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Pause for thought.......

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70 replies
10 watchers
Hi all,
Generally speaking I agree with what the Laird has said here and elsewhere (damn it! Going to have to make sure that doesn't become a habit! lol ) but I thought I might add another perspective to the mix. I am a newbie on this site but I am a veteran of quite a number of internet forums and I would say that this forum is far from the worst I have frequented and is, in fact, among the better ones in many ways. There is a lot of dross here, as there is everywhere, and there are a number of posters who make a bad name for themselves, but that is not at all unusual. What is good to see is that the core members generally seem to be a decent bunch who, while they might be bit rough around the edges at times :shock:, are as supportive a group of people as I have seen anywhere. But people are people and you are always going to get the good and the bad and the decent majority in the middle.
Like all forums you are going to get a core group of posters who hang out here regulalry and are very familiar with each other and the content of the site. These folk do tend to give off the signals of having 'been there, done that' and it can be a bit off putting for the newbie. The search function should be utilised but is not always that easy if you aren't aware of the jargon being used (and that will only come with time in the forum) and it is an awful lot easier to find a post that you know exists than to search for a post that might possibly exist to answer the question you have in mind. And who, among the oldsters, can be sure that some newbie might not have something really useful to add to a topic that is generally considered to have been done to death? Ressurecting old threads that were put to bed months ago is almost as unpopular as asking the same question over again...
But why should someone who has recently decided to join the community (and this is a community) expect to be able to jump in with both feet first and be welcomed with open arms? (Apologies for the mixed metaphors!) If there were a core of regulars in a pub would they be inclined to let a stranger jump in and start asking loads of questions without suggesting that they put the brakes on and feel their way into the company first? However, one thing the old guard and newbies alike should both bear in mind is that the length of membership or number the of posts a member has has no bearing on the value of what they have to say. What matters is the content of the post and not the identity of the poster.
And the same can be said for grammar and spelling - the ideas are what are important, the spelling, etc. is just the vehicle to deliver the message. But if you want to be able to deliver your message you had better ensure your vehicle is up to the job. I am of the opinion that these things are important but if someone's argument/ideas are clear to decipher it is a very poor debater who relies on criticising spelling and punctuation to try and 'win' an argument - that is simply point scoring and proves nothing. But that doesn't mean to say any individual deserves to be taken seriously if they appear to have made no effort whatsoever in writing their thoughts down for others to read. It is pretty obvious to spot the difference between a person who has a genuine difficulty with words but is making an effort to communicate clearly and the lazy sod who can't be bothered so comments about spelling etc. should not automatically be seen as an attack on people with real problems.
Quote by Silk and Big G
Its just the internet !

The problem with this statement here though, is that to a lot of us, it isn't just the internet. So many of us have met at munches, parties etc that it stops being just an internet site and can become very personal indeed. As an example, after my recent operation, I added up in my first week out of hospital that something like 7 out of 11 visitors had actually been members of this site and that's how I knew them. Now tell me it's JUST the internet?
I'm one of the people that's taken a step back from the forum of late. That's due mainly to the fact that I've been spending so much time in the chatroom, but I do still pop in here for a browse and can see exactly why this thread has been started. The constant sniping and shouts of "the search button is your friend" are enough to stop me from posting very much at all - and like a lot of people, I cherry pick which threads to bother reading or replying to. Most times I just read one or two threads, scratch yawn and move on ;)
The days when I avidly read every new post, felt sad at some of the heartfelt posts, rolled laughing at the banter and highjacking are long gone. Yes, it is cyclical, and members do come and go... there are only a few of the original posters left from when I first found my way into the cafe.
I was going to bed about an hour ago but have actually found several threads of interest tonight and ended up staying up later than intended, but don't really have the mental faculties to say much more now lol
I agree with the calls for the "bullying" to stop though. It's not big, it's not clever, and it puts people off posting. There won't be a cafe anymore if that happens and then where will we all go for non existent coffee? dunno
Quote by VenusnMars

