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Party thanks for bluexxxx

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Talking about kitchens, I forgot to thank Denise for giving me his knobby in the kitchen wink
Was very much needed :twisted:
Sex God
Quote by leprechaun
there was nothing shy about you when i whipped your tits out in the kitchen
(oh shite leprechaun broke the kitchen rule again but it was full sex i still had my boots on)

Oh, the kitchen rule got broken, did it smackbottom .... that will explain why I found a wrapper from something of a sexual nature outside on my kitchen window sill this morning :shock:
well it wasn't me i throw all my used jackets and packets into your neighbours back yard
Sex God
Quote by leprechaun
well it wasn't me i throw all my used jackets and packets into your neighbours back yard

That'll be why my neighbours put their house up for sale and moved out shortly after we moved in rotflmao
blue are we still on for a long session of w/s and u being my pony on tuesday have the trap hired every 1 was suprised u agreed to it but it should b fun
Sex God
Quote by leprechaun
blue are we still on for a long session of w/s and u being my pony on tuesday have the trap hired every 1 was suprised u agreed to it but it should b fun

Anything I may or may not have agreed to last night is now null and void :lol2:
Even though I have consumed a considerable amount of left over Baileys tonight I STILL know that I didn't agree to that anyway lep! flipa
redface Good evening all biggrin
Had a fabulous time..... Has got to be said bluexxx and Denise you's know how to have a party... Thankyou ever so much for the invite... hope to see you both again sometime wink kiss
I am off to die in bed... as tooo much alcohol.. and not enough sleep is really not good for driving from Sheffield to Essex rolleyes
kisses hugs and cuddles to all you were all great :kiss:
Quote by bluexxx
OK, due to the fact that I consumed rather too much than was good for me, I don't remember a right lot......... what did I miss :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

One of the best parties ever thats all........................
Thanks to Blue and Denise for allowing us into their home once again for yet another great do lol
(ps, How much was that crop Judy ???)
got home very late last night after a great party........thanks so much for the invite Blue....and it was luvverly to finally meet Denise.
i knew i was at a party when i realised i had consumed copious amounts of chocolate and jelly :shock: lol.
Mrsgenherts......cant believe we only managed to exchange brief hellos in passing AGAIN!!! Next time for sure........ rolleyes
was great to meet old friends and new.............apologies to all those i blinded and got up the noses of wink .........think a lot of you were delighted when i finally got plucked!!!
now.......own up.......who managed to make my hair all sticky then!!!
now i shall just wait for the arrival of my 'survivor' badge and the dates of Blue's next party biggrin
Quote by bluexxx
there was nothing shy about you when i whipped your tits out in the kitchen
(oh shite leprechaun broke the kitchen rule again but it was full sex i still had my boots on)

