I've got 9 litres, anyone fancy a shag?
warwick you'll be telling me that this site has ladies next!
I'd be intersted to know what the SH Mini owners club meetings are like
(do I sound sad?)
I think this is what you are looking for:
well Bella, mine is both a mini and an old banger - and the cars not bad either (ho ho.. ahem)
anyway, I can't complain, as I've been told that 3 inches is VVVWE !!
thanks for the thread Bilko.
I think Roger you may be bigging your flash car up or is that bigging it down to make it sound unflash..
Erm is that right ?? c'mon tell us the truth.
My 1.5 litre Rover,... is a labrador with a bladder problem
Erm Roger. It may be small, but it is also flash. But I must admit yes yes yes it is a lovely car.
It wont let me put my pic on.....
It was a TVR Cerbera........
re joing a mini club
10 secs on google , sure there are others. Join one today , they are not all full of bearded men who are walking encyclopedias with the charisma of a soggy sump gasket . e.g. I am clean shaven , well one end .
i drive.......
.. men to distraction!!!!!!!!!
I have some very odd ideas about cars - I think that they are MODES OF TRANSPORT - and not lifestyle accessories, penis extensions, status symbols etc
but then I'm just wierd