a perfectly good, perfectly working PIII, available to me on fairly advantageous terms, has not been the same since being dropped onto a bed during a routine surgical procedure. ((( swapping out a modem! and t'was not me i might add!!! ))) it has refused to work in one way or another ever since. given that i'm still running a P133, i'm quite keen to get the bleeder running!((( USB??? graphics card??? stereo sound??? versions of windows with letters after the . . erm . . windows bit??? what's all that then!!!

at first the entire pc was dead, but after opening up the machine, and checking through the motherboard manual i found i've managed to get the tower to power-up at least . . . . the keyboard lights flash once, the cd, hd and fd activity lights all glow steadily, the cd whirrs away happily to itself, and that's it. the hd obviously isn't even attempting to spin up and boot, nor can i boot from a floppy, and even though all the lights are on, there's just nobody home!! the hd and fd stay lit but silent. the monitor doesn't switch on, the cd burbles away for a bit, and that's as far as it gets. so out with the screwdrivers! ((( have you ever read any of my "so-called" technical advice??? invariably just plain wrong . . . . but i have high hopes of bringing this patient back!!! :lol: )))
i've already completely dismantled and rebuilt, and discovered a scratch on the underside of the motherboard, lightly cutting across the tracks leading to one of the IDE connectors ((( or possibly the floppy, i forget! t'is definitely a disk drive connector of some description though! ;-) ))) but i reckon that scratch has been there ages and has not now become a problem. the motherboard was pretty secure, and couldn't possibly move that much. everything that should be connected seems to be . . erm . . connected, all the jumpers look fine, the monitor works on a different pc, whereas a different monitor still refuses to work with this faulty one. so i'm guessing some kind of major motherboard problem, but short of totally disassembling two pc's and swapping bits and bobs to isolate the fault to a particular component ((( which funnily enough i'm a little reluctant to do ))) i have no idea what to do now to narrow down the problem???
i've tried everything ((( in an admittedly limited arsenal! ))) that i can think of! i've checked all connectors again during a complete rebuild, done strictly according to instructions. i've tried every possible combination of drive, cable and connector, whether unplugged altogether, plugged in on it's own cable to either IDE connector, or slaved on a single cable. all to no avail. exactly the same sequence every time i power-up. i get the right lights on the case depending what's plugged in, so just the hd on either IDE channel lights the hd, the cd either lights once then goes quiet when unplugged, or spins a bit when plugged in, the floppy does nowt but the light on the case comes on when it's plugged in! so again looks like a motherboard problem rather than a component plugged into it! any ideas what to do next??? i've no idea whatsoever :dunno:
a pint at the munch for all suggestions, other than "it's broke, bin it, buy a new one!" :lol2: it's a Celeron 533 on a switchable 66/100/133 MHz FSB with on-board, integrated, everything, so not too much to go wrong!!?? i have another faster processor ready to plug in, with a few more bits and pieces from cannibalised PII's that i can possibly build in. i know i can buy a suitable second hand motherboard for 20-30 quid or so, but i'd really like to be certain it is a motherboard problem before i shell for a new one! ;-)
neil ;-)