answer ..."No" Lying!
3) Have you made seriously obscene money from duping people? Answer..."NO" Lying
Sounds a little like that film Blaire Witch Film. so said the scariest film up until then. I say bollox to that, I guess the American market just finds things different to us in the horror stakes.
We went and saw it in Sat night.
We was also told a very scary film....crap!
You want scary this film would not touch the Excorcist.
Rubbish save your money and dont see it.
well thats saved us some money won't be wasting my time seeing that then ty guys :thumbup:
Yup definitely all hype, wasn't scary at all. I saw it and thought is that it! I can't wait for Avatar coming in a week or so...