Recently we have seen less and less of the old guard.
The Laird

Guilty as charged.
. . . OMG . . . you are a guard . . . . what sort of hat do you wear? wink
But on a more serious note I struggle with spelling and grammer due to my dislexia . . . I think I've managed puctuation ok . . . It'd be a shame to be shot down in flames for said mistakes instead of someone disagreeing strongly with the essence of what i wrote . . . and hopefully that shouldn't happen too regulary in an open minded community like this. . . . I hope!
I have to also agree that I too feel angst when one of our moderators says 'the search button is your friend'. I'm a relative newbie . . . I'm interested in what people have got to say. Often these 'searched topics' can be old threads and people aren't that interested anymore. I'd much prefer to engage in a 'young' thread that, perhaps re-itterates or mimics a previous one but, is a thread and discussion I'm involved in, get to voice my views, and get to answer to people replying to my posts.
Hello to all the newbie's and their similar or same views as perhaps people have expressed in various forms another time . . . I'd love to hear what you've got to say about stuff . . . ? smile
Percy X cool
well i really dont give a stuff if people can spell properlly or have brilliant grammer
by the time i get on the board after work im to tired to care anyway
but if i can read it and it makes me giggle .... well that'll do me
im not in any clicks and to be hounest i really dont wanna be
why not have a swingingheaven be friendly to newbies week
what more is there to add?
one - I wanted to make a public apology as I sometimes (tho most only in the chat room?) call people on their spelling... I try to do it in a teasing way as it's my way of flirting really and not meant o put anyone down.
two- I have no suggestions about how to make this site better, I didn't know it needed that...and as a newbie I don't know what it was like *before* but I do sometimes feel bad for being a newbie. A lot of times I feel lost and don't know the "right" way to interact here, I just do my best to be friendly, thoughtful and honest. I'm shy, so is my partner, and being shy can sometimes make this place feel intimidating.
But I'm glad I found SH. I don't know anyone here too well, but I'm slowly getting there with some, and those I do know a little are so very lovely and so much fun, and so much nicer than any people I've met in the "real" world here in Oxford. It was a little scary moving to England but SH has helped make it less lonely for me. Even if this is a bad/slow period on the forums, I want to stick around a little longer.
so I guess essentiall all that rambling was to say "thanks"?
Quote by ockysweeties
But I'm glad I found SH. I don't know anyone here too well, but I'm slowly getting there with some, and those I do know a little are so very lovely and so much fun, and so much nicer than any people I've met in the "real" world here in Oxford. It was a little scary moving to England but SH has helped make it less lonely for me. Even if this is a bad/slow period on the forums, I want to stick around a little longer.
so I guess essentiall all that rambling was to say "thanks"?

And I for one would like to thank you two.
It's the newer members that breath new life into the place.
Since reading this post I have just realised somthing that I have been trying to put into words for a long time now! I am an artistic sort and its so in my nature to feel the need to hang out in places to experience the world around me rather as famous creative people in history frequented places to draw upon and be inspired .SH forfills that need for me at present . While sex is a possibility its only one part of me, and while this site is primaraly about sex its not as seemingly full of desparate for sex type people, as other sites, indeed the forum seems a good place maybe as true swingers are free to express themselves without that " I just want sex " sort of attitude and as many have partners it is a good sort of atmosphere in that we can all flirt but in a secure sort of way . As I am now single (although not looking for a committed relationship at present) I find it a great place, one can talk , listen to even argue with a wide selection of society !
Just a little comment !!!
I thought new Members joined everyday ?
If a subject has been covered B4........ so what? Newbies will not have had the chance to share their views !
If a thread is boring..... people wont answer it and it will slowly drop off the bottom of the page !!
Quote by blonde
Just a little comment !!!
I thought new Members joined everyday ?
If a subject has been covered B4........ so what? Newbies will not have had the chance to share their views !
If a thread is boring..... people wont answer it and it will slowly drop off the bottom of the page !!

