A pedant is a person who is overly concerned with formalism and precision, or who makes a show of his learning (yes, I did get that directly from wikipedia).
As I get older I'm becoming less tolerant with textspeak. Or Wogan (beyond criticism normally) picking on people who say "where are you sat?" instead of "sitting".
So what gets your goat?
Absolutely agree on the textspeak. Wonder if people know the correct way to spell these words!
What gets our goat? Hyped up adverts like 'Mr T' in whatever he (or double) advertise where its shouted at you. GET IT!!!!!
Incorrect grammar. I'm not perfect, far from it, but incorrect grammar really riles me.
text speak gets to me too, especially when people use proper keyboards to do it.
I also hate 133+ 4ax0r speak, though happily you see less of that these days.
Oddly I am perfetly happy with using lol as punctuation, though. And these. :borg:
And while I'm here, I really used to hate bABYg0tHs Wh0 TYpEd liKe +H15 aLl tHe tIme cUz iT waS coNsiDEred Kew1.
I'm not sure if they still do that, but I bet they do...
Pedantry andtolerance :angel:
Person: "... can I get...*...?"
(* insert some form of frothed coffee rare-bean concoction, perhaps with an equally rarely sourced and indeed priced pastry)
"..."can you get"?... hmm, now let me see Madam, yes I suppose you could, however the process may be a little lengthy. Let me give you our head office address. Write to Emma in HR and I'm sure she would be happy to send along an applocation form, we must have vacancies in several branches. Perhaps even one near you for convenience.
After acceptance and training (without being smarmy madam if you'll excuse me, I'm sure you would be offered the opportunity... someone as obviously inteligent and witty, attractive and dare I say personable as ourself would be a sought after asset within the Coffee Klub Rare-Brews community) you could well find yourself behind the counter and thrilling to the lively atmosphere of the work place. So there you have it, perhaps a couple of month's, and indeed you might be able to get a coffee ..
... in the meantime, would you like me to get one for you?
did you actually mean; "could I have.... *?"
if I'm mistaken Madam, please excuse, perhaps you'd like to fuck off home and get your own!?"
((other coffee outlets available))
people who begin or end a sentence with basically.
and 'if you get my meaning'
NO! i dont! basically fuck off! :twisted:
and those who say 'oh sorry,did i say that out loud!'
eat my fist you cunt!
people who answer anything with 'yeah no'..............