Oh, the kitchen rule got broken, did it smackbottom .... that will explain why I found a wrapper from something of a sexual nature outside on my kitchen window sill this morning :shock:
:shock: I didn't have sex in the kitchen :shock:
Thanks to Bluexxx and Denise for another great evening, I'm just about recovered enough to type now biggrin
Great to meet up with friends old and new, time flew so fast I didn't get to chat to everyone. but there's always the next time... speaking of which :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Master of Sex
:bounce: well thank you to all who came wink sat :twisted:
special thanks to jas and tim :smile2: :smoke: ,jas the 4 ribbons was an exellent and totally horny erotic idea worship :worship: fantastic.
tim i gotta say im well impressed with your bud cool :wink: i hope your back is better.
im looking forward to coming down :twisted: :twisted:
mr and mrsgenherts i hope your both feeling ok :wink: fabulous dress mrgenherts outstanding(dont forget startrek :wink: )mrs genherts as always you looked stunning and im glad i was able to help,next time your up this way call me.
dargento it was a real pleasure to meet you,so refreshing to hear your veiws on life,thanks for coming.
the little green whore on tour,well i need say no more :wink:
juciylucy what a cool outfit biggrin it was really nice to meet you.
thanks again
Only just posting now as it's taken that long to recover! My feet hurt (stupid boots) and my back (stupid corset) and my head (stupid alcohol) but I'm almost back to normal now.
Thank you Denise and Blue, I had a great night!
Lep thx for being the driver, I actually got to drink for once, although that's not always a good thing, and a big kiss for Mr and Mrs Genherts my travelling companions and houseguests, I hope the drive home wasn't too bad!
It was great to meet those I haven't met before, Tatty you're a nutcase but I love you for it hun, and Nomad I have nothing but respect and can I just say, that even made me flinch! Judy you're a wicked ole witch! lol
Jucylucy, many thanks for the tea at whatever ungodly hour that was, and marms can I just say, My what a big bed you have! lol
Ok so now I too am waiting for my survivors badge and the next invite, and am safe and secure in the knowledge that I am no longer a blue party virgin.
ps - I can't believe that no one fell down the loft stairs!
Warming the Bed
Yes ditto to everythin everyone else has said by way of thanks to Denise and blue well done and many thanks for your hospitality smile xxxxxxxx
Nice to meet more new people as well as the ones Im getting to know quite well
All good Stuff !!!
cheers me dears
John xxx
Sex God
Well, I feel kind of a bit more recovered, so here goes a proper entry.
I admit to being nervous before and shortly after I got there, but in hindsight, how can you be scared when there are such a fantastic bunch of people.
I wont be naming everyone, as you know how it goes, booze and excitement make you forget so much....
Though do remember these couple of things.... very late at night....or rather as the sun came up, having a long natter with Jas sitting on the floor in the front room. You are a star, Jas!
Not going to forget Judy cropping me.... as I have the marks to remind me. :shock: that last one hurt! And Vicky_UK missing my backside and getting back... that hurt a lot more!
Kim and her feathers... a proper Blue Peter outfit!
Tattyxpx who was as quiet as a mouse on the way over, obviously saving all the noise for later use at 4am... wink
My loft companion... I WAS asleep you know! biggrin
it is all just a blur really. But a fantastic party, lived up to all the expectations, nice one Blue and Denise!!!!
And not forgetting the lifesaving skills of vicky_uk who let tatty and me crash for a few hours as we were way past exhausted, with long drives in front of us. Those bacon sarnies were excellent!
Quote by postie
Kim and her feathers... a proper Blue Peter outfit!

:shock: :shock: did valerie singleton make things like that then. I wasnt covered in sticky back plastic fgs.......................................just loads of sticky STUFF lol :lol:
Quote by mistress_sassy
ps - I can't believe that no one fell down the loft stairs!

No-one fell down the loft stairs cos Neil wasn't there. Blue and I had a sweepstake going on how long it would take him to fall through!
Evil bitches aren't we! lol
Well, I hope to see you at the next one, if and when there is one. smile Sorry again to everyone that I couldn't make it.
Next time! :twisted:
blue have u got the sticky with my name up for next 1 plz
was worth changing holidays for
gemma u were missed babe smackbottom now write 100 lines i must not miss blues parties again i am a naughty girl
*bends over*
I am a very naughty :twisted: girl and must not miss blue's party again.
Can I have extra spankings and teasings next time pretty please??? ;) :twisted:
Quote by leprechaun
was worth changing holidays for
gemma u were missed babe smackbottom now write 100 lines i must not miss blues parties again i am a naughty girl

Yeah missing my birthday, again..... :cry: wink
Now who needs to write 1000 lines!
Well me and New2trot couldn't make it as my car died Friday night, repeated attempts to source the part i needed saturday were to no avail so we were bitterly disappointed at not being able to get there. Our apologies to you all redface
I managed to get the part this afternoon and it broke so i have to wait for another to be ordered now mad
Hopefully see you at the next one biggrin
Quote by midlandsman1970
Well me and New2trot couldn't make it as my car died Friday night, repeated attempts to source the part i needed saturday were to no avail so we were bitterly disappointed at not being able to get there. Our apologies to you all redface
I managed to get the part this afternoon and it broke so i have to wait for another to be ordered now mad biggrin

You're not the only one that missed the party due to car problems :cry: :cry:
I didn't get my car back till monday nite rolleyes
Pleased to see that everyone had a good time wink
Lucy kiss

just hope I can get an invite to the next one