What she said :thumbup:
Great post The Laird,bloody well said :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
Can only echo everyone else's comments, it seems a lot of us are of the same opinion. :thumbup: There are one or two on here that seem to have their heads up their own asses a lot, but recently have been toneing it down a bit, which is good. Everybodys point of view is valid. While accepting there has to be some rules, otherwise anarchy would reign, in the main places like this should be of the people, by the people & for the people. If someone wants to talk about cut or uncut willys or whether they prefer lemon juice or golden syrup on pancackes then why not. Some of the funniest stuff i've seen here has been on silly irrelevant topics. On the more serious side, the people who don't swing have the right to express their opinions just as much as the people who do, & some have very interesting things to contribute, unfortunatly some seem to miss the point entirely, whether intentionally or just through ignorance is unclear, but there is a saying "those who can do, those who can't teach" . Anyway this is only my humble opinion & of no account whatsoever in the great scheme of things dunno
Everyone should have the right to debate and discuss issues in here as it is supposed to be a free and open place. I think too many threads are locked for apparently no reason or dependant of the mood of the moderator who happens to see it first. I've seen some threads locked and I cannot, for the life of me, fathom out why!
Is this a democracy or an autocracy?
Ok, I've had a go at people when I cant make sense out of what they are saying due to the way it is written, perhaps the SH Punctuation Police thing is aimed at myself as well as others.
Quote by foxylady 123
I agre totaly about the constantly recurring comments about spelling and grammar (well i would wodnt i?)It seems to be some peoples constant put down of others, something that makes them think they are clever and superior. For myself i never bother with much puctuation and grammar when im here cos ive had enough of it all day at work, when i come here i want to realax and as long as my posts are vaguely readable who cares???

In this example you say you havent made much of an effort, but you obviously have as it is perfectly legible and broken up with punctuation.
As for sterotyping well you would think a bunch of swingers could think beyond that wouldnt you sadly it seems not so like real likfe we have to battle on against the prdjudices of those with narrow minds and limited experience horous's hey see ive used an apostroopheee remark about not feeling confident enough to start more threads really worries me and probably explains why so few threads are started nowadays we need more people to start a diversity of threads otherwise the board will become increasingly borring perhps one way for the board to regain some of its past glory is if we all drop the sarcasm well except when directed at Ice Pie who is a legitimate target and has skin like a rhino lol and start being nice to each other again?

I've removed the punctuation from the rest of your perfectly readable post in order to illustrate my point, hope you dont mind, and its not particularly easy to follow. Add text speak to that and I would give up after a few lines.
THAT is the point I am trying to make, not the odd mistake or missing full stop or comma.
I'm not talking about dyslexic people, I'm talking about LAZY people who cannot be bothered.
Its not snobbish or clever or superior to point out that you cant read what somebody is trying to say. I couldnt give a flying shite whether my written communication skills are better or worse than anyone else, only that I can make myself understood and understand others.
Might be worth while bumping a previous thread of mine :>>>>:arrow: :arrow:
Hope i did it rite and the spelling and gramah is all ok for the perfectionist out there lol
Has anyone seen my Camel confused:
Mmm my infrequent visits of late to the esteemed cafe are not to do with any particular feelings that the site isnt what it used to be but merely circumstances of work and social commitments. Having said that one of the more appealing sides of the site is the breakdown of the three main forums which allows members to as far as I am concerned talk what ever bollox they like in the cafe. If people think its boring or irrelevant it will quicklf fall off the page. If however it strikes a chord or makes you laugh it will stand or fall by its own worth.
Just my two penneth by the way
Oh and hi everyone and thanks to all those who have pm d me . ive just been busy and hope to return to normal bollox soon :shock:
Ill fetch me coat :cry:
Quote by warwick
Has anyone seen my Camel confused:

