Its taken me a while to find my id in swinging!...and what are my needs! has to be passtion!.....start off with snogging mmmmmmmmmm.. hugging looking into the eyes etc... etc. touching nibbling :twisted:
I think it because its something you loose when you are in a long turn relationship!
And i miss it! not with any attachment............... but i do not like at the end thank you mam that was good............friend ship has to come with it.....and if it happens again well thats a bonus!
so what about you out there!...i here that some peeps don't like the Passion bits!
You got to have some passion otherwise it becomes perfunctory, a bit like the everyday sex we are all trying to avoid, robotic even. The excitement of something/someone new should automatically instill an element of passion in anyone. It does not have to be the passion of a lover, it can be the passion of pure enjoyment. I think passion begets passion, so if I'm passionate that will rub itself off on my partner (and no clever double entendres on that line thank you!).
Ah yes, the passion. Looking into the eyes, smiling, laughing, hugging, cuddling, squeezing, stroking, kissing, nibbling, rubbing noses and sometimes even tickling! All of this adds to the excitement, helps to work up a sweat and is essential for me.
Drifter is now in need of a cold shower. (Shame I only have a bath!)
I like having sex with strangers cos it is exciting, novel and horny... nothing to do with passion in the way that Debs describes it. I couldn't kiss a stranger and feel comfortable about it. Strangers have tried to kiss me in the past and I have pushed them away cos it is gross. I can deal with a bear-like man-hug from a stranger, but not an intimate one - no way! Passion as Debs describes it is something I would very much reserve for an intimate partner, I couldn't and wouldn't do it with anyone else.... I guess people swing for different reasons and I don't swing to be "passionate". If I swing with people who have become friends I guess there may be a level of affection, but that would be there in non sexual situations too..... but even that is certainly a different kind of affection than one I would have with a partner.