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pedantry or tolerance

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A pedant is a person who is overly concerned with formalism and precision, or who makes a show of his learning (yes, I did get that directly from wikipedia).
As I get older I'm becoming less tolerant with textspeak. Or Wogan (beyond criticism normally) picking on people who say "where are you sat?" instead of "sitting".
So what gets your goat?
Absolutely agree on the textspeak. Wonder if people know the correct way to spell these words!
What gets our goat? Hyped up adverts like 'Mr T' in whatever he (or double) advertise where its shouted at you. GET IT!!!!!
Incorrect grammar. I'm not perfect, far from it, but incorrect grammar really riles me.
text speak gets to me too, especially when people use proper keyboards to do it.
I also hate 133+ 4ax0r speak, though happily you see less of that these days.
Oddly I am perfetly happy with using lol as punctuation, though. And these. :borg:
And while I'm here, I really used to hate bABYg0tHs Wh0 TYpEd liKe +H15 aLl tHe tIme cUz iT waS coNsiDEred Kew1.
I'm not sure if they still do that, but I bet they do...
People and customers at work who, when I explain I can't hear them very well Speak Very Slowly, Raise Their Voice and Over Exaggerate Their Mouth Movements Thinking That They Are "Helping" Me Understand Them. All I need them to do is face me so that the sound is coming towards me and to speak normally, rather than talking like a 45 record being played at 33 speed rolleyes
Arseholes :-? banghead
The one thing I hate is people who wait for car parking spaces :-x They dont know if you still have 20 kids in the store or where ever it is. I never wait for spaces I always drive until I find one. It really pisses me off in small car parks when some arse decides to wait for the space of an 80's plus couple who have 20 bags of shopping to go in the boot. You cant get past them so you are now forced to wait as well banghead
When I was a white van man window cleaner I used to get some revenge :twisted: I would arrive at my van with ladder etc in a very busy multi storey car park in wales. Always someone would pull up and wait even though I had quite a bit of equipment to go in the van at times. I would take my time putting it all away. Sometimes I'd get in the back of the van and waste time lol Then I would get in the drivers seat sit down and ... get my lunch out :mrgreen: I would then really rub it in by waiting for them to get 5-6 spaces up the car park then pull out behind them letting the next car round the corner into the space.
I am probably very sad but It really does get my goat.
Quote by Kaznkev
ppl who cannot use the possevive and confuse it with the plural s
ffs i taught taiwanese 7 yr olds it
And you are BORED WITH! somthing ok!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did i mention i was an english teacher?
wanders away looking for shopsigns to correct

Ooops!!!!! lol
Quote by Mal
ppl who cannot use the possevive and confuse it with the plural s
ffs i taught taiwanese 7 yr olds it
And you are BORED WITH! somthing ok!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did i mention i was an english teacher?
wanders away looking for shopsigns to correct

Ooops!!!!! lol
Bloody pedants!
:giggle: bolt
There are many things about the use of language that get my goat.
One is a certain phrase - 'the wife'.
THE wife???? FFS - you say THE dog, THE car not THE wife!
It desexes her, it desocialises her, it makes her non-human.
What's wrong with MY wife, my DEAR wife, the LOVE of my life. Seriously - if I was referred to as THE wife, someone would get a swift slap to remind him I am a PERSON! (Actually I know he never would - but that's cos he's lovely biggrin)
Non-capitalisation of the personal pronoun 'I'.
You're important people, give yourselves a big important letter to show it!
wink I could go on... but I won't!
Waiting to park in a car park space while the driver pack's there ladders into there van, some times they seem to get in the back of there van just to waist time. I remember one really bad occation I gave up when the driver started to eat his lunch, no sooner than I got 5-6 spaces up the carpark and he pulled out letting the next car round the corner into my space banghead unreal, White van man lol
Loads of things really annoy me:
saying are when you mean our or your when you mean you're
Middle lane drivers on the motorway
Too much perfume .... ffs, why do people feel the need to smell like a whore's handbag?
Bad customer service .... in fact bad manners, they cost nothing!!
errrrrmmmm ......
Oh and why do people axe things instead of asking??
There are loads more but I dont want to sound like a right grouchbag!!! lol
people who take life too seriously.................rolleyes
Quote by Funlovers2009
Bad customer service .... in fact bad manners, they cost nothing!!

And I'd love to have one day at work where every single customer I deal with remembers the same thing.
Ain't gonna happen though rolleyes
Quote by Bluefish2009
Waiting to park in a car park space while the driver pack's there ladders into there van, some times they seem to get in the back of there van just to waist time. I remember one really bad occation I gave up when the driver started to eat his lunch, no sooner than I got 5-6 spaces up the carpark and he pulled out letting the next car round the corner into my space banghead unreal, White van man lol

I was taking this seriously till I realised I had read it before somewhere
I am a pedant, though I have some tolerance.
I don't mind txtspk too much in a txt from a mobile, though always type mine in full with correct punctuation.
In fora such as this, or in informal emails, I can forgive the odd typo, misspelling, lack of punctuation etc., though if more than once every couple of sentences, I lose respect for the sender/poster. I mean, if they can't even be bothered to spell check!
Phonetic typing turns me right off - wot ya fink?
In formal email and other written correspondence, I am a grammatical nazi. If I ever received a CV or covering letter which had more than a couple of errors in it, it would go straight in the bin unread. Likewise for suppliers' letters and marketing literature.
When going through my divorce, acting in person (i.e. without a solicitor), I would correct letters from my ex-wife's solicitor in red pen and send them back, stating that until they re-wrote the letter incorporating the corrections, I could not possibly respond. I further castigated them on several occasions for their errors, material inaccuracies, incompetence and failure to honour their legal obligations. They hated me biggrin
Pedantry andtolerance :angel:
Quote by Dave__Notts
Waiting to park in a car park space while the driver pack's there ladders into there van, some times they seem to get in the back of there van just to waist time. I remember one really bad occation I gave up when the driver started to eat his lunch, no sooner than I got 5-6 spaces up the carpark and he pulled out letting the next car round the corner into my space banghead unreal, White van man lol