Did it have one Hump or two :?:
I've been a member for a while and might be viewed as 'old guard' and yes I do remember a cafe that was better and I also remember working a lot harder at posts than I do now. I joined at a time when there were half the members there are today and if the ratio's are about right, presumably half the number of regular posters, we really did know each other better.
Threads wether serious or humerous, on topic or off, ran for longer, were better constructed and members generally enjoyed them more. There wasn't the proliferation of one word, one line posts and 'list' threads that there are now, these are piss easy options and symtomatic of a larger membership who do not know, understand, nor much care for the content of others posts or indeed where those posts might go. Little gem touched on it earlier when she said that there was an effort to leave a door open for posters to come back, there wasn't an all pervading need to have a final say, to deliver the punchline or the defining point, we all knew our turn would come, if not in that thread, then another one on a different day.
My particular style and the style of other posters, wether liked or not, is wholly dependant on others recognising where I'm going and where I'm coming from, without that recognition we are sunk. You can't have humour nor debate without a participating audiance, the audiance is still there, the participation and the oppurtunity that good participation brings, isn't as easy to find. It really does seem at times that some of us for whatever reason struggle to move out of the clique we are in (yes that word again) and cross pollinate with others, there is a fragmentation of groups where there was once just the one. New posters still need to break into the main throng, the trouble is, now there is more than the one which was in existance when I joined.
If I go back to my laziness regarding my own posts, I can see that I've allowed myself to make less effort in tune with the general direction and therefore, contribute to what is being seen as a move within the cafe that isn't what most of us really want to see. I havn't got more terse nor more rude, what I do see are members that might view me and others as being just that, because for what ever reason, there isn't the interaction between us that allows you to understand my style and for me to understand yours, with that comes a degree of frustration, which can turn sour.
I do believe that we have got less tolerant, but I also believe that there are more occasions where thats justified. I also believe that after a while, some of us might have lost that intial excitement of posting here and perhaps hang around a bit longer than we should, hence the shouts of "the search button is your freind" or the simpler "FFS!!" It may well be time to bow out for some of us, because our frustrations at not getting what used to be, can at times, boil up.
What I would say to newer posters is scan back to this time last year, read some old threads and you might get a feel for a cafe that had humour in it on a daily basis, it might have been bollox, but it was funny, with well thought out clever posts, good bollox ain't that easy despite what some may think, but we managed it, there didn't seem the time to partake in a thread that required us to list our favourite tog rating for duvet covers, thank fuck.
All of the above may well be complete twaddle and is more comment than fix, but I do think that by giving each other a bit more breathing space, perhaps stepping outside of the comfy group that we normally hit it off with the best, you might just get some of the feeling back that used to exist.
just been reading thru this thread again and would like to congratulate the laird and all other cotributers to the topic , it needed to be said ! it also gives others who may have missed this , the chance to see it cos ive just bumped it back up to page one biggrin wink
On the night I joined I had a lot of fun and someone (I think it was Libra Love) commented that it was like the 'good old times', indicating that maybe it wasn't always that light - which it hasn't been since then.sad
Anyone who has looked at newsgroups will see that there are many offensive people out there - especially on the ones - for which there is no excuse. (I once saw a newbie ask an on-topic question which was replied to with "search the f****** internet, dummy"). I don't see that here - maybe that is partially because many people have met each other in person and that the site is moderated.
Those who post MAKE this site; don't complain that its not fun - MAKE it fun and start a silly post! :P Then I can be silly, too.......
On another note, have I upset anyone? I seem to be the KoD (Kiss of Death) to many of the recent threads.....
:cry: :cry: :cry:
Quote by Mac69
On another note, have I upset anyone? I seem to be the KoD (Kiss of Death) to many of the recent threads.....
:cry: :cry: :cry:
noooooo , dont take it personally mac , weve all killed threads ,, ive killed loads n loads , ive probably killed this un too confused :?
Quote by davej
:thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

I am TOTALLY in agreement with everything that he wrote - but didn't want to clutter up the site with a quote. Things were different when fewer people used the site. Things are different now cos others don't use the forum the way it has tended to be used in the past.
Quote by hornyred and dino

On another note, have I upset anyone? I seem to be the KoD (Kiss of Death) to many of the recent threads.....
:cry: :cry: :cry:
noooooo , dont take it personally mac , weve all killed threads ,, ive killed loads n loads , ive probably killed this un too confused :?
Thanks for that - I was beginning to wonder........
Quote by Mac69
On another note, have I upset anyone? I seem to be the KoD (Kiss of Death) to many of the recent threads.....
:cry: :cry: :cry:

Well wont let you kill this one smile A good well thought out series of posts that deserves a place for a while on the top page.
I thought I'd put my thoughts on here even though I'm not entirely sure what they are.
I know SH has been a reponsible for a large portion of my social life over the last few months and that I have met some lovely people through it. I have been able to post on here and explore sides of my personality and sexuallity that I would not otherwise had the the chance to. I have also had some very good laughs reading some of the great stuff on here.
The downside is I know very well that I have a habit of shouting my mouth off on occasion and getting way too involved in a good argument to accept when I should just shut up. I think the forum has evolved a lot in the last 3 months and that maybe I haven't changed with it - I don't have the time to keep up with pages of threads that change every few hours and so long as that is happening I don't see myself coming in here as often as I used to or having as much fun as I used to.
For me SH is still alive and well in the Munches, socials and parties as I get the chance to see people I know in person and have a laugh with them. But if it wasn't for that I don't think I would stay. There are still lots of people I want to get to know but I feel that my posts mean less and less to other people in here as the site gets busier. Often now I will pm someone I know if I see them post something funny or thought provoking rather than reply on a thread and that seems to be a trend that is becoming common amongst the longer term members.
I don't know the solution to the problem or even if to a lot of people there even is a problem. Maybe it is time to retire from the site gracefully and let newer members take over - there are still new people joining faster than ever so something about it makes it very popular. Someone posted many months ago about the fact that they felt there were definate cliques and that they didn't fit in, at the time I treated the post very cynically, now I find myself in the same position. I have a few close friends from here but I think that is all I will ever have.
Sorry for the long rambling post and I don't know if I've really said anything that has made sense but I am going to post and be damned anyway.
Swinging Heaven and some of its members will always have a special place in my mind, as long as I'm still welcome I will pop in and out and try and turn up to as many events as I have the time and money for. However I can no longer seem to find a place for myself in here as a regular poster.
Roger the Dragon. cool
Quote by rogerthedragon
Swinging Heaven and some of its members will always have a special place in my mind, as long as I'm still welcome I will pop in and out and try and turn up to as many events as I have the time and money for. However I can no longer seem to find a place for myself in here as a regular poster.
Roger the Dragon. cool

Roger, an excellent post and you have no idea you how much this part of you post reflects my own current feelings.
C x
Not a hell of a lot I can add to this - as all I really have to say has been said in one way or another. I have found myself visiting less and less recently mainly through pressures of trying to earn a bit of money (I resigned on Friday - so I bluddy well need the money now!), but I do know that I used to log on just to have a look, only to find myself still on reading and interacting hours later! Going "I really must go to bed". For some reason that doesn't happen that much lately. Maybe it is just a case of me having been here a while now and therefore falling into that trap of "oh no - that one again". And yes I have been guilty of using the old "search button is your friend" line. But then - I remember that being much the same when I joined. As others have said before me - it appears to be cyclical. Maybe I get a little pissed off becuase when I joined I sat back and tried to "behave" myself (which didn't always work when I was pissed in charge of keyboard confused ), and used the search button etc etc. Maybe I should just get off my high horse and admit that I was just a "creep" wink
What I CAN say is that, even if I don't join in that much anymore - when I felt lower than low last weekend - there was one place I knew I could turn for support. Here! This place. (In fact - when my swinging partner couldn't get hold of me she knew where to find me. She doesn't use the forum - but that day she came here becuase she said she knew she'd find me here!)
I turned to my friends on here and they didn't let me down! They - YOU - lifted me up and put me back on my feet again - both old regulars AND newbies! And that is what the core of this place is still very much about. Well, in my opinion anyway. We may argue, we may have clicques, we may fall out - but we also stand together in support when we need to. I have seen that more than once! And I know that I will always feel the same way about the site.
One thing I am going to pick you out on oh wise friend - is the following.
Quote by the_Laird
Does it make any difference if someone is married or not? If they are honest enough to declare it up front then you have a choice to meet with them or not but do you have the right to question their moral standing or go off on a finger waving exercise?