I was taking this seriously till I realised I had read it before somewhere
I thougth after writing, hope no one takes it seriously wink
Quote by Bluefish2009
Waiting to park in a car park space while the driver pack's there ladders into there van, some times they seem to get in the back of there van just to waist time. I remember one really bad occation I gave up when the driver started to eat his lunch, no sooner than I got 5-6 spaces up the carpark and he pulled out letting the next car round the corner into my space banghead unreal, White van man lol

I was taking this seriously till I realised I had read it before somewhere
I thougth after writing, hope no one takes it seriously wink
I gave up being a white ban man years ago or rather after being fired from the third cleaning company I got a site based job smile
Another thing that gets my goat, people who dont control their kids in public grrrr evil
Another thing that gets my goat, people who dont control their kids in public grrrr evil
Yes this one I must agree with, It so much worse when you find your self telling your children not to do some thing and they look confused and say, "but they are doing it"
Quote by Bluefish2009
Another thing that gets my goat, people who dont control their kids in public grrrr evil
Yes this one I must agree with, It so much worse when you find your self telling your children not to do some thing and they look confused and say, "but they are doing it"

Or "but Dad's doing it!". That was followed by "yes, but YOU are being brought up - not dragged up".
Quote by Ms_Whips
I am a pedant, though I have some tolerance.
I don't mind txtspk too much in a txt from a mobile, though always type mine in full with correct punctuation.
In fora such as this, or in informal emails, I can forgive the odd typo, misspelling, lack of punctuation etc., though if more than once every couple of sentences, I lose respect for the sender/poster. I mean, if they can't even be bothered to spell check!
Phonetic typing turns me right off - wot ya fink?
In formal email and other written correspondence, I am a grammatical nazi. If I ever received a CV or covering letter which had more than a couple of errors in it, it would go straight in the bin unread. Likewise for suppliers' letters and marketing literature.
When going through my divorce, acting in person (i.e. without a solicitor), I would correct letters from my ex-wife's solicitor in red pen and send them back, stating that until they re-wrote the letter incorporating the corrections, I could not possibly respond. I further castigated them on several occasions for their errors, material inaccuracies, incompetence and failure to honour their legal obligations. They hated me biggrin

oh my god, someone like me! :D
smile I think it's important to have standards
I used to be annoyingly pedantic. Then I realised that some of the most intelligent people I know are dyslexic- and that I'd been guilty of being judgmental in the past about people with literacy problems.
My best mate recently finished her degree. She's dyslexic and dyspraxic, so she struggled terribly, but she got through it. In the career she had before, she was only the third woman in the world to qualify. She was at the top of her game in many respects- but she still mistakes "should have" for "should of."
My other other half is incredibly knowledgeable, he can enrapture groups of people for hours on end...has technical qualifications galore, and a wealth of experience. Oh, and he can speak Spanish- ask Splendid lol However, he can barely string a sentence together in type- you almost need a translator at times. The spoken word is his medium. Again, he's dyslexic, and has problems with his vision which don't help.
It's in my nature to be pedantic, but the last few years have taught me not to be a judgemental cow. Unless it's the spelling of the word "kareoke" on a pub sign. I really do think that you should leave the signwriting to someone who can spell. :doh:
Person: "... can I get...*...?"
(* insert some form of frothed coffee rare-bean concoction, perhaps with an equally rarely sourced and indeed priced pastry)
"..."can you get"?... hmm, now let me see Madam, yes I suppose you could, however the process may be a little lengthy. Let me give you our head office address. Write to Emma in HR and I'm sure she would be happy to send along an applocation form, we must have vacancies in several branches. Perhaps even one near you for convenience.
After acceptance and training (without being smarmy madam if you'll excuse me, I'm sure you would be offered the opportunity... someone as obviously inteligent and witty, attractive and dare I say personable as ourself would be a sought after asset within the Coffee Klub Rare-Brews community) you could well find yourself behind the counter and thrilling to the lively atmosphere of the work place. So there you have it, perhaps a couple of month's, and indeed you might be able to get a coffee ..
... in the meantime, would you like me to get one for you?
did you actually mean; "could I have.... *?"
if I'm mistaken Madam, please excuse, perhaps you'd like to fuck off home and get your own!?"
((other coffee outlets available))
That reminds me of a time I was training and the head honcho's son- a teacher- was taking the session. One of the teenage girls asked him "can I go for a wee quick?" He replied "I don't know, can you?" 5 minutes later, she was still wondering why she wasn't allowed to go to the toilet- I had to tell her. lol
people who begin or end a sentence with basically.
and 'if you get my meaning'
NO! i dont! basically fuck off! :twisted:
and those who say 'oh sorry,did i say that out loud!'
eat my fist you cunt!
Quote by tyracer
people who begin or end a sentence with basically.
and 'if you get my meaning'
NO! i dont! basically fuck off! :twisted:
and those who say 'oh sorry,did i say that out loud!'
eat my fist you cunt!
i like your style!
people who answer anything with 'yeah no'..............