I think we all have a right to express our views and opinions. My opinions on married men on here is well known, and here is not the place to go into them, BUT, with this subject, and many others - the spirit of the forum is such that we should (and I do) feel okay to express an opinion openely and honestly. The thing is to ensure that you are expressing an opinion and offering advice where it is asked for. Not flaming or abusing.
Haven't a clue whether that makes any sense at all as I am knackered and ready for my bed - but IIjust wanted to add my tuppence to a thought provoking post!
aRSexx :color:
As a new member - allbeit one who is trying to get to know folks and take things slowly - this discussion sems to reflect that SH is possibly becoming a victim of its own success.
It appears to me that the "old guard" may have built up an excellent community that works for them and is so attractive that it is bringing in new people that want to join in. There will always be the idiots or trolls of course and the best way to deal with them is to ignore them and let their posts simply drop off the page.
Personnally, although I may feel more in tune with some of the "old guard" as I find text speak, bad English etc. difficult to follow people must also recognise that new members and their views are what keeps the site going - if you do not agree with something then say so as it will open up a discussion.
There must be room for all sorts here whether you are old guard or a newbie and it can not be that hard to join in the threads you feel happy with, have a joke with etc. and let others join in the threads that they feel happy with but not get upset with those that you do not like. Again personally, I do not want to waste time talking about which CD I am listening to but clearly some people find this a good topic of conversation. We do not have to be part of every thread or every discussion here!
Having spent some time looking at other sites I still believe that SH is one of the best - and that is thanks to the attitude of the members who support (in general) the moderators so I am not going to have a go at them!
I feel I can relate to some of the humour and banter of the "old guard" but perhaps that is because I am on the same wave length as they are - I hope to God they stay because they make the place interesting for me.
So, what is the message? New members are essential for the SH site to continue, Mods need to be more vigilent and work harder as more people join in, members need to be more understanding of others and yet be prepared to accept that as the site grows cliques will inevitabbly form and that people within those groups will develop their own jokes, fun catch phrases that up to now have been exclusive to the whole - but much smaller site.
Right, that is it! Am off to bed and will discuss with anybody else tomorrow!
I have also noticed that whilst some threads are locked as being seen as redundant or offensive,some are left open to provide a form of perverse entertainment. These usually being where someone is attempting to hold an offensive or absurd conversation, both of which generate even more abuse and offensive remarks and even more redundant and inane conversation.
What McCloggie said! :thumbup:
The site is evolving. People are evolving. The very fact that this thread has been started, and contributors contributing suggests that what is being said is also being heard. I've just sat here reading through and nodding my head in agreement to everything that has been said.
Why everything ? - its all different perspectives.
I don't correct people's spelling because, a) both my kids have dyslexia and i KNOW the efforts that have to go into the postings without consideration of the grammer and punctuation. Neither of my kids are stupid, there IQ is well above mine, but there problems extend to both short term memory difficulties and sequential memory difficulties. b) If i was to concentrate on all the grammatical errors/spelling errors, then i might miss the point that the poster was trying to make. Damn shame when someone has taken twice as long to post a piece that looks as though half the effort has been put in.
I also refuse to kick off about how others pull people up for there spelling up etc. My views on the subject are expressed above, the people who do all the corrections have the same right to be as opinionated as i am. Perhaps the difference is that i respect there right to moan about it.
I respect the right of married people to be here, single people to be here, married and cheating etc etc. My life so far has determined where i am. I am in no position to make critisism of where someone elses life has brought them or why. Again, i'm not in a positon to agree or disagree.
I'm sooooooooo not perfect. I love the fact that i'm not perfect. I love the fact that part of me is an unsociable bastard who can't be arsed to post something witty and funny, or who can't be arsed to send really nice and cute pm's to folk. As a not perfect being, as a not perfect being who loves the fact, accepts the fact that i'm not perfect, means that i respect everyone elses RIGHT to not be perfect either.
When someone comes along who is nothing more than an arsehole, it amuses me somewhat. They are my interpretation of a perfect arsehole. When someone moans like feck, i love the fact that i can moan along with them. The site is a whole encompassing community. All walks of life, professions, personalities etc. When we recognise in others something of ourselves, we can learn/or not learn something valuable.
The posts that go up now are exactly what the posts are. When you recognise a post which has been done to "absolute death" its because we have had the opportunity to form our opinions on somehting. We've been here, involved in the thread, been in the evolution of that thread. Newbies have just come on board. There mentality has by definition of them being newbies, have not had the benefit of the "done to death" threads.
My point ? - sometimes i wish i new what the point was. Perhaps its, when a perfect being comes along and shows me a different way of doing things, i'll stop doing what i'm doing now. Perhaps i'm learning how to be a perfect being. Perhaps i already am a perfect being with things to learn. Perhaps we are ALL perfect beings with our own stuff to learn. Perfect arseholes???
This has turned into a big long speel on nothingness, so i'll disappear back to being an unsociable bastard.
Lots of love, hugs, kisses, respect and tollerance,